The Harwell Homestead p7 [by Luciferthefluffyreaper25]

(Hey all heres another chapter in the Harwell Homestead series!)

Author warning: this episode gets incredibly gruesome and violent if this offends you skip to the bottom for a short explaination of the plot and go to the next chapter instead of reading this one as the next few chapters will be a lot softier and hugbox focused.

As I watched in horror unable to step in this time after leaving my weapon inside I had to watch the fight rage on knowing if I did step in physically the herd would pick a new smarty and potentially rebel in a seriously destructive way so I quickly raced inside to grab my weapon just in case and as I re-emerged from my house a second time I was they were still fighting but it was obvious lime was hurt. Jumping over my porch railing I raced towards the pen as I say the fluffy leaving the badly injured lime who seemed to be barely holding on to life as I raced in to see the chaotic state the herd was in. Finally after spotting it I put him through my cross hairs and fired 3 shots straight into its body, spraying blood and fur everywhere. I had spooked the herd in the process causing many of the fluffies to run out of the fenced area and into the woods and nearby areas leaving few behind

“Fuck… there goes my breeding project” I sigh as I look down in the corner to see a single mare holding a mare tightly.

“N-nu-u gib babbeh owwies mistah” she stammers between sobs.

“H-hey its ok I’m not gonna hurt you I’m the nice mister remember I gave your herd a home…” I say gently approaching her.

“Dah hewd am gone mistah…” she said with a sad look on her face.

“Don’t worry I’ll fix things…” I said to her as I turned to find any other survivors.

After some searching I found 2 more mothers one of which had lost all of her foals in the panic and another who had 2, I also discovered 1 abandoned foal which I gave to the mother who lost hers. I found one stallion covering in the poop hole I made and and fishing him out I went to seal up the entrance made by the monster after a temporary solution, but as I did one last check I noticed something missing… The body of the killer fluffy was missing a blood trail leading from a small hole under the fence leading into the forest. After seeing that I went to check on Lime who was actually doing ok besides “heart huwties” as he called it and a broken leg and a hurt eye.
I went to call steven to alert him.
“Yo Steven come over quick.” I say immediately as he picks up.

“Huh? Dude its like 10 at night what do you want?” He says groggily.

“IT showed up…” I said in response.

“Oh did you get it.” He said sounding hopeful.

“At first but turns out it can survive 3 rounds of 9m into its back” I say sounding annoyed.

“Oh so why do I need to come over?” He said sounding confused.

“IT RIPPED A METAL FENCE APART” I said yelling at him annoyed by his laziness.

"Oh shit I’ll be right there, any fatalities?"he said as I heard rustling in the background of his phone.

“Yeah Limes pretty badly hurt, a third of the herd go out and scattered from the gun shots and all but like 6 fluffies and a foal or two made it” I said in a defeated tone.

“Also do you want to tell me how many other experiments you’ve been letting out or have gotten out?” I said impatiently as I said waiting for him to show up.

“Well I mean not that many but I um honestly don’t know most of them are harmful anyway or to humans atleast.” He said confidently.

I retorted back saying “Harmful to fluffies indeed… I lost all the sparkle varients except a fillie foal so its not a total loss”.

“Hey we can fix this I’m pulling into your drive way now.” He said as I saw a pair of headlights approach my drive way.

After that me and him got to work, he tended to Lime and I fixed up the fence with wooden reinforcements, we didn’t exchange many words during this as Steven seemed to be very embarrassed by this screw up.

“Hey man look I’m sorry for what happened with stuff I’ll try to keep a better eye out with my experiments, Do you wanna try to round up some of the herd right now?” He said as he retrieved a hunting rifle and a pair of flashlights from his car.

“Sure I guess but I don’t know how well things will go, so do you mind telling me about that group that got out?” I said to Steven as we started to follow the trail of blood into the densely forested area I had yet to tame.

“Well that ground was what I called The Herd Vontrol Initiative it was my failed attempt at making a killer fluffy that would make more killers to off all the surrounding herds. It did that however, they were also supposed to off eachother once all other fluffies weren’t around but they didn’t and eventually became Killer Smarties who were incredibly dangerous so I killed them off with a painless gas, except later I found out one of them got out before I could kill it and then I reproduced from there, I thought I could handle it myself but i suppose I’ve been proven wrong…” he said wirh a sigh.
After he a brief pause he continued. “There are some known things though all of the fluffies that inherited his genes and similar abilities are the same green and red, and they do have the same weaknesses as most fluffies just they are a lot more resilent.”

“So is the one I shot the last survivoring one?” I asked Steven.

“I don’t know man I thought there was only 6 left after I combed through the herds but honestly I’m second guessing myself now…” he said softly as we come upon a clear where the blood trail stopped.
“So wh-” I say being cut off by hearing a loud fluffy talking.

“Dah owd dummeh smawty am dead, am dah new smawty of dah hewd nao” the fluffy said triumphantly.

I soon spotted the group of fluffies who’d been cornered by the bastard who I was hunting as I grabbed the rifle from Steven to look into the scope I say most if not all of the stallions had been killed along the foals that had miraculous made it with their mother into the forest alive. Left was 3 foals and 1 fluffy that was semi hidden by a bush as I move over I saw a hope of my shiny fluffy farm, a pure black mare that sparkled and shimmered. As I took a deep breath in I fired at the bastard with a vengeance spooking Steven as I hit the killer fluffy smack dab in the middle of the forehead, but he was behind one of the other mares resulting in her falling dead as well. A nessasry but sad sacrifice in my eyes, I slowly creep up to the two remaining and signal to as I grabbed the black mare by the back legs preventing her from getting away. Steven however being a unathethic idiot tried to jog at his fluffy giving her ample time to run, but I got my prize.
“Here hold this one and don’t let it go” I say to Steven as I approach the limp body of the killer who caused me absolute hell today.
Just as I got up close to it, it started to try to get up, its body incredibly mangled and disfigured but it persisted none the less. It groan and complained as it got up, its one good eye not noticing me yet as I stood silently behind it. It slowly start to walk away as I pulled out my trusty glock and fired a round into one of its legs causing it to scream.
“Smawtys weggie nu wowking, weggie stawt wowkin’!” It yelled angrily unaware that Id blown the appendage off completely.

Steven watch in horror as I proceeded to shoot each of the bastards legs off one by one letting it scream and cry in pain, slowly breaking it for all the pain it had caused me.

“Weggies nu wowk come on weggies wowk fo’ smawty, smawty got mawes to enf” I said angrilly at where its legs should be.

“Hey man I think thats en-” Steven tried to say before I stopped him.

“If he can survive that he will survive what I have in store for him” I say taking aim at his last remaining good eye before pulling the trigging causing the most blood curtling scree I or Steve had ever heard sending chills up my spin. What that amalgamation was it was not a fluffy… "I emptied the remaining rounds into the monsters back as it wheezed and coughed up blood, yelling and screaming at its body parts for not working, eventually turning into a gargling jumble of nonsense as I shoot the last round of my magazine into its neck.

“I-i… what monster did I create…” Steven said sounding shellshocked.

“I will carry it back, and we will study it but we will keep it in serious containment.” I said to Steven as I grabbed the disfigured monster by the tail and began heading back.

The herd looked on in horror as I returned with the monster still gasping for breath, Lime screamed at me angrilly for bringing it back after what it did.

“Why monsah mistah bwin’ munsta back, wime am sowwy fwuffy couwdnt pwotect hewd… pwease nu take Wimes hewd…” he said sounding betrayed and hurt.

I sigh without saying a word as I look away, taking the monster I captured to the basement of my house, while steven introduced the new mare to the remaining herd and looked around by my house for any surviors that escaped the monsters wrath. I was greeted by a bluebell who seemed to shape up slightly until she screamed seeing me covered in fluff and blood, dragging a mangled gurgling monstrosity of a fluffy along with me. I opened the old steel room I discovered which my grandpa used to weld and locked it in the welding studio and went to the sink nearby Bluebells cage. As I started washing my blood covered hands I hear Bluebell pipe up.

“When am daddeh goin’ to wet bestes’ mummah hab new speshuw fwend, bestes’ mummah nee’ mowe bestes’ babbehs” she said in a demanding tone to me.

“Bluebell you have a baby already” I say brushing her request off.

“Dummeh daddeh bestes’ momma doesn’t hab any babbehs” she said confidently with her cheeks puffed out.

I looked over and to my horror I saw a small pool of blood and no baby to be seen at all and when I finally looked at Bluebell she was covered in blood… Inside me and I back handed her into the side of the pen and just as I was winding up a punch to potientally end her pathetic life I was stopped by a hand on my shoulder.

“Hey man leave her for now you have some good fluffies to take care of, but you need a shower first, let me handle the herd and her for now you’ve had a stressful day…” he said softly to me.

He was right to be honest I’d had to much today and I needed to chill I’d deal with her later FOR SURE but I had my other fluffies to take care off.

“Can you feed Angel and them while I take a shower?” I ask him as I moved away from the pen.

“Of course man” he said with a uplifting smile as I headed off to go wash off the fluffy guts, fur, and blood off myself.

Honestly I wasn’t mad of the killer fluffy I was more mad at myself for forgetting my gun, for not stepping in sooner, and while I hadn’t known a lot of the fluffies for long seeing their cold lifeless corpses in states of panic saddened me greatly, they did deserve those deaths they were good fluffies… As I got out of the shower and got dressed I headed back to the kitchen to see my 2 of my adorable balls of fluff Angel and Guardian eating the kibble Steven had gave them as Orange Peel sat idly besides them knowing the kibble wasn’t for her.

“Hey i hope you dont mind but i gave those two a tiny bit more than a scoop since they said they hadn’t been fed since this morning” Steven said as he finished making himself a sandwich.

“Yeah thats ok they weren’t lying about that I guess I forgot about lunch today.”

Angel finished her food and walked up to me giving my foot a hug

“Daddeh what was dat big scawy munsta noise dat angew heawd” she asked curiously.

“Oh uh it was nothing you need to worry about sweetie” I said kindly brushing off her question as I approached Guardian who seemed a bit nervous.

“You ok bud?” I gently asked him.

“Guawdian accidentawwy made bad poopies 'cos of dah scawy munsta noise…” he said trying to mske eye contact as I gave him a head pat.

“It’s ok bud accidents happen even to adult fluffies, goodjob for keeping Angel and orange peel safe during the scary noises, Your really living up to your name” I say encouragingly to him.

As I approached Steven he hands me a sandwich a says "I cleaned up the accident in the living room already, so what do you reckon we do with IT?

"Honestly I don’t know electricity or fire but I’ll let you study it, but it will not leave that room until its dead, no matter what. I say in a determined tone to Steven as I take a bite of my sandwich.

“Well I can work with that so what happened with Bluebell?” He asks causing Guardian to look at him angrilly.

“Bwuebeww am dah wowstes’ mummah ebah bwuebeww kiwwed gabe hew babbehs foweba sweepies, bwuebeww Am munsta fwuffie” Guardian said seriously.

"She was down there with her child and I didn’t give her food to punish her for beinga bad mom but she then ate her child, which is why I’m not letting her get even close to orange peel now, I was going to let her out to join the rest of the group not anymore.

“Guawdian gib bwuebeww foweba sweepies fo’ dat” said Guardian with a serious look on his face.

“It’s ok bud she won’t harm you guys, not if I can help it that is” I say to him confidently.

“Bwuebeww Nu take guawdians babbehs” he said with puffed cheeks which made me crack up with a giggle.

I then realized something, that since Angel was still so young Guardian saw her as his kin so he assumed she was his kid too which honestly is kind of sweet as Angel deserve a loving fluffy parent even if she saw you as her dad.
As I continued to talk with a Steven and each my sandwich there was knocking at my backdoor, when Steven answered it, on the other side of the door was Bill my other neighbor.

“Hey… neighbor I uh heard some gunshots and wanted to check up on yah” he said sounding nervous.

“Oh hey Bill yeah everything is semi ok come on in” I said to him in a reassuring tone.

“So what happened Atlas I heard a ton of gun fire on your property, exterminating things or target practice?” He said curiously.

“I had a pest issue, a uh experiment got out of Stevens as we weee rounding them up but 1 got away, nasty little monsters they are” I said to him.

“Like a mutant fluffy? and how scart are we talking as I’ve had some super dangerous herds over in my fields recently…” he said sounding a bit worried again.
"Scary enough a full mag of 9m didnt put it down for good but we got it contained in my basement or whatever is left of it that is. I tell Bill.

“Well I also wanted to swing by to ask for some help as those herds have been absolutely brutal recently, 1 in particular has been devastating my crops and even killed a chick of mine…”

“Was is green and red?” Steven blurted out sounding worried.

“I think so what of it? What’s so special about the color” He said to Steven looking perplexes.

“Come downstairs with me and I’ll show you why” I said to Bill as I told him to follow me into the basement to see the monster qe captured.

When we got there Bill was lost for woods.

“Holy fuck…” he said with his face frozen in a horrified expression as he stared at the mangled monsters body.

“you weren’t kidding c-can you actually kill the thing?” He said to me quickly.

“Well I think we wanna try electricity but if we can find something to get the job done we’ll tell you immediately, and we will hunt those fuckers down, for now keep any and all food away from your house and lock up your animals we don’t know exactly how many there are but your property being fenced in helps I just need you to check for holes so they can’t spread to anywhere else.” I tell Bill as he continues to stare in horror at the once killer fluffy.

“Ok thank you Atlas I appreciate the help, your old man would be proud of your initiative, he was also a man with the plan you know” he said giving me a pat on the back as he headed back up stairs to head back home.

“If its ok with you I might crash on your couch so we can make sure no other issues occur and then first thing tomorrow we get to testing on that bastard” Steven said to me as I shut and locked the door containing the monster fluffy or what remained of it.

“Yeah man that’s fine I just want to set up the saferoom first so they don’t bother you when they wake up at the crack of dawn” I say as Steven and a I head back up stairs to the living room where Angel, Orange Peel, and guardian were playing.

It was time to tackle constructing the saferoom but I felt it would be a worthwhile investment just incase any fluffies broke into my house while I’m not home besides I wanted to watch Angel and Orange Peel play huggie tag again…

Plot Snapshot for hugboxers

(Mini plot rundown: the herd was attacked by the killer fluffy and before atlas could gun it down it injured lime and killed a lot of fluffies, Atlas though he finished it off but it actually got away to the forest where Atlas hunted it down and after popping a cap in it's head it still got up so he emptied the rest of his guns magazine into it and it still lived but was severely disabled and mangled so he took it back to contain it until him and steven can finally kill it, soon atlas found out bluebell ate her foal and he flew off the handle at her but steve stopped him from ending her. The two were then visited by bill who asked for help with his own fluffy problem which may be another killer fluffy which is causing serious issues in the future for the farmers crops and then atlas and Steven started to work on safe room for Atlas's fluffies.

Hey all Thanks for reading! Sorry this chapter turned out a bit darked than I first pictured it, I wanted to add more tension and actual seriousness as well as lead to another plot point to string Atlas along on his quest to better his stale and boring life and his rundown dilapidated homestead, the next chapter or two will be a lot more hug boxier and focus on the house fluffies and bonding with the surviors of the herd who all now fear atlas due to him returning with the alive killer.

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Absolutely wonderful, was so sucked in reading this chapter! Excited to see the babies grow some and how they handle this problem

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Do you like the chapter links I added at the bottom of each chapter?


I love them! Its always great to have an option to go from one to the next without digging through an archive


Man Steve should really make his lab more secure with these experiments.

Glad the foals and that stallion had a good home now.

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We all make mistakes and underestimate things sometimes