You all made sure Monica was behind you, defending her from The Order forces was you’re main priority, you could see them start tp approach. And at that point The Grandmaster and Master Horse had disappeared into the fog, we couldn’t see that far infront of us and then out of nowhere I heard a noise behind me. Striking as fast as I could I hit a Order Member in the shoulder they fell back for a moment and even though it wasn’t that hard of a swing blood started to stain their cloak and just as I was about to make another swing we got attacked by two more Order members. We were able to dodge there attacks at first but as more Order members came in they kept on attacking us and we started to get overwhelmed, I speak. “Dammit when am dah woyaw guawds goin’ to get hewe!” We kept on dodging and sometimes giving the occasional strike. I felt myself getting weaker and more exhausted, I had to keep going! Swinging Excalibur with all my might I was able to disembowel a Order member. but in doing that I felt a strong force knock me over and looking to see who it was it was a Order member a bit larger than the rest. And with me unable to find Excalibur in the fog, and as he raised his axe preparing to strike I felt a sense of dread and anguish but… BLAM! He fell to the ground with a loud thud than looking I saw Monica! She had striked him with her staff and was breathing heavily. And not just that! Hearing the sounds of hoofSteps coming closer and closer I looked and saw the royal guard finally coming to help us!
The battle continued, I was able to find Excalibur after a short search and was helping with the fighting. The rain had gotten worse and with all of it the ground beneath us had turned to mud making it hard just to not slip. I started to search for The GrandMaster of Master Horse I couldn’t find them in the crowd only meaning two things. Either they were already dead or they escaped like cowards! As I and everyone else kept fighting we were slowly able to dwindle the Order numbers, I was surprised by how well they were able to fight it was obvious whoever trained them was a professional. Eventually the lasts of the Order member’s began to retreat into the fog with me seeing Jay personally plunging his sword straight through one of the Order member’s neck. Looking around I saw over a dozen bodies all littered throughout the battlefield and shortly thereafter I saw Monica sitting down. Running towards her I stopped, she looked at me and I spoke “Am su sowwy.” Monica looked back at the ground and spoke “how couwd dey do dis to me?” I could hear Monica start to cry at the last part, and as I put my hoof on her shoulder Monica takes off her mask looking at it front facing she speaks again “my daddeh towd me he wobed he mowe den anythin’ ewse…” Just as I was about to say something Monica speaks again. “HE SAID HE WOBED ME MOWE DEN ANYTHING!” Monica begins violently smashing the mask into a million pieces with her yelling as she does that, and with how much force she’s putting on the mask it causes her hooves to get small cut’s and to start to bleed. Finally after all of that she looks at the destroyed mask for a few seconds before looking at me breathing heavily than gives me a hug while she start’s to sob.
The rest of our family who at the time were with the royal guards regaining composure were finally able to find us in the fog. Beginning to approach us they gave a shocked but also silent look as they saw Monica without her mask for the first time, Merlin is the first to approach us with him covered in a few scratches and bruises and looking exhausted he speaks looking at me. “we shouwd hab nebah twusted these peopwe!” Merlin sits down and than looks at Monica and speaks again “Monica did 'ou know?” Monica who was now sitting and looking down looked at Merlin and spoke “Monica nu know what happened I nebah thought dey’d do somethin’ wike dis!” Willy and Jay also sat down with Jay speaking “Monica… damn… I’m sorry this happened.” Monica speaks “fank 'ou jay.” Jay responds " You’re welcome It’s good to finally speak to you face to face." Willy responds “Wiwwy agwee!” Merlin chimes in. “Yeah. An’ 'ou know Mewwin awways thought 'ou’d be bwue? stwange…” I hear Monica let out a soft chuckle and soon one after another we all give Monica a hug and she speaks. “Wet’s make suwe nothin’ nebah dibides ouw famiwy again. Nebah.”
A few minutes had passed we had just made it back to the carriages where I see bodies of the royal guardsmen being loaded on, and I see velvet near her carriage looking at me and speaks. “Dammit! dah Owdah attacked dis am wowse den Bewet thought. Souw come back inside.” I speak “Am sowwy Bewbet buh souw think id pwefah to stay wiff my famiwy fo’ nao it’s been a bewy emotionaw day.” Velvet looks a little annoyed but speaks “fine! buh fwuffy stiww nee’ to teww ‘ou somethin’ impowtant.” I speak “what am it?” velvet speaks “fo’ what my guawds towd Bewbet am fwend in dah white wobe am I guess nao a fowmah membah of Dah Owdah of Dah Mask. Hew insidah knowwedge of dis owganization may be pwicewess in findin’ theiw headquawtews an’ takin’ them down. Buh to take them down… It’s goin’ to wequiwe some weaw skiww su whewe cuwwentwy headin’ to Bweadbasket to wecwuit 2 fwuffies that couwd be usefuw am goin’ to nee’ am hewp wiff dis.” velvet is just about to get back on her carriage but she looks at me and speaks again. “Bewbet hoped fo’ things to nebah come to dis buh Bewbet thinks it’s to wate. Souw whewe at waw.”
I head to the carriage my family were in, things were pretty quiet and crowded I sat next to willy and looked at them all and spoke. “Bewbet said wewe headin’ to Bweadbasket. Dewe’s some fwuffies dewe that couwd be usefuw in fightin’ dah owdah of dah mask.” After a few seconds right before Merlin was about to say somethings I speak again “Bewbet says that whewe nao at waw… dammit.” Merlin speaks “dis owdah cant be that powewfuw can it?” Monica speaks “what dah Owdah wacks in numbews dey make up fo’ in infwuence.” Merlin looks a little confused and speaks. “How?” Monica responds “dewe am some membews of dah owdah who hab su much money an’ powah that eben though we may not face them we wiww cewtainty face theiw awmies. An’ some membews who am infiwtwated su deep within dey can cause su much chaos fwom dah inside.” Merlin sits back surprised by this information and soon we all start falling asleep as the carriages make their way to Breadbasket. Fin
Thank you for reading my story! I hope to have the next part done in at least a week. And of course constructive criticism is appreciated.