Worstest Mummah Scenario 3 (EchoBro)

Who wants to use the Soon Mummah Punchbag?

$3 for 4 hours, $10 for 12 hours, $20 to bring it home for a week, $30 to buy it


Coach: come on Billy just a few more hits

Bitch: wan…die…

Billy: Adrion!!!

Coach: Kid just punch the fluffy enough with your Rocky reference


Damn, I really wasn’t expecting to be honored with my idea being put into an image.

Thank you very much, I love it!

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You’re welcome, buddy : )

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Everywhere I go, it follows me

The face

That damned face


Surely there would be fusion places popping up occasionally. Imagine: a gym for people who don’t enjoy the gym, but now it’s fun because you’re working out with fluffies! By which I mean: punching fluffies, lifting weights with fluffies between them, sandpapering fluffies with the treadmill…

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The pain
It never ends

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Take her poopie babbeh and treat it better than her bestest babbeh, whilst treating her bestest like a poopie babbeh.

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i mean you’re not the only one, Newb_ronswek also has fluffies with noses that look like faces

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Wait what

Holy shit, it’s real

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Just got a new idea! Tell her you’re gonna play a game with her called pony dress up and then turn her into a monster.

Saw her legs in half vertically and then wrap up the strips, essentially turning 4 legs into 8. Hot glue heavy horns on her head and goat legs on her ass. Take out her teeth and put them where ever. Poke out her eye and tape it next to the other one. Staple some scales to her. Just make sure she can see your masterpiece in the end.

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