Last Hope Chapter 4 (FluffySadist)


You’re name is Velvet you’re a mare with a pink coat with a blue mane. For at least over a year now you have been the caretaker of King Maximus at The Imperial Palace. Other than being his caretaker you are also a member of the minor noble house Doe. A family that currently rules over the small southwestern frontier city of HappyFarm. When you were chosen for this position you were in complete shock this task… It seemed like something to important for a small obscure house in the middle of nowhere you wondered why? The work you’re required is mostly helping Maximus with daily living and giving him updates of the current situations going about throughout the kingdom. As you’re preparing Maximus’s dinner as he is laying down in his bed he speaks in a weak tone “Bewbet. Maximus wishes to teww ‘ou somethin’ it’s impowtant.” I go up to Maximus curious of what he has to say I speak. “Yes am majesty can teww Bewbet anythin’.” After a few more seconds Maximus finally speaks “‘ou see bewbet maximus wanted to tawk about why ‘ou wewe chosen fo’ dah wowe of my cawetakah. An’ it’s otay’ fo’ can just caww me Maximus.” I’m a little shocked I never thought Maximus would tell my why I was chosen but was still happy anyway I speak. “why was Bewbet chosen Maximus?” Maximus speaks “Bewbet Maximus was dah one who choose ‘ou. Dah weason I did am compawed to aww dah wich nobwe famiwies dey had nu connection to dah peopwe dey wuwed. Buh wiff ‘ou an’ am famiwy ‘ou awways made suwe each citizens boice was heawd an’ that’s somethin’ I wespect.” I spoke with a small tear in my eye. “Fank 'ou Maximus.” Maximus speaks “Bewbet I think I wouwd wike to west nao.” After Maximus says this I made sure he was comfortable and soon he went to sleep.

[Pov Switch Soul]

You and you’re family were all currently all in the Green Roof properties building trying to understand why Merlins house was now foreclosed. In an office an official was going over a large stack of paperwork than speaks “sowwy fwuffy know how much dis pwopewty must hab meant to ‘ou buh dewe’s nothin’ fwuffy can do dah pwopewty has awweady been sowd.” You looked over at Merlin he had a look of pure rage he spoke “WHAT DO ‘OU MEAN DEWE’S NOTHIN’ CAN DO MEWWIN AN’ HIS FAMIWY AM NAO HOMEWESS NU 'OU CAWE!” The official speaks “Am goin’ to hab to ask 'ou to weabe.” We all go outside carrying all of our stuff and once there we all sit down all of us feeling pretty hopeless and upset than Merlin speaks. “Dammit ebewyone nu wowwy iww think of somethin’… Just gib Mewwin some time.” I could see Merlin look down with some tears in his eyes than Jay goes up to him puts his talon on his shoulder and speaks. “Who cares about them Merlin. Just by looking at them I could tell they were all corrupt. You Know? Why don’t we build our own house!” All of us looked at Jay dumfounded with Merlin looking the most Merlin speaks “What how?” Jay responds “You see in my culture we always saw self reliance as something every person should know. that includes building structures you see. I could teach all of you and we could build a great home! What do you say?” Merlin speaks with a slightly less defeated tone. “Iww hab to think about it. Come aww Mewwin has to caww in a fabow.”

At Benezis place we and all of our stuff were all crowded into one room. I felt so thankful for her letting us stay here In the morning I have to make sure to thank her. Staring up at the ceiling I thought to myself if we were really going to build a house where would we even start? And where would we build it? I had so many questions it made me feel so nervous it even started to make my head hurt so hoping for an answers tomorrow fell asleep. The next day we all packed our stuff and I made sure to personally give thanks to for allowing us to stay the night. At the market we all find a place to sit down while Jay and Merlin have left asking why they only gave a vague answer only saying they were ‘going out and had to talk’. To pass the time me, Monica and Willy would all play a game where each of us would pass a ball and the one who failed to catch it lost. We played that for a bit most of the time it was usually me who lost with Willy always throwing the ball a little to high for me to catch than as I was about to him to stop throwing the ball so high Merlin and Jay came back with Merlin being the one to speak first. “Ebewyone c’mon we hab somethin’ to show 'ou outside!” Than Jay spoke “We have a surprise you’re really going to like it!” Curious about what they were talking about and guessing by Monica and Willy they were to. We followed Merlin and Jay as we left Green Roof and headed outside.

Once outside it felt so hot out and looking I noticed how there only really being a few traders and wandering caravans outside. Continuing to follow then after a short walk we eventually stopped at an old abandoned run down two story building it being shadowed by the much larger Green Roof building right next to it than Jay points to the building with a smile and speaks “What do you think! Do you think there might be a future here?” I gave a mixed look I like yeah this place it looks promising but there was a reason nobody else had claimed it the place was a wreak than Merlin spoke “Mewwin knows dis pwace doesn’t wook wike much nao buh jay an’ I think if we aww wowk togethah. We couwd tuwn dis pwace into weaw home we do 'ou say?” Willy is the first to speak “Wiwwy wiww wisten daddeh!” Than Monica speaks. “Guess it’s bettah den bein’ homewess suwe monica wiww hewp.” Merlin looks at me and speaks “Souw 'ou’be been pwetty siwent what do 'ou think?” Finally I speak. “‘Ou know if ebewyone ewse am in on dis suwe wet’s buiwd a house. An’ hey it suwe beats wiskin’ ouw necks in some pwace any of us hab ebah heawd of.” Once I finish speaking Jay speaks. “Ok then. Everyone let’s build a house!” Fin

Thank you for reading my story! Sorry if this part is a little shorter than usual. I hope to have the next part done in a couple of days to a week. And of course constructive criticism is appreciated.