The Pack (17) Week ten feeding footage (ShadowFox)

Week 10
Tuesday afternoon footage.

The gate sat open, the lush grass and bright playsets on the other side empty and inviting. At the far end of the outdoor run, near the gate into the run behind it, a small huddle of fluffies clustered at the small shelter. The blue mare hunched protectively over her brood of tiny foals, the bloated, swamp green mare next to her switching between hiding her face under her hooves and glancing longingly at the space beyond, as the pair of purple pegasi paced just outside the overhang. “Mayb’ munsta’s nu come out, an’ fwuffies can gu pway?” the straw maned mare offered, taking a few steps to the gate before slinking back to the other one. “Bwudda gu fin’ if safe pwace fo’ fwuffies tu pway an’ hab nummies.”

“Iwis stupi’. Wawkspu’ nu gu wewe munsta’s awe. Stay hewe, wewe munsta’s nu am.” Larkspur huffed, stamping his hooves insistently.

“Dere nu munstas!” the pink unicorn snapped, still standing with the rest of his herd by the gate. “Nyu mares awe wit Cwepe hewd now, come wit’ Smawty Cwepe to nyu safe pwace.”

“Astaw babbehs tu wittw! Nee’ mummah, nee’ stay hewe. Nyu fwiend Absins’ soon mumma an’ nu gu eidaw!” the blue mare shrieked at him, tucking unhappily chirping babies closer under her and leaning into the nervous pregnant mare next to her. Between the two of them, they took up most of the limited space in the open half barrel. Every few laps past the front, the purple mare poked her head in, attempting to find a way to fit herself and her thickening belly in as well, only to be met by a low growl from the blue. “Dummeh Iwis an’ Iwis stupi’ speciew fwiend Mewon wed hewd tu meanie hoomin wit twapsies an’ doggeh munstas! Dis Iwis fauwt hewd hewe! Nu shawe wittw safe pwace!”

“Speciew fwiend Mewon jus’ wan shawe guud bushie bewwy nummies! Nu knu hoomin habs twapsies ow doggeh munstas! Mewwon wub hewd, an’ Iwis, an’ Smawty Bwu! Mewon wa’ bestest tuffy!” Iris insisted, stamping her soft hooves indignantly. “Wa’ gonna be bestest daddeh fo’ Iwis babbehs.”

“Nu Mewon fauwt,” Larkspur added softly, staring at his hooves. “Munstas. Tu man’ wots a’ munstas.”

“Nu, be Wawkspu’ fauwt!” Iris turned on him, as the blue mare drew herself up and the green huddled further back. “Wawkspu’ sa’ couw’ be nyu tuffy wen scawy bwu hoomin take Taffy an’ Peppa’ an’ Cottn’ candy! Pwomised pwotect hewd wit’ Mewon, hewp Bwu! Den dummeh, nu-guud tuffy, stupi’ scawdy bwudda wun ‘way wen see munstas!”

“Wawkspu’ twy! Tu man’ munstas, nu can gib ‘nough huwties! Awmos’ wa’ nummies tu by wittw munsta!” Larkspur tried to defend himself. “Nu cou’ wun fast ‘nough, tiww Mawnie com hewp Wawkspu!”

“An’ wewe Mawnie now? Munsta pwobly nummed Mawnie, jus wike Howwy an’ Bwu an’ Mewon!” Aster snarled from the barrel shelter, pulling cheeping foals behind her. “Munsta shou’ hab nummed Wawkspu’ stead, cauz Wawkspu’ stupi, nu good,-” With each word of the argument, the four scruffy fluffies standing behind the pink smarty with his red and mustard streaked mane tensed, glancing between him and the others.

“Dewe nu munstas. Cwepe an’ tuffies can pwotect hewd. Nu scawed,” he snapped, stamping his hoof and glaring at the other three stallions behind him until they nodded and mumbled agreement. The green unicorn with the same mustard streak in his mane hesitated the longest, looking at the fear on the other herd’s faces before he stepped to the smarty’s side. Crepe huffed, drawing himself up to his most imposing height, the tip of his stubby horn rising a scant inch over the yellow earthie next to him. “Nu hewd wingie! Cwepe wiww wet ‘ou join hewd wit mawes, bu’ nee’ hewp tuffies wit munstas! Nu awe big ow scawy ow smawty, bu’ wit ou hewd habs…” the unicorn’s gaze flicked back to the stallions next to him, tapping a hoof as he nodded at each one. “Hewd wiww habs man’ stawwions, wots tuffies tu gib munstas wowstest owwies if awe dewe. Soon mummahs stay hewe, an’ hewd wiww bwing bac bettew nummies. Nu be scawed!”

“Nu. Wawkspu wiww stay hewe. Nu nee’ Cwepe hewd,” the purple pegasi muttered, slinking to the far corner. “Bu’ hewd shou’ stay tu.”

The orange and red mare standing behind the yellow stallion shuffled her feet, glancing out at the playyard. “Mayb’… Cwepe? Hasawd wiww stay, wook afta soon mummahs? Tu soon tu babbehs fo’ fwuffies tu pway ow wun, nee’ hewp.” The smarty huffed, but nodded at her, even as Iris lumbered past to the group at the gate.

“Iwis nu scawed, if hab ‘nough tuffies an’ stwong smawty to fite munstas. Dese tuffies nu wook wike nu good scawdy Wawkspu, wiww be otay. Iwis wan nummies an’ toysies tu.” She kicked a tuft of grass at her brother as she passed, only for him to huddle farther into the corner.

“Smawty Cwepe da smawtiest an’ bestest smawty, wit da stwongest an’ bestest tuffies,” the unicorn preened, looking over the mare. “Iwis wiww be safe wit hewd, bu’ stay back tiww tuffies wook awound.”

They were halfway to the tunnels when the gate clanged shut behind them, the tall, skinny ginger man grinning as he leaned over the fence and whistled. At the sound, the door to the building swung open, the four fluffy creatures waiting bolting out into the yard, a fifth, the only one without wings or horn, tucking herself underneath the shaded table in a shivering heap. The short woman with long midnight blue hair strolled out after them. She settled herself at the table with the same book as last time, reaching down to give the small fluffy at her feet a comforting pat. Marnie huddled back into Shadow’s ankles, turning her back on the yard, hooves wrapped around a galaxy painted hightop. Shadow flipped back to a bookmarked page, reading quietly to herself for a few minutes before scooping the still shaking fluffy onto her lap to be petted in an absent, one handed manner.

The Pack split as they entered the yard, Aurora pausing to give the top of the tunnels a wistful look before curving along the fence to get behind the small herd instead. Glory ducked through the tunnels, crouching and waiting for the right moment as Rook slunk around the far side of the playhouse. Foxfire raced straight across the yard, nearly bouncing up to the fluffies.

“Hi! Hi hewwo hi! Am Fo’fia, wan be nyu fwiends?” She grinned cheerfully at them, the unicorn in the lead flinching noticeably at the sharp teeth displayed before he realized she was nearly an inch shorter than he was. “Wub hab nyu fwiends, can pway taggies?”

“Dis be da scawy munsta?” Crepe asked, glancing back at the rest of his little herd. The other stallions wore the same dumbfoundedly relieved expression he did, snorting and laughing. Iris was edging faintly backwards, putting as many of the toughies between her and the small, bat winged creature as possible. “Owd hewd tuffies wewe wowthwess, if nu can handw dis munsta. Gu ‘way, wittw munsta fwuffy! Dis am hewd wand nu, wit aww da toysies an’ nummies an’”

“Nu am nyu fwiendies?” Foxfire questioned, ears tipping back in clear disappointment. “Nu wan pway wit Fo’fia? Why nu be nice fwuffies?”

“Hewd am good fwuffies, munsta fwuffy nu am good fwuffy. Munsta fwuffy am munsta, nee’ gu ‘way su good fwuffies can pway an’ hab bestest gwassie nummies. Gu ‘way now, ow Smawty an’ tuffies gib wowstest owwies an’ sowwy hoofsies!” Crepe declared, raising a leathery hoof threateningly as his toughies drew up at his sides in solidarity.

“Weawwy? Fo’fia twy be fwiend an’ nice an’ fwuffy say-” Foxfire started indignantly, only for the threatening ‘hoofsie’ to descend on her muzzle, thumping her hard enough to make her sneeze. “Fwuffy meanie. Fo’fia nu wike ‘ou ow wan be fwiend anymo’-” The next blow clipped the edge of a pinned back ear, and she took a half step back. “Owwies!”

“An’ wiww be mowe owwies if munsta fwuffy nu weave an…” The other stallions were still clustered at his sides, but the whimper from Iris was enough to catch the smarty’s attention. “Wat nyu mawe wan-”

“Sissy wittw an’ siwwy an’ nu pwetty. Bu’ Fo’fia am stiww sissy an’ Pack. An’ dummeh fwuffy nu shou’ tawk wike dat ow huwt Auwowa sissy.” Aurora was right between the herd and the gate back, head lowered as she stalked forward. The toughies fell back, away from the large demonfluff with the flared out wings, nearly tripping over their own soft hooves.

The smarty irritably swatted their rumps, stopping the retreat. “Nu be dummehs! Tuffies deaw wit big munsta, smawty wiww handw wunty munsta an’ den hewp…”

“Dat meanie tu! Fo’fia nu wunt! Jus… wittwew den bwuddas an’ sissy,” Foxfire retorted in a highly offended tone. He snorted, aiming his hoof at her face again, only for her to neatly step back out of the way and swipe claws across the descending limb.

“Fo’fia otay ow wan Gwowy hewp wit meanie nummy fwuff?” Glory asked, sidling up behind her with his wings tucked flat against his back. Iris made another terrified squeak, trying to flatten herself in the middle of the cluster. The ivory demonfluff cat-grinned at that, lowering his head and taking one deliberate step to the side to get the pregnant mare in better view. “Hewwo. ‘Ou smeww… famiwew. Dink pack missed fwuffy wast time, bu’ nu am open gate dis time, is dewe?”

The yellow earthie turned back, stepping between Iris and the demonfluff. “Nu huwt fwuffy! Fwuffy am soon-mummah an’ nyu fwiend tu hewd. Fwawe wiww gib pwetty munsta owwies if nu gu’ way!” he demanded, puffing himself up as he faced down the taller creature. As if taking comfort from his valor, the green pegasus and unicorn with their clashing streaked manes straightened, stepping forward into Aurora’s path with their heads high. “Whubawb an’ Kawe nu scawed ob big munsta mawe!”

“Dat am shame. ‘Ou shou’ be.” Rook crooned through a fanged grin, stepping out of the shadows of the playset barely a foot to the side of the blustering stallions. “‘Ou weawwy shou’ be.”

“Nu! Nu am scawed! Am bestest Smawty, an’ hab stwongest tuffies! Dewe mowe ob hewd den ob Munstas!” Crepe shouted, tucking his wounded leg under him as pink fluff bloomed with darker red that slowly dripped under him. “Hewd nu scawed ob any munsta mawes! Stawwions awe-”

“Gwowy. Nu. Am. Mawe!” Glory reared, raking his hooves across the yellow earthie’s face on the way down before rearing up again to bring them down the other way. The hard, goat like hooves opened gashes with each strike, and the yellow stallion fell back, spitting blood and bits of teeth, one eye gouged open and oozing out onto his cheek. “Am pwetty, bu’ nu am mawe!”

Rook snorted, sparing his brother an amused grin before he lunged forward himself, sinking fangs into a small, fluttering wing to yank the pegasus out of the huddle. The green fuffy tumbled down into a heap a few feet away from the others, the charcoal demonfluff spitting out a mouthful of filthy feathers before diving in again. As he grabbed for the other wing, the toughie twisted, trying to catch his attacker. The flailing hooves caught only air, until flat teeth clicked together around a loose lock of blueblack mane. “-yip- wet gu! Stupi’ nummie-” the pegasus kicked out again, frantically trying to land his hardest blows against the predator. Rook hissed as a flurry of blows glanced off his muzzle, rearing back before slamming back down. This time horn first, driving the sharp spiraled length past a flailing leg into the fluffies shoulder.

“Screee! Munsta huwt fwuffy” the pegasus whined as Rook pulled back, the iridescent black horn dripping with blood. The leg below the pierced shoulder hung limply as the fluffy struggled to get back to his hooves, breathing hard. “Kawe gun gib wowstest- wo…wowstest-”

Rook shook out his mane where the other fluffy had pulled it, huffing as a driblet of blood ran down his face. “Kawe gun gib nuttin’, dummeh. Wook gun gib aww da huwties.” He dodged to the side as the pegasus lunged clumsily towards him, grabbing at another fluttering wing to yank his prey further off balance, spitting out the mouthful of bloody feathers as the fluffy all but face planted past him. The green fluffy screamed again as his wing ripped free, his bleeding shoulder hitting the ground.

The green unicorn glanced over as the other toughie was grabbed, which was more than enough opening for Aurora. She slammed her solid hooves down into his chest, his entire frame creaking as his ribs crumpled into each other. A single step further took her close enough to loom over him, the tip of her hoof planted over the stub of his horn. “Wook stupi’ an’ nu pwetty, bu Wook wite. Fwuffy weawwy shou’ be scawed,” she said quietly, dropping her head down near her prey’s. Without a single look up at Rook’s suddenly flattened ears, she slowly leaned her weight down, shifting her hoof just enough to keep the pressure on the hard edge and not the softer frog.

“Wa- why munsta- pointie huwties, pwease munsta, fwuff- Screeeee- gurg-” the full-throated scream the unicorn started as she inexorably ground his stubby horn back into his skull, as he scrambled to lever himself up. He gasped for breath mid struggle, his scream breaking into a pink, frothy gurgle. Aurora flicked a glance at the air filled blood coughed up all over her other hoof, and stomped the rest of the way down until the skull shattered under her weight.

Crepe lunged at Foxfire with his stub of a horn lowered, catching the edge of a folded leathery wing with all the momentum he could manage. As the thin membrane and fragile bones crumpled under the force, Foxfire shrieked in outrage. “Screeyiip- wingie owwwies! Bwudda hewp?” Without waiting for an answer from Glory, she spun into the attacking stallion, slashing her own stubby claws over the nearest side of his face, leaving four parallel gashes down to the bone.

“Screeeeee- gu… Gon- wab-” the pink stallion struggled to get word through his tattered lips and cheek. “Oww-wo-wwowd hu-wuwties, stu-” Foxfire slapped him again with her other foot, limping as she backed away from the smarty.

“Gwowy hewp, jus- jus nee’ tu deaw wit dis-” Glory panted, looking over at his smallest sibling as he dodged a flailing hoof from the half blinded toughie he faced. Half blinded, dazed, but clearly still game for the fight. The yellow earthie whirled when the demonfluffs attention wavered, slamming both hind hooves up into his jaw. Sharp fangs clicked up into each other hard, catching the edge of tongue and lip between them. “-eeepgak!” Glory spat blood, head hanging for a moment as he tried to focus his vision.

Rook glanced over at the rest of the fight, dragging the pegasus back down to the ground before releasing the tattered ear with a light kick to the top of his skull. “Weawwy?” He left the dazed fluffy behind for a moment, launching himself back into the thick of the fight. A heavy wing slapped down across the wounded side of the yellow fluffies face, a single pointed hoof lashing between the flailing hooves into a fluff padded chest.

“Fwawe gib wess pwetty munsta wowste- scree-uck-” the earthy doubled over with the blow, a thick line of blood now oozing down his chest fluff as well as down the shattered side of his face. Rook just blew an annoyed huff in his direction, still moving towards the battered stallion trying to land another blow on the bat winged demonfluff.

“Gwowy guud now? Wook gotta hewp wittw sissy tu,” the dark demonfluff muttered in his brother’s direction, flicking one more glance back at the fight, at the straw maned fluffy still cowering with her hooves over her face as a much larger alicorn stalked slowly over a broken green corpse to her. “Weawwy?” he repeated again under his breath, before raising his voice without stopping forward motion. “Mayb’ udda, nu- wittw sissy cou’ hewp Gwowy?” he grabbed for a mustard and purple streaked tail, yanking the pink unicorn out of sorry hoofing range of his still limping sister. A quick hop forward, and he slammed both front hooves down on the smarty’s rump before any shit could fly in his direction, dropping the tail as he pinned the fluffy. “Blech. Nu- taste pwetty. Why outsidies nummy fwuffies awways-” Another whining cough made him look up just in time to see a still half dazed Glory clumsily dodge just out of another mule kick from the yellow toughie, Aurora still laser focused on the pregnant mare she was cat stalking towards. “Hey Auwowa! Pwincess Gwowy nee’ hewp!” he snapped, half turning to glare at her.

Turning just enough to shift his weight, for the pink unicorn to lever himself up and out from under his hooves. “Cwe- Cwepe go- hu- “ the smarty shook his head, blood splattering out as he did, and slammed both his back hooves out and up with all the strength he had left. “Gi- gib mu… munsta tuffy aww -Screeeeee!”

As Rook’s head snapped to the side, a thin trickle of bloodied saliva falling to the grass, Foxfire had lunged forward again, digging her claws into pink fluffed shoulders as she bit down into the exposed throat, clamping down hard around his larynx. “Nu huwt Wook! Fo’fia huwt ‘ou!”

Crepe’s screams petered out into gasps for breath, frantically trying to get his hooves up around the clawed demonfluff’s grip on his shoulders to pry her off, to hit her again, to do anything. He struck out at anything he could reach, clipping the lower reaches of her belly and the small cloven hooves kicking just as determinedly at his fluff as she clung. Hits grew more and more glancing, feeble motions until he dropped forward in a limp heap.

“Nu- Nu ‘m pwin’ kss!” Glory hissed, spitting more blood from his bitten tongue. He was still shaking his head, trying to get his vision to settle as he dodged the desperation blows from the yellow fluffy. “Gw’y n’ am…” he continued, finally managing to connect a downward slash of hard edged cloven hoof with the upward kick of leathery hind hoof, rewarded by a sharp, splintery crack, followed a split second later with a louder, heavy thud. “Ma’- oh.”

Aurora was standing over the other end of the yellow fluffy, her own hoof on the pulped end of his muzzle. “Bwudda Gwowy otay?” she asked, and the ivory demonfluff expelled more bloody saliva in response, fang punctured tongue hanging out as his head drooped again. “Shado’ fix dat watew, Gwowy am fin’,” she said dismissively, stepping back off the newest corpse to focus on Iris again. “Now, wewe was Auwowa?”

Iris was still sitting in the exact same spot she had been, face buried against the grass with her hooves over her ears. “Nu. Jus’ ba’ dweamies, nu weaw. Nu am munstas, fwuffies nu’ num fwuffies, nu weaw. Daddeh gun tuwn on wites an’ am home wit mummah, an’ Astaw, an’ siwwy Wawkspu, an’ Howwy. Daddeh neba bwoght home meanie nyu mummah, aww famwy stiww back ‘n safewoom. Fwuffies nu am munstas, fwuffies nu num fwuffies. Nu. Iwis jus’ habn bad dweamies, nu weaw.” The litany continued as she planted herself in one spot, refusing to look up or acknowledge the carnage around her.

It was enough to give Aurora pause, her head tilted as she paced around the muttering, unresponsive fluffy. She feinted a charge, stopping with her hoof an inch away from the matted mane when Iris didn’t even flinch. “Nu faiw. Dis nu fun now,” she huffed, looking up to check on the rest of her Pack.

Glory had nosed disconsolately at the yellow fluffy, still drooling a little blood before he shook his head again and trotted back towards the table and Shadow. “Mu’mah S’ado, Gw’y ‘ab mo’ut h’wt’s! Nu c’n ‘ab nu’m’s!” The blue ponytailed woman had sighed, picking him up and pulling a tube of gel from her hoodie pocket.

Rook had sneezed, shaking his head repeatedly as he pawed lightly at his own muzzle. “Owwies. Dat… Dat smawted.” He flexed his jaw, one hoof still half draped over his nose, almost concealing the slow drip of blood from his nostrils. Foxfire dragged herself out from under the unicorn and stumbled over to him, one wing still hanging limp and badly angled at her side, and he arched a black wing over her, craning his neck to nuzzle gingerly into her mane.

“Fo’fia ha-hab wowstest wingie huwties, nu hab fun,” she snuffled, and the larger demonfluff sighed, wing tucking more closely around her. “Why aww da nu Pack fwuffies be meanies an nu pway wit Fo’fia? Mawnie onwy fwuffy nu meanie as Auwowa. Nu faiw.”

Rook awkwardly patted his hoof over her shoulder lightly, already turning back to check on the last fluffies. “Dewe, dewe, am gun be otay…" his clearly rote comforting gesture trailed off as he tracked a sudden bit of movement. "huh, awmost fowgets 'bout dat.”

Aurora was still circling Iris, leaning in to sniff without prompting anything more than a muffled half sob. “Dis fwuffy bwoken. Wan nu nummies, bettew nummies, an’ -ooof-” she started to announce, before a bloodied green pegasus body checked into her with all the momentum he could manage.

“Kawe… gun… pwotect soon- mummah! Am… bestest tuffy!” he declared. His green fluff still stood up in spied tufts, between vast spans of matting and blood. Torn ears dripped down his face, tattered wings still bled freely over his back, his horn pierced shoulder still all but gushed over his chest. “Am… gun gib wowstest munsta foreba sweepies, fo’ Whubawb, an’ Fwawe, an’ Smawty bwudda!” with each word he took advantage of her current prone position, slamming down with his only working foreleg at her face and chest. “Kawe am- gurk- screeee-”

Rook, almost casually, brought both his forehooves down onto the pegasus’s broken wings, using the stumbled balance that caused to grab at a wing stub and haul the fluffy over backwards, breathing out a quiet -yip- as he let go and rubbing at his muzzle. “Dat weawwy smawts,” he hissed, shaking his head before stamping down again on the winged fluffies lower jaw. It crunched under the hard, pointed hooves, fragments of tooth and bone falling away in a spatter of blood. The last toughie wailed, an uncertain, gurgling sound through a broken mouth, and Rook slammed another hoof down, shattering one leg, then another, before he finally brought both down between the ripped ears. “Dewe. Nu mowe stupi’ tuffy.”

Aurora staggered back to her feet, a little dazed herself and rubbing her bloodied nose against her hock. “Auwowa… cou’ hab…. Fwuffy cou’ handw dat. Nu nee’ Wook hewp,” she mumbled, and Rook just snorted, flexing his jaw again.

“Suwe. Wook am…” he looked at the still near dissociating mare, and sighed. “Wook am bwing Fo’fia tu Mummah an’ see Gwowy otay. ‘Ou….’ou du wateba.” Aurora stalked around Iris again, huffing, before she followed him back to the table.

A few pried open mouths, a pocket flashlight, and dabs of insta heal gel later, three of the demonfluffs sidled back over the yard as Shadow put a still sniffling Foxfire and Marnie inside. Iris’s mantra had begun to falter, her hooves moving just far enough off her eyes to let her peek back at the still shut gate. Rook unceremoniously grabbed for the tip of her tail, clutching it in the side of his mouth as he hauled her backwards. “Eeeeeep! Nu! Nu weal!” Iris wailed, hiding her eyes again. “Nu! Iwis nu see dweam munstas, dweam munstas nu see Iwis!”

The brothers shared a look, and Glory, rather gently, pushed one of her legs away from her face, pinning it down as he leaned down, resting his muzzle against hers. With his eyes inches from hers, he grinned. “Pack weaw, ‘Iwis’. Nu dweamies. ‘Ou hab nu daddeh, nu mammah. ‘Ou jus’ nummies fo’ Pack.”

“Nu! Nununu! Iwis soon mummah! Gun hab babbehs! Munsta’s bad fo babbehs!” she wailed, trying to scramble back, to pull her hoof out from under his to cover her eyes again. “Nu can num Iwis. Babbehs nee’ Iwis!”

“Nu. It otay, Iwis babbehs am nummies tu,” Rook crooned, slowly leaning forward with her tail trapped under a hind hoof. He tugged at one of her small wing feathers, pulling it free before he returned to pluck another, ripping chunks of skin with them.

“Scree- nu pwease! Nu huwt babbehs- screeeeee-” Aurora had dashed in, grabbing a hind leg, sinking her teeth in and pulling back. Rook tightened his grip on the wings as she pulled, pinning her tail harder to the ground, Glory slamming down harder on the foreleg he held as he grabbed for a mouthful of ear. Fluff and skin deformed, the leg degloving at the thigh for several inches before the muscle bagan tearing as well, the scream rising in pitch before the bone finally separated. Aurora skipped back with her new prize, the initial spurt of blood sputtering out quickly to the same steady ooze the ripped wings and horn pierced side of the pegasus earlier had shown. “Pweeease, huhuhu, pwease nu, why take weggie, pwease. -chirp- am soon mummah, huhuhuh.”

“Why fwuffy tink Pack cawe?” Rook asked, sincere confusion in his voice. “Fwuffy nummies, gifties fwom mummah. Bestest nummies.” He bit down at the base of her wing again, twisting just enough to separate those bones as well, tear the limited flesh that attached the small wing. He stripped the last of the feathers, crunching the bones to pieces before he gulped it down. Iris’s sobs escalated back into that shrill scream, and Rook tapped his hoof into the gaping wound he had just made, his confusion fading as he seemed to consider the wavering pitch and volume each jab made. “Bestest toysies.”

“-Screeee- chirp- pwease! Fwuffy soon mummah, nu am toysie, nu nummies, pwease! - peep-” she was sobbing again, as Glory neatly nipped the tip off her ear. The ivory demonfluff chewed his mouthful of skin and cartilage for a moment before swallowing, sinking his teeth into the foreleg he had pinned instead, where the edges of his hoof were already leaving shallow gouges. He pulled back and twisted, reaching back for a better grip as this leg began to unglove as well. “-Screaeeeee! Peeep, pwease….- chirp- pwease, fwuffy guud- chirp-”

Rook brushed his muzzle up her remaining hind leg in the same manner Glory had her front, pausing and sneezing as he neared the base of her tail, pulling back as his ears flattened. “Smeww funnies, Wook nu…” He shook himself in a very canine gesture, shifting positon to rip off her second wing before tearing off a chunk of flesh from the open wound under it. A few more bites brought him back along her spine to her matted tail again, another, deeper sniff taken before he sneezed again and half pranced backwards.

“Wook am be’n dummeh ‘gain,” Aurora snorted, striding up and grabbing at the last foreleg as she had her last prize. Iris was fading beyond screams with each wound, reduced to weaker and weaker peeps.

Glory ripped a few more bits of meat from the leg he’d taken before trotting over to his brother, tapping a half folded wing against his brotehr. “Wook stawp bei’n” Glory started to retort as he reached around to grab for the last leg himself, before he sneezed in almost the exact same manner Rook had. “Oh. Smeww…. Pwetty bu nu pwetty? Gwowy nu….” He shook his head, shuffling his hind hooves uncomfortably. “Gwowy hab tinky pwaces huwties now tu, an’ feew… Nu wike.” He gave the same full body shake Rook had, before grabbing that last leg by the hock and roughly ripping it free. Rook flicked his wings, kicking Iris’s increasingly limp, chirping form over and tearing his way into her belly.

(a long one to make up for how short the last one was? Still gonna try to keep this every other day schedule for a bit, but it’s gonna depend on chapter size and scene length.)
First Chapter- The Pack- because what we need is more fluffies bred to eat other fluffies. (1) by :Shadowfox
Previous Chapter- The Pack (16) Week 10 Tuesday (Shadowfox)
Next Chapter- The Pack (18) week 10 aftermath (Shadowfox)


I feel bad for Foxfire, she just wants to play :frowning:

Maybe she can teach the new fluffs, once old enough of course, how to hunt and play?


That would definitely be a role she would enjoy.