Last Hope Chapter 1 Part 4 Willy (FluffySadist)


You are a black and white tuxedo Pegasus colt you have volunteered to leave your nest and find food for you’re family your were told to seek out Merlin so he could help. And after a long day of searching finding Merlin following him and even getting into a fight you were able to make him agree to help. You were told that there was a place known as Breadbasket that had lots of food but to get there would be no easy feat. there were outlaws all across and even some other vague ‘group’ you tried asking Merlin for more context but he always brushed it aside and that if you were to get to Breadbasket you needed training using the knife from a thug who scarred your face you began. A few days have passed since than a lot has changed since than firstly you’re no longer a baby as during a second day of training when going to get a drink of water you could notice you’re mane starting to come in! It was a dark brown color not you’re first pick but after looking some time you started to like it as it complemented your coat nicely. Secondly Merlin began throwing around the idea of giving me my name I’m conflicted as in most families either when colt’s start growing there manes or when they have done something impressive there father’s give them there name it could be anything a talent they possess a nickname they already had for there son or just something random this also applies vise versa to mothers and there filly’s as well. But I don’t have my dad it would make me an exception amongst others coincidently the only other exception I know is Merlin he mentioned once while on break that once he heard what his father was going to name him he completely rejected it and it wasn’t an easy rejection either as when his family heard he didn’t accept the name they gave him. He almost got disowned and kicked out by his family. The training hasn’t been easy for almost all day it has been building muscle and learning to use the knife as a sword Merlin isn’t the most skilled with a sword or exercise. But through hard work you can feel yourself getting stronger more confident and better skilled with the weapon.

but this day is different today you will not be training as Merlin as finally decided you’re good enough not perfect but due to the time sensitive situation we have to start heading out soon. you are out in the market going to get some supplies for the journey Merlin is out to going to talk with Benezi about getting his job back when he returns when you enter the food section of the market you start going around buying the supplies when at a food stall you heard a fluffy say something that made you’re heart start to race “did 'ou heaw that fwuffie that got attacked at dawk time few days ago am finawwy awake” “that’s cwazy” the shopkeeper responded “awso poow Wiwwy am bein’ kicked out of that owphanage fwuffy heawd poow thin’ dewe’s nu way Wiwwy am goin’ to suwbibe out dewe.” I didn’t hear the second rumor as I was so nervous. As the fluffy says that he leaves and than I go and pay for the supplies. I am in complete shock that debt collector could still remember me and when he tells his boss she will probably send every goon she has to kill both me and Merlin I try not to think about it knowing were going to leave today and they will have no idea where we are. While walking with all the supplies collected I start heading home quietly whistling to myself when suddenly I hit something for a few seconds I’m a little dazed but when I get to my senses I couldn’t believe what I was seeing. Infront of me was a giant orange Pegasus toughie with a small tuff of what was supposed to be a a purple mane he was massive both in both fat and pure muscle and by the look on his face it showed he was in extreme distraught with tears flowing down his eyes and when he looked down he started to speak.

“WIWWY HAB NU HOUSIE NU MOWE HAB WOWSTES HEAWT HURTIES NEE HUGGIES!” as he says that he picks me up and gives me the tightest hug I’ve ever experienced. By the way he talks and acts I could tell this toughie Willy has variation of SBS-(Sensitive Baby Syndrome) not to severe as he could talk and also had the proportions of an adult fluffy but also didn’t fully have his mane witch is a key indicator. Willy seemed to have calmed a bit as the hug seemed to make him feel better and eventually he let me go. “Pwease be nyu daddeh fo’ wiwwy!” I’m caught completely by surprise by this request I have no idea how to respond on one hand why should I take in some random Fluffy I just met! and one the second I felt both sorry and a little scared as he has no home and also I feel like if I reject him it could make him mad and he has the strength to easily crush every bone in my body. “Um wook 'ou wook pwetty sad if ‘ou wan’ we couwd take a wawk it couwd make yo feew bettew!” I say this having no idea how Willy is going to react “Weawwy fank ou nyu Daddeh!” Willy says this as his tears of pain turn to happiness and he gives me another squeeze hug I take a sigh as I start to realize what I’ve just gotten myself in to.

As we start walking back to Merlin’s house I’m mostly able to grasp who Willy was. It seems like his Mummah had abandoned him when she found out he was a “dummeh Babbeh” he spent most of his life in a orphanage for other abandoned fluffies I felt bad for him as when he was talking about his experiences it seemed like he was bullied a lot and that bullying led to him getting kicked out as the day before while being mocked by another Orphan there was an “incident” and well let’s just say that orphan will never be mocking anyone again. “wait 'ou fwew him su faw it wooked wike fwyin?” I say “yup” says willy with a comedic tone. We both start laughing as after getting to know Willy I’m genuinely starting to like him just by hearing some of these stories it was like I just met the strongest fluffy alive and than comes an idea. If Willy were to come with us on our journey we wouldn’t have to deal with most outlaws and bandits as they would be to scared to even come close to us but I still conflicted as if we only prepared enough supplies for two fluffies not for a third who’d probably need double what we usually eat Id have to talk it over with Merlin. “Wiwwy just to wet ‘ou know that soon am gon’ meet Mewwin Fwuffy’s uncwe am gon’ tawk to him about wettin’ 'ou stay buh if Mewwin wefuses wiww ‘ou be otay’?” I had no idea how Willy was going to react and than he spoke “Wiwwy knows it otay” he says this with a few sniffles as we are walking with Merlin’s house only in the distance. suddenly two fluffies appear out of the shadows both carrying knives and with eyes desiring revenge.

“wook who we hab hewe spot dah guy wesponsibwe fo’ sickwe’s ‘accident’s’.” the Fluffy saying this has a bright brown coat with a black man cut into a mohawk and also has scar down his left check. “Yeah scawface dis am dah guy ‘cos of ‘ou sickwe won’t stahp shittin’ himsewf an’ dah boss am pissed she put an bounty on ‘ou an’ whewe hewe to cowwect 'ou wewen’t that hawd to find.” The Fluffy saying this is also brown but darker with a mane of yellow and on his face was a burn mark on his neck that made him look like he had a spot. Spot throws down a piece of paper with a crude recreation of you with dollar signs underneath and a skull showing that this bounty is wanted dead. Willy is scared by the scary looking fluffies he goes hiding behind me. I pull out my sword and prepare for the fight of my life. If this was only a 1 on 1 I might have been able to maybe beat them but it was not. I was able to dodge the first couple of attack and even scratch Scarface but they were to much as soon I was easily overwhelmed I desperate bid I called to Willy “WIWWY HEWP SABE NYU DADDEH” Willy who at that time was still cowering hearing me about to get hurt got up and stared charging at them in a blind rage “NU HUWT DADDEH!” the first one to get hit was Spot who was thrown across the road hitting a pillar with a loud crack next was Scarface who noticed what was going on was able to dodge a few of Willy’s attack but eventually got punched in the stomach with sound of several ribs breaking and falling to throwing up a mixture of food and blood everywhere. “Stahp Scawface an Spot suwwendah just stahp!” he says this in the frantic tone I get up a little disheveled but still in one piece. “iww wet 'ou go buh teww bwoody mawy if 'she ebah twy to gib owwies to Wiwwy ow Mewwin ow Fwuffy ebah again she wiww be sowwy!” Scarface gets up in a panic trying to leave spot calls out to him “HEWP HEWP NU FEEW BACK WEGGIES HEWP SCAWFACE! MUMMAH! HEWP!” noticing how Spot is probably now paralyzed for the rest of his life I felt a little bad he is in complete tears and is crying out to his Mummah and chirping. And made a reminder to myself to never make Willy mad. Scarface did eventually come back and picks up his crippled comrade and leaves.

After the fight it only takes us a few minutes to make it back to Merlin’s house it seems he is inside but to try to break the news to him in the best way possible. I tell Willy to wait outside while go inside. “Hewwo Mewwin how wewe things wiff Benezi” Merlin looks more disheveled then I do but he has a smile on his face “wet’s just say we had nice wong ‘peacefuw’ conbewsation buh hey Mewwin got his job back! 'ou got dah suppwies yes?” I open my backpack and put the supplies down “Gud we can stawt mobin’ nao!” Merlin says this with a smile on his face. "Hey Mewwin since ‘ou wewe tawkin’ about how we had to weabe befowe Fwuffy’s twainin’ was compwete an’ that things couwd get dangewoues Fwuffy found some ugh ‘extwa hewp’ " I say this giving a nervous smile “WHAT!” Merlin says as he spits out his drink and heads outside without a second thought just to be greeted by the shadow of Willy who as soon as he exits picks him up to give him a hug and a few seconds later picks me up when I get outside. “'Ou see Mewwin wiff wiwwy on ouw side nobody wiww mess wiff us!” As I say this Merlin looks completely unamused half by me bringing Willy here and the other half being given a squeeze hug “Wiwwy wub boff neu an’ owd daddeh’s!” “Wiwwy cawws ‘ou daddeh! how about dis if Wiwwy goin’ to tag awong Wiwwy gon’ num youw nummies not mine!” the response is a lot better than you were expecting Merlin must have seen something in him knowing his pure size this trip is now a lot safe looking back at Merlin he still has unamused look on his face probably still thinking about the old comment Willy said and he puts us down and I have talk with him while Merlin heads back inside getting the last of his things before we leave "Wiwwy Fwuffy guess am apawt of dah famiwy nao an’ Fwuffy guess im nao am neu Daddeh su make Fwuffy Daddeh pwoud! " after I say this Willy starts to cry a little finally finding the family that he was searching for his whole life.

[Willy has joined the party!]

Once everything is packed we slowly started walking to the exit picking up a few more supplies for our new family member and even getting to say goodbye to Benezi who Merlin tried not to look at after that I shared some of the stories of how I found him how he was bullied at and the orphanage and even on some of his feats with the bounty hunters after hearing these stories Merlin started treating to treat Willy a lot better even asking him a few questions about his life and soon turned to me. "'ou know what kid what ‘ou did fo’ wiwwy obah hewe takes a fwuffie wiff a big souw most wouwdn’t hab eben bothewed. ‘ou know what Mewwin just got an idea am name Mewwin was thinkin’ about it some gud and wet’s just say Mewwin had wots of not su nice names when Mewwin fiwst saw wiwwy buh Mewwin thinks he has it. “What!” to be honest the anticipation started killing me not knowing! “souw that’s what you hab Kid wots’s of it su nebah wose it Souw.” Soul after a few seconds of thinking you turn back to Merlin with a warm grin “Souw wobes that name fank 'ou Step Daddeh.” Just by saying that I could see Merlin start to tear up and a few seconds later he gives me a hug soon joined by Willy “Wiwwy awso wub Daddehs nyu name Daddeh” soon after we arrived at the exit of Green Roof looking back one last time we head out beginning our long walk to Breadbasket. Fin

Thank you For reading my story! to be honest the ending of this part even made me start to tear up thanks again for reading. Constructive criticism is always appreciated and hope to have the next part out in a few days.

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