Last Hope Chapter 3 part 9 Finale (FluffySadist)


When you finally got to the frontlines the sun had already started to go down. Things were a lot worse than you expected. The Reborn attacked had been mostly repelled but just by looking you could tell there had been heavy casualties. you, You’re family, Jay and Chrysalis were all currently at the military HQ it being not that far from Swab and The Garden. There were wounded soldiers and refugees everywhere all injured and bloodied most of them having the eyes you knew had seen some of the very worst crimes in existence. You were all gathered in a large planning room going over the plans of attack being told all of this by a puffy Knight Commander named Gavin. The plan was simple you, you’re family and Chrysalis were all going in supported by Talon Knights and Garden soldiers to go and strike at SteedHearts main compound and hopefully when the rest of his army learns of their emperors death they will start to retreat and we win the war. You seemed pretty confident in that plan and by looking at everyone’s faces they seemed to be as well. Not having any time to waste you all prepared with you putting on armor and gathering some medical supplies with the others doing the same as well. The only person who would not be joining you would be Jay as with his arm in no condition to fight he had to stay back which by just looking at his face he hated having to do. Now with everyone ready you hesitated for a moment before eventually leaving entering the hellscape before you.

Once you all got on the main battlefield saying things were chaotic would be an understatement there were bodies littered across the destroyed ruins by just looking at them it was obvious the fighting that happened here was brutal. Than you saw them a giant Reborn force quickly approaching you coming from the shadows with the size of the force very well being over 50! Than one of The Reborn officers spoke. “DO NOT LET THEM PAS FAILURE IZ UNACCEPTABLE!” Now with me, my family, Chrysalis and two squadrons of Knights and one of Garden troops we were around the same size as The Reborn force and we were prepared for battle. I didn’t see who was the first to strike only that in only a few seconds the entire battlefield was now completely in chaos. As you were trying to get a sense of things were hit by a soldier it was painful but you’re armor protected you looking at them you noticed the soldier in question was wearing heavy leather armor and was a lot stronger and bigger than the rest than he spoke “Souw wight? kiwwin’ ‘ou wiww bwin’ gweat honow to Gowiaths name. Get weady go foweba sweepies.” The soldier prepares himself and gives a psychotic laugh and lunges straight at me.

When he hit me it knocked me back a bit as the force alone felt so great. I haven’t felt my body be this in pain since my time in The Arena. Getting up I noticed the soldier continuing to laugh like a predator playing with his prey right before killing it. I knew I had to do something fast if I was going to survive. Having an idea of defeating this soldier I spoke. “hewwo 'ou wancid piece of shit when am done wiff 'ou iww spit of am cowpse!” When I’m finished saying that I give out the most annoying laugh I cant muster. And it seemed to work as the soldier now had a look of anger and started charging at me again with him now consumed by anger not paying attention. This time now prepared I was able to dodge his attack and with Excalibur striked his left shoulder as hard as I can. The blade made it 75% through his shoulder before stopping nearly cutting off his front left leg. Blood was now everywhere on him on me and on Excalibur and the soldier spoke with a tone of extreme pain and fury “AM GOIN’ TO FUCKING’ KIWW 'OU!” The soldier now dropped his sword and removed his helmet now just charging at me with the intention of ripping my throat out. I had almost no time to dodge as the soldier ran so fast it was terrifying. Than I saw a tentacle come out of nowhere and punch him with so much force it completely removed his jaw causing him to fall and die. Looking in the direction of the tentacle I saw Chrysalis.

She spoke “Soul are you ok! I saw what happened and I just had to help!” I speak still in shock from the battle and what happened “yes am fine how am dah othews doing!” Chrysalis spoke “Willy and Merlin are doing fine.” I could hear Chrysalis hesitate so I spoke “how about Monica how am she doing!” Chrysalis finally speaks “Soul you see Monica she’s hurt bad I don’t know the full details but I think she broke her leg or something! She’s now back at the HQ I think!” I was now consumed by rage the type of rage I haven’t felt since… Since the incident months back I knew The Reborn had to pay I speak. “C’mon Chwysawis we hab a battwe to win wets gib them heww!” Now that you had a chance to look at the battle it seemed like we were winning with most of The Reborn soldiers now dead. Charging at the remaining soldiers us behind their backs I attacked swing Excalibur through their back blood now raining down it. The soldier let out a scream of pure agony as he fell to the ground and when he was down you swung Excalibur at his neck decapitating him screaming in rage. Meanwhile Chrysalis was finishing off the last of the Reborn soldiers who were now trying to retreat using her tentacles to strangle them to death. Looking over at who was left almost half of the army sent with us were dead or to injured and to continue fighting. Now with SteedHearts compound not that far we continued not knowing what to expect.

We knew we had approached the compound just by the way it looked. there were the rotting decapitated heads of Talon knights on spikes everywhere. looking around I could see the massive rotting corpse piles with dead reborn soldiers who I guess were recovered from battle but not buried yet. A small number of Reborn Soldiers started to approach us it was pretty strange for a place that was supposed to be very important to the reborn it seemed lightly guarded. Maybe most of SteedHearts army was fighting or maybe hew as running out of soldiers than I heard a sound coming from not that far. There were around 70 Reborn soldiers coming out from hiding all ready to attack us it was a ambush Chrysalis spoke. "Soul, Willy, Merlin! Get inside ill try to hold them off with what’s left of the confederation army! Finish this and quickly! Heading inside the compound we went down it’s halls. There were beds, armors and weapon racks everywhere the place was completely empty with no signs of life anywhere that was until we got to SteedHearts throne room…

There were torches lighting the room. in there we saw SteedHeart sitting on his throne surrounded by decapitated heads he was a dark lime toughie unicorn with a black mane and had scars all over his face. He was wearing armor that both looked protective but also grand and for a helmet he wore the skull of some sort of animal with its teeth looking as sharp as a blade. SteedHeart spoke “su am dah ones who been causin’ me su much twoubwe. SteedHeawt got to admit am impwessed it’s obbious 'ou know how to fite.” You all looked confused as the person you were told to kill as complementing you than he spoke again .“'Ou know how many officews SteedHeawt had to execute 'cos of 'ou. 'Ou see hewe faiwuwe nu can go unpunished.” SteedHeart let out a chuckle and when you Looked again at the decapitated heads you saw that when tracing the blood trails back to there bodies they were all wearing the uniforms of Reborn Officers SteedHeart spoke again. “SteedHeawt wants to make ‘ou a sewious offah. If ‘ou aww join me an’ pwedge am woyawty ‘ou an’ am famiwies wiww be spawed an’ fowgiben. An’ iww gib ‘ou unfathomabwe powah an’ weawff. What do 'ou day?” I responded just net even a milisecond after he finished “NEBAH 'OU SACK OF SHIT. PWEPAWE TO DIE!” I pull out Excalibur while Merlin speaks as well. “Dah kuds wite we wiww nebah join someone as ebiw as 'ou!” Willy speaks. “Daddeh wite!” And finally SteedHeart speaks. “How disappointin’ habin’ su much wasted potentiaw. Guess it’s time fo’ 'ou to Die!” As SteedHearts says that he pulls out his claymore and charges at us.

We thought since there were the 3 of us it would be easy but no as when I striked with Excalibur it bounced right off his armor. The first to be striked was Merlin who when having an opening to attack SteedHeart headbutted him sending him flying back and hitting a wall with Merlin vomiting blood and falling unconscious. We both continued to attack now with more fury I was able to get a few swings in causing minor dents, scratches and scraps to his armor. Meanwhile Willy noticing an opportunity used his hoof and punched SteedHeart in the face and for a second things stopped as SteedHeart spited out some blood and than charged at Willy. Willy was caught completely by surprise by SteedHearts speed with SteedHeart rushing at him and striking with his claymore Cutting Off Willy’s Front Right Hoof.

Willy fell to the ground screaming and writhing in pain blood rushing out like a fountain. I couldn’t believe what was happening. SteedHeart got on his hind legs and raised his claymore aiming for willy’s neck ready to kill him. Knowing I had to do something I rushed at him with Excalibur full of rage and yelled “NOOO 'OU BASTEWD!” Strikes SteedHeart at a level of force I didn’t think was possible the sword penetrated his armor going right through his lower abdomen. SteedHeart fell dropping his claymore letting out a scream that I swear could be heard across all of Chicago. When he did he pulled out Excalibur blood now gushing out but right after that I charged at making sure he couldn’t get back up. Once I did that I ripped off his helmet and just started punching him with as much force as possible. I just kept hitting him over and over screaming like a madman and with my eyes closed I didn’t even look at him. I thought I heard SteedHeart say stop while he tried to get me off him desperately. But it didn’t matter I just kept punching him over and over until eventually SteedHeart stopped resisting. Then I heard familiar voice. “Souw stahp it.” It was Merlin but he sounded pretty far but what he said didn’t matter I just kept punching SteedHeart. Than I heard him again “Souw Stahp!” He sounded a lot closer this time but I didn’t care I just kept hitting him Than I head Merlin again. “SOUW STAHP IT! STEEDHEAWT AM AWWEADY DEAD! STAHP!” Merlin pushed me off SteedHeart looking at me with a face I had never seen him give me up to that point… Horror Getting up I looked at SteedHeart and finally realized what I had done.

SteedHeart his face… It was almost completely gone looking at him I must have caved in his skull or something there were pieces of him everywhere with the area I punched him now painted in his blood and insides just looking at it made me throw up. As I was throwing up I looked at my hooves they were badly bruised with a dark red color with pieces of skin, skull and brain on them Merlin spoke. “C’mon we nee’ to hewp wiwwy!” Grabbing Excalibur and running over to Willy I saw that Merlin had used his coat as a bandage in a way to stop the bleeding. “WEGGIE GONE! HUUHUUHUU WIWWY NU HAB WEGGIE!” Me and Merlin were giving Willy a hug telling him everything is ok and that SteedHeart is dead. Walking out of the compound Chrysalis was nowhere in sight only around a dozen Talon and Garden soldiers were still alive with them burying their dead and burning the Reborn bodies. I went up to ask a Talon Knight a question “hab 'ou seen Chwysawis?” They responded. “She left not to long ago she killed most of The Reborn but when one of them striked her she just fled into the ruins? And have you done it? Is SteedHeart dead?.” I responded. “Yes SteedHeawts dead dah waw am obah.” I thought about trying to find her but at that point me Merlin Willy were just to beat up and we all agreed to return back to HQ as all the soldiers still alive started celebrating.

Back at HQ there were celebrations all around. some of the Knights brought in some instruments and started playing music and there was dancing almost everywhere you went. We were all walking in the medical wing. We were all treated and cleaned up with willy being admitted in and was being given lots of treatment and I was searching for where Monica was than I founder her. “Monica am otay’!” I ran over to her and gave her a hug. Monica was wearing a cast on her back left leg and couldn’t walk that well Monica spoke “Souw am safe! Monica heawd what happened to wiwwy it was howwibwe!” Going out for a few moments I saw Merlin with a sad look on his face and he was with Jay and they were hugging and kissing they were right outside willy’s room and after that I headed back into Monica’s room and after finding a comfortable place to sit I fell asleep.

During the next day we were back in Swab. There were tons of celebrations going on with Chicago banners and parades and even a jousting tournament which to be honest was probably one of the coolest things I had ever seen. And got to see Torres with him no longer wearing his GrandMaster clothes with him vacating his position to be leader of the puffies. Also when we were there we were given a gift by the blacksmith an iron hoof made to replace Willy’s lost one. And finally we got back on the airship back to Motor we were given the money we were promised when coming here and it wasn’t just that it turns out Jay because of his service and something else I guessed was allowed to come with us to kind of act like an ‘ambassador’ between The Confederation of Chicago and The Kingdom of Motor. Now traveling back we were in the same bunks we came here in I was relaxing with Monica knowing it was finally over and Willy looking at his new iron hoof in fascination and finally Merlin and Jay got up holding hands and spoke “Excuse me ebewyone Mewwin an’ jay wanted to speak wiff 'ou.” Jay speaks “You see since I’m going to be living with you there’s something you should know about us about us you se-” Jay is cut off as Monica speaks “wet Monica guess 'ou two am nao boyfwiends?” Monica says this with kind of a know it all tone. Both Merlin and Jay look surprised and Merlin speaks “how did ‘ou know dis! mewwin thought I was keepin’ it secwet!” Monica speaks. “‘Ou to hab been gibin’ each othah goo goo eyes at each othah aww day an’ when we wewe out gettin’ nummies we caught ‘ou two kissin’ buh nu did say anything!” Monica says that last part with a chuckle than Jay speaks “Damn I thought I was being sneaky about this well hey I guess you know.”

Finally after a few hours we were finally back in Green Roof getting off with a large crowd looking at us we saw as the airship we traveled on left and eventually was out of sight. We spent what was left of the day going around showing Jay all the places around Green Roof and he even got to meet Benezi where she took an immediate liking to him. As we were talking Monica took me aside “Hey Souw Monica just wan’ to teww ‘ou somethin’. Am ‘ou feewin’ otay’?” I was confused why Monica was asking me this and spoke “Yes am feewin’ fine. Why am ‘ou askin’ me that?” Monica speaks. “wite befowe we weft fo’ swab Monica obewheawd a sowdiah tawkin’ about SteedHeawts body an’ dah condition it was in. An’ watah Mewwin towd me ‘ou did that. Souw these wastes’ coupwe of houws ‘ou hab been actin’ weawwy weiwdwy wot mowe distant den usuaw mowe cowd. Souw Monica think ‘ou shouwd stahp fightin’ fo’ bit ‘ou nee’ some time to west.” I don’t say anything for a few moments than speak “Souw know Monica. Souw wiww twy.” Once the sun started to set we headed back home I was so ready to jump in my warm bed I missed it so much. With Jay now apart of our family things were going a lot more crowded now with all of his stuff who knows I’ve always wanted to try to see if maybe we could add a second floor to the house. Merlin stopped suddenly infront of the door it was strange coming up I saw all of our stuff outside and not just that there was a piece of paper with a symbol… A symbol with only one meaning PROPERTY FORECLOUSED. Fin

epilogue Chrysalis

After the battle were wounded you knew that if they were going to survive you had to find someplace safe. Now deepest parts of the Chicago sewers in a makeshift nest you lay the first of you’re eggs. You knew you could lay thousands of eggs but for now you just look at the dozen or so you currently have. You felt blessed they were all just worker drones but now that you actually started having eggs and were all alone. You could start the first phase of you’re operations you speak to them. "don’t worry my Changelings you’re Queen is here. We may be small in number now but don’t worry as soon as the hive is built and our numbers have grown well make them all pay for what they have done to us all of them.

Thank you for reading my story! Wow this story as gotten a lot bigger than I originally envisioned it! I cant wait to continue the story in Chapter 4. I hope to have the first part written in a week and of course constructive criticism is appreciated!