The Harwell Homestead p1 [by Luciferthefluffyreaper25]

Hi all this is my first try at a story starter to see if I can improvevmy writing style as i have a ton of ideas involving stories im just bad at formatting
(Edit I may go back and turn these into first person but I am continuing through the story with 1st person perspective exclusively so sorry if this and the 2nd chapter is rough)

Atlas Harwell was a typical normal guy, very solitary except for the few oddball friends, working a boring software dev job. Until one day he received a phone call about the passing of his parents and being a only child he inherited all of their fortune but not their house… He instead got a rickey old farm house with a barn and a few acres of land that were forested and overgrown beyond belief. However it was close to one of his old friends Steven who was a weird mad scientist of sorts with fluffies and crops alike, making all sorts of discoveries such as fluffy proof crops and the like, but to be frank he was also tired of paying rent so he figured why not try farming or raising some lifestock as a new direction in life and while he thought this was going to be incredibly easy, he was dead wrong. He was given that property for a reason it was infested with herds and herds of shitbag fluffies who seemed meaner than your average lovable furball. How did he learn this you may ask, well he was awoken by harsh banging on his front door at the wee hours of the night, hearing “Open dah doow stoopi’ hooman, wet smawty an’ hewd in ow we gib wowwest poopies”.
He groaned know the trouble these fucks are going to cause, but he did often feel bad for fluffies as most seemed to act in good faith but he soon came to realize these little shits weren’t the case…
After refusing to answer the door, a night of failed sleep ensued and coming out to see his car shit on, and his steps covered in the most vile smelling shit possible he had had it! However upon the rickety old hose to spray down the poor defiled stair he heard a whimper from underneath, the movement of a small brownish blob from under his porch cause his attention. Upon closer look he noticed it was a young fluffy, its eye still closed, peeing and chirping for help, and then you notice what was actually making the worse smell, the corpse of the dead mother next to the foal that clung to her even in her death. “Poor thing…” he thought to himself as he reached out and picked up the dirty looking fluffy, upon picking it up he realized it was covered head to toe in shit which made him gag horribly as he rushed to hose the small shit covered chirping ball of fluff off making it squeal in fright as it got wen. After drying it off he started to notice the stange coloring id had, it seemed to have a white mane and white fur but had a pair of little golden wings and a circle of golden crown type shape on the top of its head. While he considered putting the thing out of its missery it snuggled up to his hand and coo’d softly aparently appreciating the warmth from his hands. Maybe I should keep this one just this one after all gotta keep myself occupied somehow. “Off to Stevens house I suppose” he thought to himself beside he needed to get those fucks who shit on his poor old car!

Thanks for reading the first part, let me know where i can improve and grow as I want to get better at story writing!

Next Chapter

Looking good so far, very interesting


Good start. Thank you for sharing.

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