Last Hope Chapter 1 part 9 Finale (FluffySadist)


They are all dead you were completely frozen this couldn’t be real it had to be a dream but no what you were seeing infront of you was real you were to late you tried calling out to you’re Mother and siblings but they were cold to the touch. you collapsed completely broken you tried to cry but feeling so numb so tired. Merlin was in tears rushing over to the bodies seeing what happened and if there were any survivors. Monica and Willy were in the back Monica was trying to shield Willy away from the barbaric scene. They didn’t die of starvation though they were murdered and you knew one thing however. Whoever had done this had just signed there death warrants. Looking at the paper left by the bodies you saw a drawing of you with a large x and on it the same symbol used by Bloody Mary’s gang you knew where she lived on the third floor of Green Roof in the biggest house in all of the city. Where you’re distraught turned into pure rage you speak “Monica Wiwwy whewe weabin’ whewe gon’ make Bwoody Mawy pay fo’ what she has done!” toy grab you’re knife Monica looks at you and speaks “Souw am 'ou suwe dis am gud id-” I respond " pwease Monica souw nu can wet these bastawds get ‘way wiff it!" Monica than grabs her spear giving a deep breath while Willy looks at you with determination. "An’ Mewwin stay hewe make suwe dewe buwied wiff wespect!" I think Merlin heard me but I don’t know he is to busy crying over his dead sister I decide to go over “Mewwin am su sowwy” Merlin looks at me “go Souw get that bitch send hew to HEWW!” that last part surprised you as you never heard Merlin speak like that ever and so you go off heading straight to Bloody Mary.

The walk through Green Roof was intense it was like even if you tried to stop yourself there was nothing you could do something deep within your soul was burning. Once you got up to level 3 it was only a short walk until you arrived at Blood Mary’s residence. The place was huge multi floored and looked liked a place built a monarch. There were two guards at the front entrance when approaching the guards pulled out knives recognizing us and began sprinting. With the 3 of you it wasn’t that hard in under 30 seconds you were able to knock out the guards with them not even able to attack only dodging the entire time. Once you’d entered it looked just as grandiose as the outside everything looked so fine and you thought to yourself what evil deeds Bloody Mary had to do to have enough money to build a place like this. After a few seconds you Monica and Willy started climbing the stairs Bloody Mary is probably on the top floor so there was going to be a lot of climbing. On the second floor there were a lot more guards you started fighting Willy grabbed two guards smashing them together hearing several of there bones crack. Monica smashed a guards face in with her spear hearing something that loud it had to have caused a concussion. And you took on another guard he was able to get a hit in cutting the tip of you’re right ear off but soon you got several cuts in forcing him down and to run away like a coward and after that to headed to the third floor.

At the third floor there were even more guards. A lot of them were already running towards hearing the commotion from the second flood the first guard went done without much effort as he was caught off guard. during the intense fighting one of the main pillars holding the building up collapsed as Willy threw a guard at it as it did we could hear a noise from upstairs and as we did the ceiling caved in and and there was furniture rubble and even two guards that fell through and it caused another floor to collapse the building started swaying. I knew that we had to be quick there wasn’t that much time before this whole place came crumbling down as we were tying to get away from the hole I heard a loud scream looking back I saw in all the disorganized chaos Willy had been cut deep and was losing blood fast. “WIWWY!” I ran over charging with my knife stabbing the guard that did this through his chest causing him to fall unconscious. Monica ran over to and took out some bandages and began wrapping the wound “WIWWY HAB WOWSTESTS HUWTIES!” Monica looked at me “Wiwwy cann’t stay hewe dah cut am to deep monica can do bestes’ buh wiwwy needs a doctow!” looking at Willy seeing how deep the cut is I went into my bad and took out a few coins. “Hewe Wiwwy go see dah doctow fank ‘ou su much fo’ comin’ wiff Souw.” Me and Monica give Willy a hug and he leaves. The building was pretty empty most of the guards have already left running out not wanting to risk there lives fighting in this collapsing house and then we went up to the top floor.

The top floor was in complete chaos was building was not swaying more and more things and most of everything had fallen over and when walking down the hall we approached Bloody Mary’s office. Entering we saw her she was a unicorn with faded white hair and a greying red mane she wore black and red business attire. She looked was quite old with deep wrinkles on her eyes she was frantically looking around grabbing as much valuables as she could and then she looked at us. " ‘OU WUINED EBEWYTHIN’ MAWYS PWETTY HOUSE AM GONE N-!" as she was saying that I ran towards her giving the strongest punch I could muster. Mary was knocked back hitting a wall her nose and right eye bleeding and after that I talked “WHY DID 'OU KIWW THEM!” Mary started to chuckle weakly and responded " ‘ou know how to gib gib sowwy hoofsies iww gib ‘ou that. What’s am name Souw? ‘ou see Mawy nu did ‘kiww’ Souw’s famiwy mawy was owdewed to. ‘Ou hab to undewstand Souw wewe just puppet’s on stwings bein’ made to dance." Mary lets out a weak laugh I grab her “WHO WHO DID DIS!” consumed by rage and being confused by what she meant I threw her across the other side of the room. Mary throws up blood being thrown so hard "Genewaw Gobewnow DawkWing’ a business pawtnah of mine he came in hewe a few houw’s ago he gabe Mawy dah wocation an’ a piece papah wiff ‘ou on it an’ owdewed me to send my bestes’ empwoyees to gib foweba sweepies tu anythin’ that caww’s that pwace home Mawy shouwd hab known it was a setup DawkWing’ that snake!" You heard that name DarkWing before back at Breadbasket while searching the market you overheard two merchants they were talking about traveling to a place called Seaside and how one of them opposed due to the Governor General DarkWing and how he keep raising the taxes on imported goods coming in. “WHY DID DARKWING DO DIS!” Mary threw up more blood her looking weaker and weaker her already fragile body before all of this nearing death. “Simpwe weawwy ‘ou see king’ maximus is dyin’ an’ DawkWing’ wants dah fwone an’ am wiwwin’ to do anythin’ to get it. he must hab saw ‘ou somehow as fweat to that goaw. buh nu twy gettin’ to him he has dah one of dah wawgest awmies in dah whowe Kingdom it’d be suicide.” Bloody Mary gives a cackle as she collapses taking her final breaths.

Watching her die you spit on her corpse with only one goal in mind killing DarkWing suddenly Monica approaches “Souw Monica doesn’t know what took 'ou su wong buh we hab to go!” the ground was shaking this building is falling apart. Me and Monica run out of the office approaching the stairs it was to late the stairs were already broken as the building was collapsing Monica was hyperventilating I look at her “Monica Souw think’s he knows a way out buh Souw needs am staff!” Monica looks at me then hands me her staff still breathing heavily but slightly less then before I look at her “FOWWOW SOUL AN WUN AS FAST AS CAN!” we begin running and second now this building is going nothing more than rubble as we run we go back in Mary’s office and with no hesitation holding Monica as tightly as I can we go through the window in the center. Holding the staff as high as I can and for a few seconds in the air we are barely able to cling onto the ceiling lights of Green Roof holding on as hard as I can and with glass leaving several cuts on both of us we watch as Bloody Mary’s tyranny over Green Roof come crumbling down thankfully though all the destruction didn’t cause the third level of Green Roof to collapse.

We slowly begin turning the staff a little to the right and left until we are back on solid ground we aren’t supposed to be here no fluffy is allowed on level 4 as this is where all the technical equipment is but at the moment the place is empty. As I give Monica back her staff I noticed on the white robe were blood spots slowing start to grow. “ugh Souw can 'ou wook ‘way fo’ a minute” I do what Monica requests looking away and treating my on wounds that weren’t that bad as they were mostly just small cut’s then I heard Monica’s voice “Souw can ‘ou cwose am see-pwaces an’ Monica wan’ ‘ou to wook at Monica fo’ a second.” This is the first time I hear Monica’s voice without it being muffled by the mask so I close my eyes and turn around. When I do Monica kisses me on the lips putting her hooves around me giving me a hug I am completely flabbergasted but in a good type of way I had never been kissed before and it felt so good so I put my hooves around her and for a few seconds we kiss than Monica stops “otay’ tuwn awound nao!” Monica says this with a bubbly tone. I turn around looking away and Monica comes into vision wearing her mask and robes and we start heading back to Merlin who was probbly finished with the burial. “wet’s not mention dis to Mewwin otay’” she says this with a semi awkward tone I look at her “yeah am pwobabwy wite” as we walk Monica put’s her head on my shoulder and I do the same “fank ‘ou fo’ sabin’ monica by dah way Souw” hearing that I respond “fank ‘ou fo’ comin’ wiff Souw Monica. Souw an’ Wiwwy wouwd hab nebah made it without am hewp.” as I say that we slowly walk going back to the sewer.

Aa we make it to the sewer there are 5 graves lined up Merlin and Willy are there and Merlin looks at you “am Bwoody Mawy she dead?” I look at him and give a nod and speak. “Mawy am dead buh she wasn’t dah mastewmind behind dis” Merlin looks at me “den who!” Merlin says his voice stricken with sadness but having no more tears to shed “den who!” I sigh than speak “DawkWing’ he am dah weadah of some pwace cawwed Seaside he owdewed dis attack wookin’ fo’ Souw. Whewe gon’ KIww him Mewwin.” Merlin is silent for a few seconds than responds “otay’ den Souw wewe aww behind 'ou wet’s get that son of a bitch!” after that we all put flowers on the graves and once it starts getting dark I sit besides my mother’s grave and begin bawling. “Nu wowwy mummah Souw wiww not wet him get ‘way wiff it Souw wiww finish what king’ maximus stawted Souw sweaws! west in peace nao Mummah Bwuddah an’ Sistews Souw hopes one day weww meet again.” Placing flowers I leave slowly heading back to Merlin’s house.


It is a dark stormy night there is no light except for a small fireplace There is a figure covered in shadows barely illuminated sitting with a small glass of expensive alcohol suddenly someone barges in. A Fluffy in a servant uniform looking like he had just finished running a marathon. “Mistah Dawkwing!’ Mawy she am dead! we bewiebe fwom witness wepowts someone by dah name’s of Souw Monica an’ Wiwwy hab done dis hewe am dewe appeawances.” The Servent palces down a piece of paper on the table DarkWing looks at this than responds with a deep voice “gud den ebewythin’ am goin’ to pwan just as attended do 'ou agwee gwandmastah?” A figure comes out who at that point wasn’t even seen he wore a long robe and the mask of a strange creature and had a voice even deeper than DarkWings. “Ah yes dis am gud nu send anyone aftah them though wet dis boy ‘Souw’ sowbe aww of ouw ‘pwobwem’s’ an’ soon dis entiwe kingdom wiww be bowin’ befowe us.” as the Grandmaster says this DarkWing let’s out a chuckle as The Grandmaster goes back into the darkness

Thank you for reading my story! I hope to have chapter 2 part 1 done in at least in a week. And of course constructive criticism is appreciated.