Last Hope Chapter 4 part 5 Memento Mori (FluffySadist)


Your name is Velvet. Currently you are in the bedroom of King Maximus. After his fall a day earlier his health now rapidly deteriorated it seems he sits on his deathbed. Besides you there are several powerful generals and governor’s of high nobility all surrounding Maximus silent. Than finally one of them speaks “Maximus ‘ou nee’ to teww us! ‘ou goin’ to be dah next king!” Maximus never married or had any children saying he was to busy fighting bandits. And during one of our talks he said it was one of his biggest regrets and that even if he wanted to try to produce an heir after he got sick he just said it became impossible. Another person speaks “Maximus if 'ou nu pick nao! Dah entiwe kingdom wiww faww apawt!” Everyone started shouting all speaking over each other it felt so chaotic than Maximus mustering as much strength as he can shouts “EBEWYONE STAHP!” They all went silent Maximus spoke again “'I’be awweady made a decision.” Maximus slowly raises his hoof pointing at the next King of Motor that being… ME! WHAT! HOLY MOTHER OF! Everyone gasped and stared right at me than with one of the generals speaks “dis cant be twue! am majesty 'ou must be mistaken!” Maximus looks at the outraged general and speaks “Am not mistaken dis am maximus choice!” The general speaks “buh… buh… she’s a!” MAximus interupts him and speaks. “Aww of ‘ou weabe me an’ Bewbet. Maximus wants to speak to hew in pwibate!” reluctantly they all left the room. I could ear them speak under there breath as they did and approaching Maximus he speaks.

“Bewbet can ‘ou take off my mask. I wan’ to speak to 'ou face to face.” I begin to unstrap the mask when touching I felt the mask’s cold metal. Finally I removed the mask and for the first time I physically saw Maximus’s face. When I saw him he had little to no hair his face and especially his snout were almost completely rotted to the point where I could see what few teeth he had left he looks at me with his sunken eyes and speaks. “It’s bad Maximus knows. One of dah speciawists we bwought in cawwed it wepwosy. Dey said it was contagious su nu get dah cwose!” I had no idea what Leprosy was but seeing what it did to Maximus I made sure to keep my distance I speak. “why? why did ‘ou choose Bewbet? what am Bewbet goin’ to do!” Maximus after a few seconds of catching his breath speaks “Bewbet am sowwy Maximus was su sudden buh. ‘ou’be hab awways been someone who awways saw peopwe not as wesouwces to be used an’ contwowwed wike those ‘weadews’ in dah othah woom. Buh as actuaw peopwe dah same way I fewt ‘ou see that’s why I choose ‘ou. Things am goin’ to get hawd once am made queen. Dah peopwe dey’ww wawwy behind ‘ou Maximus know it. Buh theiw am a wot of weawthy powah hungwy tywants Maximus know will strike. Su go seawch fo’ dah fwuffie named Souw an’ his entouwage I know dey wiww hewp 'ou…” Maximus lays his head down his breathing slowing more and more I speak “Iww twy am Majesty… Iww twy” I could feel tears rolling down my cheaks and Maximus speaks “nu cwy Bewbet Maximus knows ‘ou wiww. Seek a cwose fwend of mine an’ dah weadah of dah fightews guiwd Waius. he wiww guide ‘ou fo’ awhiwe show ‘ou dah ‘wopes’ of wunnin’ a countwy. An’ nu wowwy I awweady towd him befowehand to expect ‘ou. An’ once he joins ‘ou seek out Souw an’ his entouwage dey wiww be of cwuciaw hewp.” I nod my head after a few seconds Maximus speaks “otay’ that’s aww. I… I… Think i’ww wike to sweep nao.” And with a dying breath Maximus closes his eyes. Never to open them again.

[Pov switch Soul]

You had just entered the Green Roof marketplace it was an early afternoon. Nothing that serious just grabbing some last minute supplies for when we leave tomorrow and return to the place where we met The Order Of The Mask months ago and hopefully convince them to let Monica stay with us. Than as you were walking not paying attention so suddenly you hit by a wall of bodies. Regaining composure you looked to see what as going on. Dozens of fluffies surrounded someone moving amongst the bodies you saw who it was. A gray silver earth stallion with a dark red mane wearing a brown robe holding a staff and having several necklace’s around his neck you heard what he said. “Oh gweat Gween Woof Messengah Oi has been sent fwom dah Pwophet Dabid himsewf! We bwin’ ‘ou dah infowmation that his Gweat Majesty Maximus hawf mowtaw son of Anu has sadwy weft dis pwain of existence an’ has ascended into pawadise to join his fathew! Buh! He nu did go siwent! Fo’ in his finaw bweaths he has chosen a successow. Queen Bewbet! Maximus has chosen hew to cawwy on his dibine wight! Wong wibe Bewbet! Wong wibe howy Motow!” Maximus is dead… I felt myself go quiet for a few seconds. Velvet? That name it sounded familiar but I couldn’t put my finger on it. Looking around I saw all the mourners some were crying others were in praying positions Messenger Oi speaks again “Oi knows fo’ many of 'ou it’s been dah fiwst time ‘ou ebah heawd of Anu befowe. Su Oi asks ‘ou if ‘ou wan’ to say am finawe goodbyes to ouw gweat kin’ join Oi at dah tempwe of noba whewe we wiww pway fo’ his souw!”

Messenger Oi started to leave with a large portion of the crowd following him. Looking up for a bit I was able to see the temple with it still being mostly under construction but with the main part of the building it being the short walls, the large nova statue and ceremonial firepit being complete. The structure was on level 3 and with me being a little surprised the building was in the same location that used to be Bloody Mary’s house. What also was a little surprising was all the increased activity from Anuian missionaries. No less than a week ago we had one knock on our door in the early morning talking about Anu and paradise. Merlin got annoyed and shooed him off. And when looking at all the caravans passing through Green Roof there was a 1 out of 3 chance of a missionary tagging along. Feeling pretty sad about Maximus and also a little bit curious about who Velvet was. I grabbed the supplies and headed out of Green Roof and began heading back home to break the news to everyone.

Once I opened the door and headed into the kitchen I saw Merlin and Jay. Merlin preparing some sort of drink with a spoon while Jay was just relaxing. Merlin seeing my sad expression speaks “why su gwoomy souw somethin’ wwong?” I speak “Souw just heawd dah news fwom Gween Woof. Mewwin Maximus am dead.” Merlin completely stops what he’s doing and drops the spoon. Merlin sits down as Jay hearing this looks in shock and speaks “damn you know even though I haven’t been here long the stories I heard oh him make him sound like a great hero may he rest in peace.” Finally Merlin speaks “Maximus was one of dah few fwuffies Mewwin ebah wespected. May he nao be in peace. Say souw? ‘Ou know who’s goin’ to wepwace him?” I speak as I sit down. “Someone by dah name of Bewbet. Say 'ou ebah heawd of hew Mewwin?” Merlin speaks in a less sad tone. “Nu name doesn’t win’ a beww. Buh fo’ one thin’ aftah aww of dis Owdah Of Dah Mask business. Wewe goin’ to Stabwewot to attend dah cowonation that’s fo’ suwe.” After that I went to go talk to Monica while Merlin went to go break the news to Willy knocking on her door it opened and she spoke “Souw what’s wwong 'ou wook down?” I speak “Monica king’ Maximus am dead. Somebody named Bewbet am goin’ to take obah nao.” Monica is silent for a few seconds before speaking. “Wow dis… Dis am huge. Monica hab nu idea who Bewbet am buh Maximus… he did his best’ to hewp dah common fwuffie an’ that’s somethin’ 'ou got to wespect.” Monica put’s her hoof around mine as she speaks “buh in a mowe positibe note nu can wait fo’ tomowwow! Who knows maybe soon aftah aww of dis am done wiff my daddeh an’ Owdah we can get some ‘awone time’ if 'ou catch my dwift.” I start to blush as Monica chuckles and starts to speak again “ibe got to get a few mowe things packed fo’ dah twip! See ‘ou in dah mownin’ Souw!” Me and Monica hug as she heads back into her room. For the rest of the day I was mostly just relaxing or talking to the others. Once it was tomorrow morning we got all of our traveling stuff ready and when I was putting on my pack I heard a knock at the door. Because I was the nearest I headed over thinking it was nothing. Opening it… I was greeted by a royal guard looking right at me he spoke. “Hew Majesty Queen Bewbet has come hewe to speak to 'ou fowwow me.” Fin

Thank you for reading my story! I hope to have the next part done in at least a week. And of course constructive criticism is appreciated.

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