Turtle's School Days: Special Huggies!? (Ace)

Turtle’s School Days
Turtle’s School Days: The Bad Boy
Turtle’s School Days: The Christmas Party
Turtle’s School Days: The New Fluffy
Turtle’s School Days: Reginald Ruins A Funeral

The art was commissioned from @Julie you can check out her commission page here Trying Commissions


Turtle had gotten to school on this particular day with a spring in his step. It was Valentine’s Day! He didn’t really get it but had been told there would be cookies, they would give out cards, and everything would be fun. Miss Teacher had spent the previous day helping them decorate little boxes that they could put Valentine’s cards in and each of the fluffies had one tailored to the personal interests. Turtle’s, for example, was covered with dinosaur stickers. Because dinosaurs were cool.

The previous night his daddeh had brought him to Fluffmart so that he could pick out cards. Of course he could try making his own but, there was a certain kind that he really wanted. Cinnamummah branded Valentine’s Day cards! There were five different designs each showing the friendly, portly TV mare in different scenarios. Though fluffies couldn’t read, the fronts had different corny sayings such as: ‘I love you as much as Cinnamummah loves her babies!’. Hasbio really did put zero effort into these things and truly cranked up the marketing for every holiday.

The entire classroom was abuzz with activity already so early in the morning. All of the fluffies ran around in a frenzy dropping off cards into one another’s decorated boxes. Turtle shyly walked up to Sunshine’s box, though she wasn’t at her area. The box had been decorated with little rainbows and blue birds. He’d had daddeh help him with her valentine which was the very specialest one. It was a shiny holographic card that was very pretty. He’d put a turtle sticker on it so she knew who it was from. Dropping the card into Sunshine’s box, he watched as his fellow students milled around. It seemed like everyone was getting something!

“Alright, class. You have time to go through your cards before we have treats.” Miss Teacher told them and there was an excited frenzy as each of the fluffies tipped over their boxes to see the stuff they had gotten. Turtle sorted through all of his slowly, looking each over. Though they couldn’t read, they had a pretty nifty system of using stickers to identify themselves with. Chili, of course, had a pepper. His card showed a fluffy poorly photoshopped behind the wheel of a race car. Turtle quite thought that was cool! Sunshine used rainbow stickers to identify herself with and her card was a glittery scene from Dancie Babbehs. The stallion gasped. It was so pretty! The more and more cards he went through there was only one fluffy he hadn’t received anything from: Strawberry.

He knew the pink stallion had given other fluffies cards. So why not him? Weren’t they friends? Turtle kept giving him looks.

“Stwawbewwy. Nu cawd ‘fo Tuwtel?” He asked innocently, the stallion looking away. Reginald took the time to strut over, ample cheeks quivering as he looked Turtle over.

“Dummeh nu am hab vawentine fwom Stwawbewwy? Heh heh. She am Weginald’s bestest speciaw fwend.” The belligerent smarty proudly showed off a card from the stallion, recognizable because of the strawberry sticker.

“Buh…buh Tuwtel am fwend.” The brown fluffy looked to Strawberry with confusion and some sadness. It didn’t feel good to not receive anything from him and he wasn’t even talking, either.

He didn’t have much time to mope about this though because Miss Teacher had started passing out pink-frosted sugar cookies and her own cards to the fluffies. Turtle morosely chewed on his cookie though it didn’t really taste good right now. After they’d had their snack and chattered for a bit, it was time for school to begin. Another day of derping around on their learning tablets, squishing their hooves down to answer simple questions or playing educational games.

When lunch time rolled around, Strawberry still didn’t say anything to Turtle. They usually ate lunch together, but he wasn’t saying a peep and was keeping to himself. Turtle’s happiness was about at rock bottom.

“Stwawbewwy am nu wike Tuwtel?” He asked himself while munching on a carrot stick. Reginald was still walking around, showing everyone that he had gotten a card from Strawberry. Waving it around like a trophy and making Turtle feel worse.

At recess, Turtle just sat on the ground and watched the other fluffies play. They were so happy but he wasn’t. Poking at the ground with his hoof, he gave a sigh and pondered what he’d done wrong. He couldn’t really think of anything, except maybe that time he’d laughed so hard that he’d farted. Loudly. Huu.

He didn’t even notice when Strawberry had approached him, trotting across the play yard. Turtle stared at the ground until he felt the stallion’s squishy hoof poking at his cheek. Looking up, he got to see his friend holding a Valentine’s card in his mouth. A card that he had made himself! Turtle gasped.

“Dat cawd am ‘fo Tuwtel?” He wondered, and Strawberry gave a nod. Turtle thankfully clasped the heartfelt memento in his mouth as the stallion explained the situation.

“Stwawbewwy wewwy wike Tuwtel…hab speciaw cawd.” He gave a sunny smile as Turtle’s eyes lit up. They were really good friends after all! Strawberry leaned over and gave his cheek a licky-kiss, which would cause all HECK to break loose. Reginald had seen this go down and do you think he was going to let it slide?

“Tuwtel am twyin’ to steaw Weginald’s speciaw fwend?” Snorting, the smarty got up in both of their business. Butting in and glaring at the card slotted in Turtle’s mouth. That was a better card than he’d gotten, and it was clearly from someone he’d claimed as his own!

“Gu way, Weginald! Nu wike yew!” Strawberry told him, and the smarty began yelling loudly.

“MISS TEACHEH, STWAWBEWWY AN’ TUWTEL MAKIN’ WICKY-KISSES! DEY AM HABIN’ BABBEHS!” He screeched out, summoning Miss Teacher. There was a zero tolerance policy on this kind of thing, to avoid all kinds of trouble.

Strawberry bowed his head. “Wub Tuwtel su gib kissies.” He admitted without being asked. Miss Teacher sighed.

“Loving your friend is very nice, but anything more than a hug is not acceptable. Strawberry, you’re going to have to spend time in the sorry-corner and I’ll have your mother have a…very special talk with you later tonight.”

This was horrible! Strawberry had never went to the sorry-corner. He was scooped up by the grizzled old teachers aide, Mrs. Weathers.

“Nu! Am gud fwuffy! Pwease nu sowwy-cowneh! Huuuhuuuuhuuuu!” He cried out, slapping his polished little hooves around. Turtle watched as his good friend was carried back inside, moving away from Reginald. Messing with him right now was bad news.

Strawberry remained in the sorry-corner for the rest of the day but it didn’t matter too much. It was always nap time after recess so luckily he didn’t miss out on much fun stuff. After they were prepared to go home and he was back out with everyone else, the stallion kept glaring to Reginald. Reginald glared right back.

On the bus, Turtle and Strawberry sat together as they did every day. Reginald was lurking around behind them, making stinky farts and saying ‘hae’chu!’ whenever he knew Mrs. Weathers was occupied and not paying attention. Turtle was always one of the first fluffies off the bus and he got a big hug from Strawberry, forcing Reginald to call out:

‘DEY AM GIBIN’ SPECIAW HUGGIES!’ but it’s not like anything would happen from it. Turtle was already happily making his way out of the vehicle and Mrs. Weathers wouldn’t do anything about them simply hugging. Turtle scurried up to his daddeh, Frederick, who was waiting in the driveway like usual.

“You have fun today, little dude?” He asked his pal, patting the fluffy on the head.

“Tuwtel am hab wicky-kissies ‘n speciaw huggies!” The stallion blurted out, not really knowing what ‘special huggies’ were. Fred stared down to him.

“I, uhh, really hope not. We’re going to have a talk during dinner.” Geeze. What in the world was that school teaching him?


What’s next for these little heathens? Holding hands.

I mean I don’t even know how’d they do that with hoofs but I’m sure their devilry will find a way.


The libtard ejucashun system is corrupting our fluffies!

For a moment, I was worried that Reginald was gonna tear up the valentine




Miss Teachew an Missus Wedduhs was in da poopy closet habbin bigges poopies an Weginuwd saw un of da babbehs an da babbeh opened da see-pwaces ad Weginuwd