Last Hope Chapter 1 Part 6 Call Of The Wild (FluffySadist)


You’re name is Soul a black and white Pegasus colt with a almost grown in dark brown man mane. And you’ve volunteered to find food for you’re family. After traveling to Green Roof and being able to find and recruit you’re uncle Merlin you began training for the long walk to Breadbasket. After a few days of training Merlin considered you skilled enough for the journey but on the last day before you left you met Willy a Toughie with light SBS(Sensitive Baby Syndrome) who just got kicked out of his orphanage and was looking for a new home you decided he could be an member feeling bad and also his incredible strength and so he joined with Merlin eventfully agreeing to. Once you left the first day wasn’t that interesting mostly just hearing stories from Merlin the night was a bit more interesting as you learned a lot more about the place you lived. The king Maximus and his unification of the 10 largest herds into the Kingdom Of Motor and after that beginning a campaign to drive out the bandits and outlaws being successful at first than getting sick closing himself off to the outside world and letting his generals run things and with intentions that weren’t so noble the bandits slowly started creeping back in. On the second day let’s just say things got strange… We met this group calling themselves The Order of the Mask there were around 2 dozen members present and when speaking to them they talked of how there group were scholars who said something about living in a dark age? one of there masters Master Horse came up and said that his scouts deemed our group the safest and were are to take his daughter Monica on her final trials. Merlin was not happy about this not one bit. he was constantly looking behind his shoulder fearing a attack he said something about how this group Monica was apart of a group that kidnaped fluffies and did horrible things to them. To be honest I felt kind of skeptical to as beginning forced to take on a new member from a group that wore robes and masks made me pretty suspicious of Monica with her saying she was forbidden from revealing her identity. But after a few hours of getting to know her made me feel like Merlin was just being paranoid as she seemed extremely kind treating both I and Willy very nicely and trying to make amends with Merlin with less than great success. After some walking the sun started going down again and we set up camp for the night.

as the campfire was burning Merlin was looking at us in a resting position clearly looking prepared waiting for an attack. Willy was only a few inches from Merlin sitting quietly drinking some rat meat soup I prepared for him a few minutes earlier and having a question on my mind I decided to ask Monica as only she had the answer “Hey Monica” she who at that time was laying down looking into the fire looked at me “yes Souw?” I ask my question “back when souw fiwst met mastah howse he said somethin’ about an dawk age what does that mean?” Monica looks at me for a few seconds looks back at the fire gives a deep breath and speaks “Monica doesn’t know that much as that infowmation am onwy wesewbed fo’ dah mastew’s an’ gwandmastah buh fwom monica can gwasp wong ago dewe was an gowden age whewe ebewythin’ was gweat an’ nu fwuffie suffewed. Buh somethin’ howwibwe happened Monica doesn’t know what buh it caused dah destwuction of dah wowwd weabin’ onwy these owd wotted out buiwdings as an wemindah of what we aww wost.” before I have a chance to respond Monica quickly speaks again “Monica shouwdn’t hab said that shawin’ knowwedge wiff outsidews am fowbidden” Monica says this with a slightly scared tone I was the only one that heard it though as Willy finished his soul and fell asleep and Merlin who intended to stay awake until he was that last awake also fell asleep. After Monica says this I try to apologize “Souw sowwy f-” Monica cuts me off speaking. “Nu apowogize Monica shouwd hab been mowe cautious how about we just go asweep Souw see ‘ou in dah mownin’” after that we both go to sleep.

In the morning we pack and leave once we do I feel like I’ve been given a new perspective on everything while looking seeing all these abandoned buildings I think that maybe at one time these places were filled with life but it felt strange all these structures they look like they weren’t built for fluffies. All the buildings are tall and have doors that only a Fluffy who was impossibly tall could open. Who knows maybe there were extremely tall fluffies in the golden age and maybe you could find and meet one thinking about that made you start to giggle. than suddenly you stop and Merlin yell’s out “DISGUSTIN’!” intrigued by what was going on you went to go see with Monica probably thinking the same thing joining you. When you came up you gagged nearly throwing up and Monica and Willy were looking away in horror and disgust. Infront of you what remained of a fluffy whoever it was smelt disgusting just by looking at the corpse you could tell it had been there awhile flies and maggots covered there remains. Bone was showing but something seemed off it was not a natural death or one done by bandits as looking at the body you saw still clear bite marks to deep or large to be done by a fluffy and looking there face showed an expression of pure terror but soon Merlin chimed in. “Poow fewwow seemed dey’d been twabewin’ awone. What an howwibwe way go foweba sweepies” Merlin steps away from the body and looks at us. “C’mon we hab nu time to waste wet’s go” as we starting leaving I come up to Merlin telling him my observations “Hey Mewwin nu did that body wook pwetty weiwd dewe bite mawks on it not fwom a fwuffie” Merlin looks at you and gives a response " Kid Mewwin been out dis way many times dewe’s nothin’ to be scawedy off pwobabwy just a sadistic gwoup of bandits that did that buh nu wowwy we wiww be weady if anyone twies to mess wiff us." Hearing him says this gave me a little relief only to be squashed thinking about how evil a group of bandits have to be to do something like that.

After a few more minutes of walking I began noticing another oddity as we walked occasionally we’d see signs some with a fluffy skull some others with sharp teeth and even one with a strange skull with sharp teeth. I’d sometimes told Merlin about these signs but he’d always just say I was being paranoid and that he took this routes many times and how there was nothing to be afraid off also Monica was acting quite weird ever since we saw that body she was constantly looking arounds and I swear if I listened closely I could hear the sounds of hyperventilating. Willy seemed to be acting weird to instead of his happy self he seemed to be a lot more quiet. After a few more minutes of walking my eyes closed mostly thinking of my family and how much I miss them. I was suddenly jolted to the ground nearly giving me a heart attack when looking I saw Merlin and Willy due to his large size was halfway to the ground and I saw Monica looking at me “get down nao!” she said that with the type of voice that is assertive without trying to be loud and as I looked trying to see what made Monica so panicked. Than I saw it on the other side of the street was this monster I had no idea what it was it was long and skinny it had a long snout and when it opened it there was teeth sharper than any blade it had almost no fur on it’s body expect for a few splotches and when looking into it’s eyes they were completely white and badly hurt indicating that whatever this monster was it was blind. The monster hadn’t seemed to sense us it was sniffing around and occasionally stopping trying to hear any noise in the area in hopes to catch it’s next meal.

Me Merlin and Willy are shaking I couldn’t believe what I was seeing than Monica who was looking around talks to us very quietly “begin wawkin’ bewy swowwy nu say a singwe wowd” both me and Willy follow Monica’s directions and even Merlin after a few seconds of hesitance follows her as well we begin moving slowly the monster was walking in random directions. After some time we were making decent progress we almost couldn’t see the monster anymore and we became more calm. Suddenly there was a loud crack and a moment of silence Merlin I guess thinking we were out of danger didn’t pay much attention to where he was walking and accidently stepped on a Brach breaking it almost immediately the monster looked in our direction and began running giving ear splitting barks. Monica looked at us almost instantly “GET INSIDE THAT BUIWDIN’ NAO!” she pointed to an old rotted two story building almost half of it was gone but we were able to get inside since the door fell off. We were able to get inside but the monster was not far behind Monica spoke “FIND A PWACE TO HIDE!” In a frantic hurry I was able to see Willy and with him I was able to find a dark place in a corner where I hoped the monster couldn’t find us Monica even through it was only for a split second I saw her head upstairs but Merlin was probably the most unfortunate as in a panic decided to head to a small hole in the wall. The problem is that maybe if if was a small foal runt he could probably hide unharmed but he wasn’t he was a grown fluffy and could barley fit and it didn’t help he screamed the entire time and soon the monster was inside. The monster let out some of the most horrifying sounds I ever heard and because of Merlin’s screams the monster targeted him almost instantly after a few seconds the monster was at the hole beginning to claw at it and making the hole larger and then I heard Monica’s voice “Souw! Wiwwy! Monica has a pwan!” I look up Monica is on the second floor “cweate a distwaction! dis am dah onwy chance Monica has to sabe Mewwin!” It sounded completely insane but deep down you knew what you had to do you look at Willy he is in tears “Wiwwy Mewwin am in dangah! Souw needs Wiwwy’s hewp to stahp dah munsta!” Willy looks than take a deep breath wanting to save Merlin overcoming all fear and looks determined “we nee’ to cweate a distwaction cause as much noise as possibwe!” not even a second later Willy runs out caught a little off guard soon you join him with sword equipped. The hole is almost big enough were the monster could reach Merlin but soon the monster stops as it hears the sounds of two very loud fluffies as it does it begins to chase Willy. Seeing this you yell as loud as you can “DODGE WIWWY MOBE OUT OF DAH WAUY!” this loud sound causes discomfort to the monster making it lose focus and Willy hearing this moves out of the way missing Willy completely the monster lands face first into a wall suddenly you Monica’s voice “‘ou see dah bwoken waiwin’ Souw twy to bwin’ dah munsta to that wocation!” looking you see it the broken railing was under you thinking of a plan you call out to the monster “hey dummeh! 'ou must be pwetty mad about that stunt we puwwed 'ou idiot come on twy me!” The monster is completely fuming with rage and the insults only seemed to make it worse as you prepare you realize maybe you should have laid off the insults a bit. As unexpectedly the monster runs faster than you initially expected you are able to dodge most of the attack but the four claws of the monster scrap your back the pain is excruciating as you fall to the floor blood coming out of you’re back rapidly the monster crashes into the wall hard. The monster now with a look daze and several teeth that have fallen out stops for a second. And as you look up you can see Monica using her staff pushing an extremely tall object and as she gives the final push with her staff the object fall right on top of the monster. Blood and brains spill all over the room the object completely crushing it. By the look of the object from what you can make out it has a large white circle with 12 strange symbols written on it and two pointy things. You try to get up but it is way to painful was the 4 cuts on your back make it to painful luckily though it seems you’re wings seem to be undamaged. When Merlin Willy come to see you Merlin is thanking you over and over again and Willy is trying to ask Merlin if I was going to be ok I try to talk to them but I feel to weak. Monica comes a few seconds later quickly taking something out of here bag I can’t see it but when she put’s it one it burns like hell and I let out a scream feeling weak I fall unconscious.

When I awake the first thing I see is Willy’s face he gives me a hug almost immediately. I try not to scream not wanting him to get scared and both Merlin and Monica noticing I’m awake “‘ou weawwy nee’ to stahp cowwectin’ aww these scaws kid” Merlin say’s this in a amusing way I am not amused and Monica speaks to me “am finawwy awake souw fank 'ou su much what 'ou did!” as she says that even though I barely got up she gives me a hug and I give her one back “nu wowwy Monica made suwe dah wounds awen’t infected!” you had no idea what an infection even was but it sounded serious so you were grateful you speak “Mewwin ‘ou bettah apowogize to Monica if it wewen’t fo’ hew we’d aww be munsta chow” Merlin rolls his eyes while Monica gives a chuckle. “Nu wowwy Souw aftah that encountah Monica made suwe Mewwin apowogized fo’ whowe wot of things” looking confused as it was seemed to be morning I asked Merlin where we are. “Whewe am we how cwose to Bweadbasket am we?” Merlin giving a grin after this question leans his head to his right. As I look in that direction it dawned on me where we were there was a giant multi floored complex on each floor you could see fluffies growing every possible food imagined. The complex walls were covered in flowers and weeds and at the center a gate laid open ready for us to enter we were here we were at Breadbasket. Fin

Thank you for reading my story! I hope to have the next part out in a couple days. And of course constructive criticism is always appreciated!