Last Hope Chapter 4 Part 3 The Forbidden Flesh (FluffySadist)


You’re name is Velvet for the last year you’ve have been the caretaker for King Maximus for a year now. You and Maximus are currently playing a game he called chess. You never heard of this game before you didn’t know the rules but he was always there to help you and explain what to do. At that point It had been a few hours since you started but after you lost you’re 37th game in a row Maximus speaks “hey Bewbet wouwd 'ou wike to see somethin.” I speak curious about what Maximus wanted to show me “suwe of couwse!” Following Maximus I entered his personal chambers once inside there wasn’t that much. Only his bed a few papers and old reminders from long ago. Maximus opens a large box and takes something out and speaks “fo’ aww I know it’s been in my famiwy fo’ genewations.” Just then I see it The Crown Of Motor. At that point I’ve only ever seen it a few times from a distance. But looking at it from up close I truly admire the beauty of the gold and gems Maximus speaks “Am to weak to eben put it on nao. Dis sickness it’s gettin’ wowse.” Maximus puts the crown down on his bed for a few moments as he catches his breath and then looks at me and speaks “wouwd 'ou wike to twy it on?” WHAT! I take a step back in pure shock Maximus speaks again “what? it’s otay’ if 'ou nu hab to put it on.” Finally I speak forcing out a response. “Suwe! fank 'ou su much am majesty!” Maximus grabs the crown and puts it on my head. When he does the crown is a lot heavier than it looked with it also being pretty big and not fitting my head I speak. “Wow dis thin’ am pwetty heaby.” Maximus speaks “yeah it am! when I fiwst put it on duwin’ my cowonation 'ou wouwdn’t bewiebe it buh I awmost twipped!” Maximus lets out a light chuckle before he speaks again. “Buh I got used to it in dah end. As ebentuawwy dah cwown awways fits

[Pov Switch Soul]

Id just finished planting the last of the seeds I was outside with Benezi. A week ago once we finished completing the house Merlin invited her to come check it out. As she did she mentioned that outside the house would be a perfect place for plants. Everyone else didn’t really seem to care about that comment that much. But I took an interest in it speaking with her she told me about gardening something she did as a hobby and thinking it was interesting I decided to give it a try. So I went to Green Roof bought some seeds and gardening equipment and me and Benezi started going to work setting up a garden. As we were planting Benezi looked at me and spoke “just to wet ‘ou know Souw we shouwd wet dah seeds sit. Dah summah Benezi thinks am neawin’ it’s end buh hey in dah spwin’ dis gawden am goin’ to wook extwa pwetty!” Both of us were now sitting in the shade relaxing and as we were doing that I heard a voice. “Excuse fwuffy does dis wesidence bewong to a fwuffie by dah name of Souw by any chance?” Sighing and looking at the fluffy I noticed they were an older white stallion with a blue mane. They were also wearing servants clothing. I speak “ugh yes? Am sowwy buh am cuwwentwy busy su pwease-” They interrupt me and speak. “Am not askin’ fo’ am hewp actuawwy. I’be come to teww 'ou that. ‘Ou an’ am entiwe famiwy hab been inbited to attend to Mistah benedict’s feast.”

It was now starting to get dark. We were now at the entrance of this ‘Sir Benedicks’ Manor with it being the only inhabited and intact house in a row of abandoned and decaying ones. It actually wasn’t that far of a walk only being around an hour from Green Roof. When I told everyone else about the invite even though I felt mixed everyone seemed like it was a good opportunity to leave the house so ultimately I went along with us not bringing any weapons or much of anything. Just before opening the door the servant speaks. “Fank ‘ou su much fo’ attendin’. 'ou know Mistah Benedict am one of am gweatest admiwews!” Once the door is open we all head inside. The Manor came off as warm and calm after some more walking we arrived at a large dinner table. There were around a dozen people sitting down than you saw a Pegasus stallion with a dark brown coat and yellow hair approach us he had fine suit on and a monocle as well and he started to speak. “What an honow it am fo’ 'ou to be hewe! wet me intwoduce mysewf am Benedict im su happy ou can be hewe come wet Benedict wead 'ou to am seat!” Following him I wondered to myself what type of food we will be having damn I was so hungry. Finally taking my seat we were all offered drinks right before the main meal. Taking a sip of mine and for the next few minutes we all chatted than… ugh… uh. As you looked you noticed all you’re family started to fall asleep ugh… My head I fell on the table and as I began going unconscious I thought I head Benedicts voice “dey feww wite into ouw twap! Nao go pwepawe them fo’ pwocessing am stawbin!”

[Pov switch Willy]

When you awoke you felt the worst pain ever! You saw a scary man with a sharp tool hurting you’re arm! You punched the scary man very hard with you’re shiny arm. The man looked shocked you were awake as you did his blood, skull and brains now covered the room! Getting up and leaving you knew you had to find you’re family they might be in trouble! You thought why would Benedict do this? He must have been a bad man! Getting out you saw you were in a massive kitchen. A chef looked at you and started to run and yell “ONE OF DAH ENTWEES ESCAPED! AWEWT SECUWITY NAO!” Entrée? you didn’t know what that word meant but it sounded bad. Continuing to look you came across a freezer opening it you were surprised it wasn’t a member of you’re family but a sensitive fluffy someone like you! She was a mare. She looked pretty bad all of her legs were gone. She had no hair there were scratches all over her and even some of her flesh was missing than she looked at you surprised than you spoke. To everyone else it’s just incoherent babbling. “Holla ma’am art thee tis fine? And has’t thee seen mine own family by any chance?” She speaks “f’r thou art first questioneth i’m not doing so well these ‘gentlemen’ has’t kidnapp’d me! And has’t been feasting on mine own flesh f’r days anon. And f’r thou art second questioneth I headeth some of the chefs talking preparing food not to longeth ago near the hall just down from h’re. And beofre thee leaveth I has’t a requesteth.” You were completly shocked! eating people? WERE THEY GOING TO EAT US! At least you knew where you’re family could be now. But curious what her request was you speak “aye?” She speaks again with a sad tone “may thee prithee killeth me.”

Once you leave the freezer you’re hands were covered in blood. You hoped you were quick enough where she didn’t feel that much pain. Going down the hall two guards had approched you and spoke. “stahp wetawd! wite nao!” They both held spears but You had no time to deal with this! So catching them by surprise by your fast speed and with a heavy full swing. You’re iron hoof went right through one of the right guards chest than after a few seconds you pulled you’re hoof out removing his still beating heart! You saw the guard on the left drop his spear and yell as he ran out in pure terror “DEY NU PAY FWUFFY ENOUGH TO DEAW WIFF DIS BUWWSHIT!” Continuing to search you eventually got to some more freezers. Opening the first one YES! in it You found Merlin and Monica unharmed but both slumped over you shout “WAKIES NAO!” Monica started to wake up a little bit and Merlin still mostly asleep spoke. “Wiwwy wet Mewwin sweepies we can get bwekkies watah Mewwins head am poundin!.” You speak again but this time you know it will work “SOUW AN’ JAY AM IN TWOUBWE!” Suddenly both of them jolted awake looking around there surroundings completely confused Monica speaks. “what happened whewe am we!” You speak “Benedict an’ his fwiends. Dey wan’ to num us!” Merlin was stumbling around now and even throws up and speaks. “We hab to go ugh… What did dey put in those dwinks!” We all leave the freezer and head into different directions searching for Soul and Jay. The first freezzer you checked was empty and as you were about to check another freezer you heard Monica’s voice. “Monica found jay!” As you opened the freezer door you found Soul.

Two butchers were just about to carve him up. Seeing this you were enraged charging at them you pulled you’re arms up and attacked the first one. Doing this the lower part of his face was now completely destroyed with the top part being crushed by you’re back legs as you attacked the second. You grabbed the second butcher but his leg at that point he started begging for his life but you didn’t care so you rammed him against the wall killing him instantly and crushing every bone in his body. Looking at Soul you saw that he was still breathing but there was a large gash on his upper left shoulder but it was still bleeding so covering it with a cloth taken from a dead butcher you carried him out. Merlin and Monica were looking over an exhausted Jay and as you came out you spoke “Souws otay!” Jay looks at you and speaks “Willy holy shit! That’s a lot of blood c’mon Soul looks hurt we need to get out of here!” All of you started to run looking for an exit with you soon coming to a staircase and when walking up it you arrived at the right side of the dining room with the large table. But on the left side you saw Benedict his cannibal friends the servant and a dozen guards waiting for you.

“awen’t ‘ou fouw tastin’ piece of meat! wet go of my main entwée Souw an’ iww wet 'ou weabe awibe.” Benedict says this with an annoyed tone Merlin speaks. “how about fuck ‘ou whewe gettin’ out!” Benedict speaks again “yeah buh wiff what awmy!” Everyone looks at you and smiles with you putting Soul down behind you and looking right at Benedict with a grin and Benedict speaks now even more pissed. “KIWW THEM!” There were lots of guards coming but you all held. You’re family before all grabbed dropped weapons from the kitchen and the guards hired weren’t the highest quality. Soon more than half the of the guards were mortally wounded or dead. During the chaos of the fighting Merlin accidently knocked over one of the candles and with it falling on the carpet a part of the building started quickly catching on fire Jay speaks. “WE HAVE TO GET OUT NOW! THIS PLACE IS GOING DOWN!” Not wasting any time you grabbed Soul and with all you’re might all of you’re family and started running out. You were surprised you could even carry them but they were so heavy! Running out the exit you put everyone down and made sure to lock and barricade the door behind you. Sitting down for a bit the entire building was now engulfed in flames. You could hear the voices of Benedict, The Servant, his cannibal guests and what was left of his guards. they were all screaming in agony as they died. Merlin looks at you and speaks “guess it’s time to head back. ugh am su tiwed.” Grabbing Soul you all started to head back to the house just then Soul starts to open his eyes and speaks. “Ugh what did Souw miss that feast must hab been wiwd to get me that wasted. why does my weg huwt much?” And just as he finishes Soul vomits and you feel a warm liquid on you’re back Ugh. Fin

Thank you for reading my story! I hope to have the next part done in at least a week. And of course constructive criticism is appreciated.

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