The Tale Of Giovanni Rossi Or: How I learned To Stop Worrying And Love Being Reincarnated As A Fluffy Chapter 1 part 5 Menace II Society (FluffySadist)


From both direction’s the rows of houses seemed endless. you and Jackie had been walking for almost an hour now. Both of you feeling exhausted both from how hot it was and that the day was almost over. Jackie looks at you and speaks “boss ‘ou know whewe wewe going? Ow what wewe eben goin’ to do?” Jackie had asked that question when you left. At first you just dodged answering it but after Jackie asking it multiple times you finally give an answer "Am stiww thinkin’ buh one things fo’ cewtain. We nee’ to find a pwace to west an’ some nummies if wewe goin’ to suwbibe. "We kept walking it felt like it had gone on forever until finally we saw something. “Hey Kackie! wook a bwide! an’ dewe’s some puddwes of wawa to!” With all of our energy we ran over down under the bridge. Once there we both started drinking as much as we can. After I finished I had a look around there was nobody here and with this place looking pretty safe and with the shade providing some relief from the heat we decided to stay for the night. Clearing a small area on the floor I started laying down and soon I fell asleep.

I was awoken by a loud noise. Looking around I noticed from it was still dark our only being able to see from the street lights. You could hear sounds coming from a direction covered in darkness. You go over to wake Jackie up at first he tries to dismiss you but after he starts hearing the sounds he finally wakes up looking nervous. Looking at the direction of the sound we finally see what it is. A small herd of 7 fluffies begin walking towards us with the one in the center looking at us looking like he wanted to kill us. The one in the center was a dark yellow Pegasus with a blue mane he was surrounded by 3 foals 1 poopie stallion covered in shit and 2 mare’s all looked malnourished. He looked at us and spoke. “dummeh wittwe fwuffies weabe dis am smawty wand nao!” I speak getting pissed at this shitstain “heww nu! fuck 'ou! We found dis pwace fiwst nao gat wost!” The smarty snarls than speaks “fine den! get wowstes’ owies!” He rushed towards us with me and Jackie ready for a fight.

We barley were able to form a plan before he struck me. I fell back a bit quickly analyzing the situation I looked and spoke to Jackie “distwact him!” Jackie nodded as the smarty began to attack me again. I was able to dodge the first two attacks but getting hit in the face by the third than Jackie finally was able to get his attention away from me. I spat out some blood and without a second to lose I ran at full speed ready to attack. I bit right into his left wing grabbing it with as much force as possible. I ripped of his wing throwing it to the ground the smarty screamed in agony as I did. He fell down on the ground bleeding everywhere and me and Jackie just started hitting him over and over until finally his body was left completely broken and he could no longer fight I speak. “pathetic wowthwess excuse fo’ a fwuffy!” Smarty was crying as his herd looking at him in horror than one of his foals speak “wowstes’ smawty daddeh ebah! Babbeh haetchu!” An idea came to me so putting my hoof on smarty’s beaten face I spoke. “Am dah weadah nao! 'Ou do what Giobanni say ow Giobanni kiww 'ou!” The crying Smarty spoke “nu wan’ go foweba sweepies! otay’! otay’!” The smarty is now sobbing as the herd started to go behind me.

In the morning we started going on the move again. All of us were keeping up the same speed that only one not being Smarty who was lagging behind Jackie looks at me and speaks. “What am we goin’ to do wiff these fwuffies boss?” I speak “these idiots seem to obey any command I gib them I think. Jackie dis hewd we can use them fo’ anythin’ we wan’!” Jackie speaks again “whewe am we goin’ weabe been wawkin’ fo’ what seemed wike fowebew!” The place we were at had changed a lot to. Now instead of all the houses it was a combination of trees but still a few houses now I feel like I was in the right direction I speak “be on dah wookout Jackie.” The orange mare behind me had her 3 foals on her back I’m guessing the smarty must have been the father but every time he tried to interact with them they just kept saying they hated him and called him the worst you couldn’t help but laugh as he cried. other than that the poopie stallion and the other mare a green one followed without saying much. You knew because of how skinny they looked and with you and Jackie feeling pretty hungry you would have to find some food soon. But Finally after all that walking you arrived at where you wanted to go.

“Boss what am we doin’ hewe!” Jackie spoke. We were at the university of Miami a large building surrounded by forest I speak “my son Nathan goes hewe we nee’ to find him!” Jackie speaks as we all sneak around security and around the building. “Jackie thought 'ou hated him. 'ou cawwed him am wowstes faiwuwe!” I speak again “Giobanni know buh cuwwentwy he may be dah onwy pewson of my famiwy stiww in Miami.” It was sad but true out of all my 3 children Nathan was the only one probably still here. My other son Louis I hated just as much as Nathan for him being a fucking lazy cocksucker and all. But currently he was in LA probably with a needle sticking out of his arm! So there was no way I was contacting him. My daughter Angel to be completely honest was the only person I considered a worthy in inherit the family business. She was the only one to give a shit about school, wasn’t a trust fund baby and always showed me respect and! She was even able to get into university without a ‘donation’ to the school. But once getting her business degree she got married to some billionaire from the UAE and moved to Dubai so there was no way to contact her. After a few more minutes of walking we were at a trash area. Their were tons of wasted food everywhere and with nobody around we began to eat. We stuffed our faces full of junk it didn’t taste that good and with my small teeth it took awhile to chew but once we were finished I told the herd to stay in a dark place where they couldn’t be found. And me and Jackie went to go find Nathan. When I was alive I purposely chosen Nathan’s room so there would be an easy way in in case of an emergency. After awkwardly climbing some stairs and walking on the roof for a bit we were finally at the window. Now with both of my and Jackie’s strength we were able to open it and went inside. Fin

Thank you for reading my story! I hope to have the next part done in at least a week. And of course constructive criticism is appreciated.


This is such an entertaining series. Looking forward to more!


Thank you!


Really enjoying the series so far but I just need to ask how OLD are these 2. are able to take down a full smarty stallion?


Half the age of an adult. But since they have there human memories they were a lot more skilled.