Last Hope Chapter 1 Part 5 The Fluffy In The White Mask (FluffySadist)


You’re name is Soul you are a black and white tuxedo Pegasus with a growing dark brown mane. A few days ago you volunteered to go out in search for food for you’re family after locating you’re uncle Merlin at a frontier city called Green Roof and getting into a fight. Merlin brought you back to his home to heal and you were able to make him agree to help for the next few days you were training as the place to get enough for you’re family Breadbasket was on a pretty dangerous route and would require you process al least some combat capabilities during the last day before leaving Green Roof as walking home after getting some supplies you met the most peculiar Fluffy an orange Pegasus and a tuff of purple he was a toughie with a variation of SBS(Sensitive Baby Syndrome) named Willy. And after some talking and getting into a fight where he if not for him you would have surely perished he was recruited to join with mixed reactions but eventual acceptance from Merlin you’re journey now you are off

When starting the first couple of hours were pretty uneventful once you exited you noticed there wasn’t as much snow as when you first came in and the weather was a lot warmer other than that it was mostly just looking around seeing the state of everything. almost all the buildings you walked past looked completely desolate. Broken windows collapsed roofs and some that were just rubble it creeped you out a little bit we once even saw a guard outpost the building was pretty tall and mostly intact one of the guards even waved and the others once seeing us went to go write something down you didn’t know what after awhile of walking you kind of of had this dizzying feeling all this walking and seeing the some types of destroyed buildings made it feel like you were in a giant labyrinth a maze with no exit occasionally you’d take a left or right. You had no clue how Merlin knew these things sometimes he’d look at a piece of paper but mostly it was just him telling stories trying to keep me but mostly Willy entertained. Most were from his childhood or some were from previous adventures most sounded completely insane like one time he was traveling with two other fluffies in the sewer hired to look for a safer passage to place called New Junction. They accidently took a wrong turn down some pipes and Merlin swears that for a few seconds he saw mole people before running back to Top Land. After some more walking Merlin decided it was a good time rest for the next since it was getting dark out and to be honest just by looking at us you could tell we were exhausted. After laying our stuff down Merlin went to get some stuff to start a small fire while Willy the second he sat down almost immediately fell into a deep sleep. Lying down you looked up to the look at all the small bright things the illuminated that dark sky the the large bright thing in the shape of a crescent. To be honest you felt out peace looking up and that was that until you noticed something it was small but on the corner of your eye could see what seemed to be a figure it looked like a fluffy but it was wearing something when trying to get a better look the figure was gone. You were confused for a few seconds but looked back just assuming it was you’re eyes playing tricks on you.

“hey souw Mewwin finawwy found dah things to stawt dah buwnies!” Merlin goes putting dried leaves and sticks into a single spot and once he does that he begins rubbing to rocks together. “if we continue at dis wate we shouwd be at Bweadbasket in awound two an’ hawf days” as he says this Merlin is finally able to get a light and soon he sits with me looking up. “We’be been pwetty wucky it seems nu wun ins wiff any wet’s just say ‘pwobwematic’ gwoups” he says this as he takes out and starts eating some dried berries. I began to think if we were being ruled by a king why didn’t he do anything about the bandits or outlaws so I decided to ask Merlin about it “hey Mewwin why doesn’t king’ Maximus do anythin’ about stoppin’ these biowent fwuffies?” Merlin thinks for a second before looking at me " Maximus did fo’ awhiwe duwin’ dah fiwst 2 yeaws aftah maximus unified dah hewds it was dah safest time anyone couwd wemembah an’ in most pwaces eben though things hab swowwy began wegwessin’ it’s stiww bettah den what it was wike befowe unification. Mewwin nu wemembah that much fwom that time Mewwin was stiww wittwe back den buh fwom what Mewwin can wecaww it was awmost compwete anawchy it was hawd wowwd to wibe in an’ Maximus at that time who was onwy dah weadah of dah Stabwewot hewd wanted to change that. Maximus inbited dah weadews of dah 10 biggest hewds an’ dey caww came togethah an’ fo’ 8 days Maximus was abwe to conbince them to unifie into 1 singwe kingdom an’ pwomptwy was ewected king’ of Motow. Mewwin doesn’t know whewe he got dah wowd motow fwom Maximus says it was fwom his famiwy who cawwed dah wegion by that name. Once ewected things changed. Maximus stawted campaign against dah outwaws an’ bandits awmost compwetewy pushin’ them back an’ wiff them gone dah popuwation expwoded, Mewwin wemembews when he fiwst bisited Gween Woof dewe wewe wess den 100 fwuffies wibin’ dewe nao it has to be awmost 800 at dis point. buh back am question aftah awhiwe Maximus stawted gettin’ pwetty sick Maximus gabe dah wesponsibiwity of dah bandits to his genewaws who nu did howd dah same nobwe ideas as him su swowwy dah began dibewgin’ funds an’ takin’ bwibes swowwy weadin’ to dah bandits wetuwnin’. Pwetty sad isn’t it?" after listening and thinking for a few seconds I respond “what happened to maximus when he got sick?” nu one knows he has stayed up in his pawace fo’ few yeaws nao awmost nobody am awwowed up dewe expect fo’ commandah of dah awmy an’ dah city gobewnows" after hearing this I felt bad for him it seems he had good intentions having a dream to unify the herds under 1 leader and drive out the bandits but got sick and his corrupt generals letting things slowly begin to regress. " Goodnite Mewwin " “Goodnite Souw” after that Merlin shuts his eyes going to sleep while I go and grab a piece of salted meat from my bag and began to eat while looking at the big crescent light I thought I saw a figure for a second but to overcome by exhaustion I slowly began to fall asleep.

The next day was much like the first mostly us just walking to telling stories but I started noticing instead the the constant buildings we started seeing some foliage and things in general stared thawing out. I felt pretty happy my Mummah on occasions talked about the warm seasons and I was always interested in what if felt like. after around an hour of walking suddenly we stopped “hey Mewwin what’s dah howd up!” I was pretty confused so going up to look in front when I got there I perfectly understood why we stopped. Infront of us there were over 2 dozen fluffies but these weren’t any ordinary fluffies they were wearing strange clothing they all wore long robes each one a different color one each was wearing a unique mask some were just blank with eye slits some were strange and abstract others were wearing scary masks and holding sharp weapons just by looking at them you couldn’t identify what type of Fluffy they were or there gender or what they looked like underneath. and suddenly one of them came up this pony was wearing a purple robe and a purple mask in the shape of some strange creature that looked liked a fluffy but It looked weird I had no idea what it was. Merlin had eyes full of fear the same eyes that he had when I encountered the thug following him. Looking back the masked pony stopped walking and began to speak. “Gweetings fwuffy’s my name am Mastah Howse do not be awawmed we do not intend to gib owwies tu 'ou actuawwy quite dah opposite” The Fluffy who said this Master Horse had a masculine voice and waiting for Merlin to answer I saw that he was completely frozen in fear looking like he was going to faint meanwhile Willy was just standing looking confused so seeing this I decide to speak. “who am 'ou why do ‘ou wan’!” Master Horse looked at me for a few seconds and responded " Mastah howse guess ‘ou desewbe that wite. ‘ou see we am gwoup of schowaws dah Owdah of Dah Mask an’ we wish to bwin’ dis wowwd out of dis ‘dawk age’ an’ ‘ou see to do that we wequiwe some of ouw youngest membews to go on a finaw twiaw to pwobe dewe wowff. Once ebewy yeaw ouw new membews am sent to dah suwface fo’ few months an’ it just su happens that ouw scouts hab deemed youw gwoup dah safest fo’ ouw youngest membah" “WHAT!” I had no idea what he was talking about Order of the Mask? final trials? dark age? you were super confused these people seem crazy than Master Horse speaks more. “Most membews nu weaw dewe unifowm ow go wiff gwoups whiwe on finaws twiaws buh weww she insisted an’ am to stubbown” as Master horse says this a smaller member of the group comes out they were wearing a white robe with a blank white mask with 2 eye slits they were around that same size as me also holding a staff and started to walk until stopping at were Master horse was “Dis am ouw youngest membah Monica she has pwoben skiwwed enough to be confiwmed fo’ hew finaw twiaws 'ou am to guawd hew if 'ou faiw to do dis basic task ‘ou an’ am gwoup wiww face punishment’s 'ou nu can eben compwehend!” Monica slowly begins walking towards us when she starts getting close Merlin starts backing away franticly while Willy somewhat able to comprehend what is going on speaks to her “hewwo neu fwend!” Willy looks all happy that someone new is joining us “an’ just one wastes’ thin’ Monica isn’t just dah youngest membah of ouw owganization she am awso Mastah Howse’s babbeh su iww be watchin’ cwosewy” Master horse the last part with a little bit of anger in his voice than with the rest of the group leave following him into the shadows leaving only Monica with us.

[Monica has joined the party!]

“Monica apowogizes daddeh not usefuwwy wike dis” She says that in slightly embarrassed tone “MUNSTAH GET 'WAY FWOM MEWWIN!” looking at Merlin I try to get him to calm down. “What’s goin’ on nu did ‘ou hewe we hab to bwin’ hew ow we wiww be punished!” Merlin looks at me " ‘ou nu know Souw these peopwe am monstews aww of them dey take fwuffies an’ do howwibwe things to them!" I look confused wondering then suddenly Monica speaks “that’s not twue common misundewstandin’ by dah pawanoid!” Monic goes looking right at Merlin “Monica choose that fo’ finaw twiaw to wibe amongst dah fwuffies hewe. Monica wish 'ou nu hawm onwy just to twabew wiff ‘ou seein’ dis wowwd su nu wowwy” Merlin looks slightly less worried then speaks. “Am not goin’ to num singwe thin’ 'ou heaw! we awweady bawewy hab enough to get to Bweadbasket” Monica responds “nu wowwy Monica bwought own suppwies” Merlin asks another question “An’ why nu ‘ou show face it’s cweepin’ Mewwin out!” Monica answers Merlin’s again “Am fowbidden to wet 'ou know my identity” Merlin looks around for a few seconds than speaks with frightened tone “wet’s just go dah soonah to Bweadbasket dah bettah!” after that we resume our walk with our new guest Merlin is now constantly looking over his shoulder afraid he is going to get attacked. Willy seems to really like Monica they speak and Monica being pretty nice to him and then after they finish speaking she looks at me “su am name am Souw wite?” I respond “yeah” “Monica wikes that name it sounds hewoic” she says this in a kind tone I respond “thanks!” Monica continues looking at me “su hey why am we headin’ to Bweadbasket?” After she asks that I processed to tell her everything that happened up to that point. After taking that information in she asks me something “what do 'ou think it’s wike dewe” and I answer “Souw hab nu idea.” Fin

Thank you for reading my story! I’m really going to enjoy writing the dynamic between the main 4 and I hope to have part 6 done and a few days. And of course constructive criticism is always appreciated.