Turtle's School Days: The New Fluffy (Ace)

Turtle’s School Days

If you’re new to this series that’s a good place to start.


After getting into school slightly late (he’d missed the bus because his daddeh had overslept), Turtle would look about as the room was practically abuzz with excitement. Everyone was in a cluster around something and he had to gently push his way in to get a look at what.

There at the center was a really pretty mare. A soft, almost white pink fur with a darker shade of a pinkish-red for a mane and tail. The air around her clung with the sweet smell of a strawberry scented shampoo, and her owner had decorated her mane with great care with teensy little berry ornaments. Reginald, absolute TERROR of the daycare, made a show by shoving his portly body in between everyone else and brazenly licking her ear. The new fluffy gave a look of disgust and confusion.

“Dis am Weginald’s speciaw fwend! Bestest mawe ‘fo Weginald!” He puffed out his cheeks out, looking to all of them.

“Stwabewwy nu am mawe! Am stawwion!” The newcomer protested. Turtle was confused. They sure looked like a mare. They were even tip-tapping a dainty little hoof against the floor like all the girls did when they were upset. Hmm.

“Yew AM mawe!” Reginald told Strawberry with an impassioned tone. Gave him another ear lick. This was all broken up when Miss Teacher finally began class though, and had the newcomer introduce himself.

“Hewwo. Am Stwawbewwy. Wub teebee ‘n pwayin’ hide.” Turtle was chewing on a piece of paper he’d found. After the minor introduction was made, they were onto learning. Today was about…roads. You should only cross a road when with your mummah, daddeh, or someone like a teacher. If you were ever in a situation where you didn’t have one available, you should look both ways. There were lots of cartoon illustrations of fluffies laying flat in the road with X’s over their eyes, and Turtle sure didn’t want that to happen to him. Anyways, the day passed quickly (and nobody had gotten put into the sorry corner by some miracle) and segued into lunch time.

Strawberry didn’t have much luck fitting in with either the stallions or the mares. On top of being the new student, everyone seemed kind of confused by his presence. Well, there was one exception to the rule. Reginald had bullied his way over to his mat and was trying to get his attention with offerings of food. Only greenies, which of course a fat-fuck like him wouldn’t want any part of.

“Hewe. Mawes wub gweenies.” Reginald said, scooping up carrot sticks and spinach leaves, plopping them onto his tray. Strawberry seemed ready to turn it down but the mean glare from Reginald just made him eat the accursed veggies.

“Hewwo fwends.” Up came Turtle, having finished with his meal. Some sketti sauce was still smeared around his mouth ‘cause he was kind of a messy little scamp.

“Hewwo. Am Stwawbewwy.” The stallion smiled to Turtle who responded back with a goofy grin of his own.

“Am Tuwtel! Wan pway?” Recess was about to begin and ever since he’d stopped bothering Sunshine incessantly he’d mostly just been lurking around getting into whatever kind of game he could.

Strawberry nodded but Reginald stamped a hoof down. “Oh? Babbeh dummeh Tuwtel am twy takesies bestest nyu speciaw fwend? Am Weginald’s! Pwetty mawes aw’ Weginald’s!”

Giving a squeal and a rapid stamping of his hooves, Strawberry protested again for that day: “Am stawwion! Nu am mawe! Hab speciaw wumps! Hab nu-nu stick!”

Turtle, oblivious as always, just looked to the door where everyone was being let out to play. “Otay. Stwawbewwy ‘n Tuwtel pway.” With that he led his apparent new friend outside to show him around. There was the sandbox, though that was usually filled with more sensitive souls trying to sculp little mounds of sand. The ribbon pole, but that was already occupied. Hmm. Turtle kicked a ball out to Strawberry who daintily stopped it with one hoof, giving a tail wave.

“Mummah say Stwawbewwy nu s’post tu pway wike dis.” He said somewhat sadly, and Turtle gave a tilt of his head.

“Nu pway baww? Su fun…” Somewhat disappointed. Chasing around the ball would be fun but it was easy to understand why his mummah didn’t want him chasing it around. All the mud and grass would make his fur all dirty. Just then Reginald arrived from the sidelines and grabbed Strawberry by the mane. The stallion cried and tried tugging away, and Turtle immediately went on the defensive.

“Wet nyu fwend go! He am gud fwend! Weginald, nu be meanie!” He didn’t want to get into a fight with the smarty. If he did it would be the sorry corner for him and his daddeh may start thinking he was a bad fluffy. It didn’t have to end that way though because Strawberry sent one of his sparkly, well-kept hooves back against the portly villain who immediately relinquished his grasp on his mane, flopping to the ground and blubbering with tears.

“MISS TEACHEH, STWAWBEWWY AM HUWT WEGINALD!” He flailed on the ground, writhed, screamed and generally carried on as if someone had just stomped him into the dirt with a spiked boot. Both Turtle and Strawberry looked as he completely lost it on the ground, even shitting himself in the process. Miss Teacher had finally come up and looked down to Strawberry.

“Is this true?” She asked, obviously incredulous. Reginald was not exactly a trusted source.

“He am be meanie!” Strawberry said, and Turtle gave a nod beside him. Miss Teacher sighed and scooped the offending smarty up, careful not to dirty herself with what he’d just blasted out his rear. “What’ll we do with you…?” She asked him, carrying the fatty over to a corner usually reserved for troublemakers.

Afterwards the two enjoyed activities which wouldn’t sully Strawberry’s well-kept appearance. Going through the tunnel was fun, and so was playing hide. Recess went by quicker than usual with someone else to spend it with.

At nap time he was actually tired and ready to get down to sleep. Cuddling up to his beloved talkie Cinnamummah plushie, he would snooze until it was time to go. Reginald, and Chili who had been quickly been becoming his toady gave him meanie looks as they got ready for the bus home.

They didn’t really bother him at all though and he’d plopped himself down next to Strawberry on the bus. They both chattered about what they liked on teebee, both agreeing that just about everything but dancin’ babbehs and singin’ mummahs was great.

“Dis am Tuwtel’s housie. Bye nyu fwend.” He gave a wave with one hoof as he got off the bus, his daddeh Frederick waiting in the driveway like always. Trotting up to his owner and watching as the bus full of his friends slowly made it’s way down the street, he looked up.

“Good day at school?” Fred asked, shepherding the little fluffy inside.

“Tuwtel am hab nyu fwend Stwawbewwy!”

Frederick chuckled. “Do you love her too?” He asked, giving his companion light teasing at the fact he’d babbled on about Sunshine just about every day he’d come home before.

“Nu. He am fwend.” Turtle had stopped to munch on some appetizing flowers next to the front door.

His daddeh gave him a light tap to the rear. “Come on, I’m making dinner.”


I smell more miserable mischief coming from Reginald soon


I love how this is your universal symbol for dead fluffies to other fluffies.


It’d prolly be super effective without upsetting them too much heh heh


One can only wonder when his reign of terror will come to an end


Strawberry a bit fruity but he’s a solid friend :yellow_heart:


That pun hurt.

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