The Tale Of Giovanni Rossi Or: How I learned To Stop Worrying And Love Being Reincarnated As A Fluffy Chapter 1 part 7 Back in business (FluffySadist)


Once we got inside the warehouse we saw the place completely untouched. Of course everything was covered in a thick layer of dust but still everything was still there! I told Nathan to go get the power started and went to go explore. Even when I was still a human I haven’t been here in years so it felt strange being back, after a few minutes of looking around and seeing if everything was still where it should be and the lights finally turned on. Heading over to Nathan I saw him sitting on his phone covered in dust I speak “gud, it seems wike ebewythin’ am stiww hewe. I wan’ ‘ou to head to dah bank an’ entah dis code, come back hewe wiff dah money an’ we can begin wowk.” Nathan nods his head and leaves, I hope he doesn’t run off or ill fucking kill him myself. Going over to the herd I noticed something some commotion going on. It was the smarty and the skinny poopie fluffy, The Smarty was biting at the fluffy and yelling gibberish at him while Jackie was trying to get the smarty off I speak annoyed. “stahp that 'ou idiot!” Smarty speaks “NU SMAWTY HATCHU! SMAWTY AM WEADAH OF DAH HEWD NOT 'OU!” Starting to get pissed I go confront smarty.

The first thing I do is punch his nose, he didn’t suspect me to be this fast but it worked and he fell back a bit. He is now bleeding from his nose as the herd looks on in shock Smarty looks at me and something weird happed… It looks like he’s trying to say something but he can’t this goes on for a few seconds and it even gets to the point that he looks constipated but finally he yells at me with a look of pure rage “FU- FU- FUCK 'OU!” I could hear the herd gasp damn even I was surprised! You never hear a fluffy swear I thought it was programmed in that they couldn’t shit! Smarty started running at me ready to strike. The first strike I was able to dodge with me responding with a strike of my own. Smarty fell back coughing up blood and went to go strike me again, this time he was able to land a hit causing me to get a bruise and a few scratches. Things were getting crazy I knew I had to end this fight soon and seeing a opportunity I punched Smarty straight in the jaw kicking him back and knocking him out.

I was breathing heavily but I felt a sense of accomplishment defeating Smarty for the second time I felt much stronger and I didn’t need Jackie’s help and looking at Jackie I spoke “tie him up I nu wan’ him causin’ any mowe twubwe!” Jackie went to do what I asked and went over to the herd. They were all pretty scared from the fight with the foals looking away in tears but I made sure to reassure them that the ‘Smawty Munstah’ won’t hurt them and they seemed to believe me. Than an idea came to me… All of these fluffies with just a show of strength they could do whatever I told them I could make them to work making all the ‘product’ without even paying them! I was a fucking genius but there was still one thing. If I was going to do this I was going to need a lot more fluffies and a place to house them. going over to Jackie who just finished tying up Smarty, I told him my idea he seemed to agree but also brought up the same concerns I had. the rest of the day was spent waiting for Nathan and getting to know the herd better and I even got to see the start of my my mane! With it being a nice grey color.

When it started to get dark out I saw Nathan come back heading over to him he spoke “I was able get it. But fuck they were they suspicious!” I saw the money it was enough I told Nathan to go find a place to sleep and find me in the morning and after that I start looking for a place to settle down for the night I head to the herds resting spot and sat down and fell asleep… Once I woke up I had a quick breakfast and I went right back to work. I knew if I was going to start making some ‘product’ I needed to find some more fluffies. Exiting the warehouse with Jackie we scouted the area it being in a bad pat of the city. Going around looking to see if there were any desperate looking fluffies around after finally a bit we hit the jackpot. A dark yellow mare with tiny 4 foals them all crying in a dark dingy ally, they all looked pretty starved so they’d be easy to convince. heading towards them they noticed me and started to cower scared and spoke “nu huwt Mummah an’ babbehs!” hearing this I walked a little slower and spoke.

“hewwo pwetty mawe! nu wowwy fwuffy won’t huwt ou. 'Ou wook hungwy do ‘ou wan’ fwuffy to hewp ‘ou? fwuffy hab a pwace wiff wots of nummies an’ othah fwuffies. If 'ou join fwuffy’s hewd can come!” The mare and her foals face’s changed almost instantly they started running over happily and once they got to me to the mare spoke “yes pwease Mummah wiww wub to join hewd! Fo’ Babbehs!” BINGO! I led them to the warehouse and once they were in there I went out looking for more fluffies. An abandoned stray there… Some orphaned foals there… And a few other sobs stories later. We had around 3 dozen fluffies under my control and they were all in the warehouse now, I told Nathan to go buy some fluffy food and the materials to start making some ‘product’ and a few hours later he came back and I knew we were ready. I had a few fluffies set up the equipment and a small area for everyone to rest. Now after bringing them all together with them all looking at me I spoke. “As dah hewd weadah I’be decided to gib ‘ou aww an assignment. Duwin’ dis assignment I wiww teach 'ou not just fwuffies… Buh wowkews.” Fin

Thank you for reading my story! I hope to have the next part done in at least a week. And of course constructive criticism is appreciated.


This is getting wild. If Gio’s selling drugs, he’s going to have those fluffies shaved before long so they can’t steal product.


Bweakin’ Bad


I know this isn’t the case but I just imagine Nathan is the image from the gamer son from GTA 5