Turtle's School Days (Ace)

“Tuwtel am weady!” The intrepid little green and brown stallion announced to his owner. It was 7 in the morning and just like every weekday morning, he was ready to go off to school. Well, as much as a school as you could make for a fluffy anyways. He had a little backpack on specifically made for fluffies showing a scene from the new animated FluffTV show, Cinnamummah’s Super Friends. On it the portly mare was shooting laser beams from her eyes. Frederick didn’t get it but his little buddy sure seemed to love it.

“Not yet you aren’t. Come here, you.” He bent down with a toothbrush and a cup of warm water. “Open.” He poked the stallion’s mouth. “Come on…” Poke poke, but Turtle just shook his head. Fred rolled his eyes and reached out to tickle the fluffy, causing him to giggle helplessly before the toothbrush was shoved into his mouth and quickly scrubbed around.

“Mmf blrff mff.” Turtle tried to say around a mouthful of bristles and toothpaste, slobbering everywhere.

“Alright, swallow.” The toothbrush was deposited into the cup, and Turtle swallowed the toothpaste. Good thing this stuff was designed like it was for kids.

“Wook! Bus! Tuwtel wan go!” The short bus (appropriately so) was idling in front of the house. It had artwork on the side showing a bunch of fluffies dancing and reading books. Leading Turtle outside, he’d scoop the stallion up and give him a big ‘ol hug and a kiss on the top of the head. “Be good. And don’t be eating bugs on the playground again!” Placing him down, he watched the fluffy scamper off and carefully climb up to get on the bus once the door had swooshed in.

The trip to school was uneventful. Mostly he just looked out the window as they passed by the town, tail waggling happily. He was usually well behaved so the surly attendant, Mrs. Weathers, never had to put him in the sorry-seat.

Once at school they were led off in a single file line by said attendant, a rather uptight looking woman in her sixties with a pinched face and curled grey hair. Fluffies could get rather rowdy but she always had them on their best behavior. Out of the bus, though, they were free to run past the open doors and into the building.

It wasn’t a large school. Really, just one main common room, two smaller closeted areas where litterboxes were kept, a small gymnasium, a canteen, and a fenced off playground. As you walked in you’d find yourself in the main common room where instead of desks there were small mats set down on the floor where fluffies were expected to have assigned seating. There were many crappy paintings on the wall, fairly impressive when you considered they came from fluffies, and different educational posters as well. They couldn’t read of course so they were usually cute and simple things such as a cartoon fluffy making poopies and then eating a big bowl of skettis on the next panel. After Turtle was helped out of his backpack and settled down on his assigned mat (easy to find since it was covered in stickers from his namesake), class would almost be about to begin.

There was a small window of time before Miss Teacher would pass out their learnin’ tablets so the stallion was left to socialize to the mare next to him. She was yellow with a white mane & tail which her mummah always braided with lots of pretty flowers. Her name was Sunshine and Turtle happened to be a slight nuisance to her.

At first she didn’t know something was happening but then there were small tugs and a noise of contentment. There he was! Turtle the annoying stallion! “Nuuuu! Nu num pwetty fings!” She wailed helplessly, the fluffy nomming on the flowers in her mane.

“Sowwy.” He noted, stepping back before he raised the ire of Miss Teacher. He didn’t want to have one of his stars scraped off the Good Behavior chart hung up in the front of the class. When sketti day rolled around and you didn’t have enough gold stars, you got to sit outside and look in sadly as everyone gorged themselves on delicious nummies.

Soon enough, Miss Teacher handed out their learnin’ tablets. They were blocky devices that could withstand being nommed on, stomped with hooves, and shit upon. Each things which were just as likely when dealing with her students. Turtle watched as his started open and synched to the screen in the front of the room, and the ‘education’ began.

What was a car? What was an apple? What was this and what was that? It was a very slow thing that should be obvious to anyone, and you’d think fluffies would get bored of this quite quickly but the tablets gave amazing little jingly sounds and showed dancin’ fluffies when you got an answer right. When you got a wrong answer there was a storm cloud and a frowny face. If you got too many frownies, it would call you a dummeh and everyone would laugh. This carried on for awhile until it was that mystical time of the day: LUNCH

They were showed off to the canteen where again, they had assigned seating and were served lunch on small foam trays. This wasn’t just kibble either. There were lots of greenies, fruits, some brown paste stuff that looked weird but tasted pretty good. The one next to him, again, was Sunshine. She could simply not exit his presence.

“Wook. Sunneh. Wook.” He showed her how good he was at eating his greenies, numming up several leaves of lettuce and a celery chunk valiantly. She stared at him before returning to her own food.

Once lunch had concluded they were out on the playground. There were several activities they could enjoy such as the sandbox, several tunnels to run through, balls to knock around, a pole with long ribbon tassles hanging from it that they could pull and tug on.

Turtle wandered around for awhile, not really having a clique to fall into. There was the group of stallions bad mouthing one another and playfighting. The mares who constantly talked about how they were going to have babbehs and special friends. Then he spotted Sunshine. She was in the sandbox, slowly pushing a mound of it into a neat pile and stamping it with one hoof. That was his bestest friend! Revving up, he went galloping up and jumped into the box.

“Hi Sunneh! Tuwtel am hewe!” He’d squished her sand pile and knocked it askew, causing the mare to screech.

“Tuwtel! Big dummeh! Wuin pwetty fing!” She flared her nostrils at him, and he immediately felt kind of bad. Began to try and help her with squishing the sand back as neat as it had been.

There was a zero tolerance policy on tomfoolery though so Mrs. Weathers had gently tugged him out from the sandbox and carried him over to an area where he could play ball. He didn’t want to play ball though, so he’d just sit down patiently and wait for recess to end.

They were back in the classroom and after a big day there was nothing better than a nap so their owners didn’t have a bunch of tired and cranky fluffies returned to them. The lights were dimmed and they were given a favorite stuffy friend they’d brought from home to lay with. Turtle, of course, had his Cinnamummah stuffy-friend. It spoke when you squeezed it and was really cool. Watching Sunshine cuddle and coo against a stuffed rabbit, he’d nudge his Cinnamumma so it faced her.

“Wook. Sunneh. Wook.” Squished a hoof down on his talkie-toy, Cinnamummah chirping out one of her 10 prerecorded phrases: ‘Aw babbehs awe gud babbehs!“

Sunshine squealed and clicked her hooves against the floor. Miss Teacher came by and took Turtle’s stuffy-friend and told him if he didn’t stop, he’d be getting a star scraped off his chart. That managed to get him to be a good boy until naptime was over.

Once school was over and they were loaded back on the bus to go home, the stallion excitedly waved goodbye to Miss Teacher as the bus left the parking lot. Dropped off at home, his daddeh had just gotten off work and was waiting outside for his best friend.

“How was your day, bud?” Frederick asked, patting the stallion on the head and helping him out of his backpack.

“Wub Sunneh.” Turtle answered amicably.

“You know, maybe I’ll ask her mom if you two would like to have a playdate some time. You seem like such good friends.” Fred would respond, not knowing how it really was.


Turtle, my dude, I’ve been there.

The popular girl doesn’t care about you, which only makes her more attractive, it happens to all teenagers. And it’s not fun for either of you.

This is going to end in heartbreak, which unfortunately might be a cruel but necessary lesson for you. That you can do nothing wrong and still lose.




Don’t count Turtle out of the fight just yet.


I wanna see him with his stupid backpack someone draw turtle with his backpack!!!


That would be super cute

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Turtle :turtle: just being a little dense


I’m so enamored with the idea of fluffy school.


I imagine a fluffy back-pack fits like a harness? Anyway.


Yeah pretty much just imagined it like the backpacks for dogs. Super cute!


Lol, lasers in different directions.

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