A Smarty to Rule Them All - Chapter 1 [By pyrofireflame12]

Hello everyone, this is my first time writing a story. Before you start reading, I just want to mention that this series will include Smart Fluffies (Fluffies with Human Intelligence). If you prefer your regular run of the mill braindead horses, then you should look elsewhere. If you want to see other things like this, I reccommend the Postfluff series by @mutagen .

Your name is… Well, you don’t really have a name. All you’re called is “Fwuffy” or “Bestest Baby”. Sometimes you’re called “Owange” due to your Orange fluff and Grey mane.
As the son of the Smarty in a feral herd, you were always treated as if your word is law. Many of the fluffies thought of you weird, since you’re unlike any other. Apparently, when you were still a “Chirpie Babbeh” you were able to yell out the basic words, such as asking for milk or your mother. At first, all the other fluffies thought you were the smartest fluffy ever. But when you opened your eyes, you were able to speak like a human. Ever since then, it’s just been an endless rush of being called the smartest or bestest fluffy. It gets annoying, so you usually sneak off to some place when nobody’s looking. However, today you aren’t so lucky.
“Bestest Babbeh! Nu gu too faw fwom mummah!”
God dammit. You sigh and trot over to your mother, putting on a fake smile.
“Bestest Babbeh nee miwkies?”
“No, I’m not hungry.”
She smiles like she just found a truck full of sketties. “Bestest Babbeh suuu smawt! Make tawkies wike hoomin, but nu am dummeh like hoomin. Gunna gib su many dummeh hoomins fowebah sweepies when big babbeh!”
Yeah right, even you know that all it takes to piss off a human is even talk to them, then you’re sent to the sky. You definitely aren’t gonna try to fight anything that isn’t another fluffy.
While mother keeps babbling on about how smart you are and how you’re the best babbeh, your sister walks up. She was always on the verge of being crushed or mutilated because she was a “Wingie Pointie Munstah”, whatever the hell that means. You didn’t know why, when you asked all you were told is that she was a ‘munstah’. You don’t care though, that’s your sister and like hell you’re leaving her to suffer. As soon as she walks up, your mother explodes with rage.
She stops dead in her tracks. Your sister is shaking in fear. “Wai bestest babbeh nu wan munstah to gu fowebah sweepies.” Shit. you didn’t have a plan. Oh well, time to be that ‘smartest babbeh’ you’re always called.
“Uhm… if she goes ‘fowebah sweepies’ without milk then she wont have as many ‘huwties’!” God you hope this works.
“GASP! BABBEH AM SMAWTEST BABBEH! Dwink miwkies, wowstest babbeh!” She shoves your sister onto her teat. Good, she bought it and even fed your sister in the process. It gnaws at the back of your mind that eventually you wont be able to protect her. But that’s a problem for another time.

After a minute, your sister finishes nursing and falls to the ground. “Nao gu way, wowstest babbeh.” She darts off in fear. You follow after her, since your mother is yet again too busy babbling to herself.
You find her cowering in a bush, sobbing quietly. When she spots you, she jumps up, but realizes that it isn’t your father instead.
“H-hewwo bwuddah… tank you fow hewping wif miwkies…” You nuzzle up against her. You don’t get whats wrong with her. She’s not weird at all. She had gold-colored fluff with a blue mane. What was wrong about that? You snap out of it to console her.
“Don’t worry… I wont let any of them hurt you.”
There’s no response. You look over, and she fell asleep. You’re actually feeling a bit tired too. Maybe you could just take a little nap…

You nearly rocket out the bush from the ear piercing scream. Your sister is sobbing again, trembling. “Mummah wookin fow yu… Swept wun bwight time…” You slept an entire DAY? Shit, you’ve gotta act dumb now.
“Go, run away, they’ll think you did something if we both come out.”
Your sister nods and creeps out of the bush. Oh well. Guess it’s time.
And there goes the voice of your shitstain father. With his orange fluff and green mane, he looks like an actual orange. When he talks to you, all he talks about is how one day you’re gonna be smarty, and have so many enfie mares, nummies, and all the horrible things they do. God, you hope you don’t turn out like him. You take a deep breath and step out.
And there we- WHOA! Okay then, a mare swung you up onto her back without asking. You sit silently and await the endless torrent of screaming.
The mare puts you down, and your mother tackles you. “BESTEST BABBEH! HAD SUUU MANY HEAWT HUWTIES! HUUU!” Tears stream down her cheeks.
“Whewe bestest babbeh gu?” Shit, your father’s here. Think think…
If you say you fell asleep, then you’ll probably get even less time to yourself. If you say some monster fought you, sure you would look cool, but that means you would have an even more overprotective mother. Oh well, just gotta go with a basic excuse.
“I went looking for food.”
“Dummeh Bestest! Yu am too widdle to be nummie-findew!”
Your mother pushes you towards her teat. “Hewe! Hab bestest miwkies!” You oblige and begin suckling, thinking about how badly you would leave this herd, but alas you are too small and your sister would’nt survive without more milk.
“OWWIES!” What the hell? Your mother gently shoves you off her teat.
“Speshuw Fwend, what happen?”
“Bestest babbeh hab teefies nao!” Wait, what? You flick your tongue around the inside of your mouth. And as said, you feel teeth! But wait, this also means-
“YAAAAAAAAAAAAY! BESTEST BABBEH CAN NUM BIG NUMMIES!” The herd erupts in cheering. God, your ears hurt. Deciding to dwell on that thought later, you accept the food and cheering, and save some for later, but that’s what the others thought.

As the moon rose, you set your plan into action. You snuck over to the bush where your sister hid, and gently woke her up. “Hey, can you open your mouth?”
She obliges, and luckily, she has teeth. “Look! You have teeth!” She gasps, in fear, or excitement, you never know with her.
“Babbeh can num big nummies now…? Su happy…”
“That’s not all! Were going to leave the herd!”
“Wai… wha?”
You carefully lay out your plan. You would have your sister eat the food you saved, and quickly leave in the night. Now that milk wasn’t a need, you could survive on your own.
Devouring the pile of grass, you keep watch for your sister. But what was that noise? You heard sniffling… Until finally, as your sister finishes up, you get your answer.
“SCREEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE! BAWKIE MUNSTAH!” A single mare’s scream causes every fluffy to wake up. Shit, what now. Wait, did she say…
A ‘bawkie munstah’ bursts out with a half dead mare in her mouth, as its jaws clamp down and end her life. A moment of silence, and then…
Holy shit. The herd is a whirlwind of screams, fluff, and panic. You shove your sister into a small hole, and survey the surroundings for an escape route as the carnage ensues. Your tiny heart beats so hard it feels like it’ll explode. Until you see the exit for the nummie finders.
“THERE!” You shout to your sister. “COME ON! LETS GO!”
You turn around, and there is your godawful mother. Squirming as a corpse pins her tail to the ground.
“I…I…” You realize you’ve been waiting your whole life for this. Ever since the day your sister got kicked in the face and your mother encouraged it, you’ve wanted this.
You get one glimpse of her face, filled with anguish, anger, fear, and ultimately, depression. You turn around and start running with your sister. It takes a few seconds for the pleading to start, but its music to your ears.
You can only assume that she’s now dead. But you don’t care. All you care about is the survival of your sister. You don’t turn back. After what feels like seconds, minutes, hours, you slip and tumble on the ground. Your sister follows up.
“Bwuddah, am yu otay… Nee tu wun!” No… you cant speak right now, but you feel like it’s safe.
It’s safe… right?



Not gonna lie, I thought this was gonna be a LOTR x fluffies story.


Now that was an interesting piece. I shall await the next chapter with bated breath. :star_struck:

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How this little guy knows so many human words is a riddle for the ages, especially his use of swearing.

In many headcanons, fluffies were genetically pre-programmed with words and phrases, including “bad words” that they were also programmed to not like. Maybe he’s somehow accessing the complete language database that most fluffies can’t due to their limited intellect.

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Yeah, the actual explanation is that due to being born with much higher intelligence, he’s able to break the language barrier and utilize words that are programmed into his mind but he normally isn’t able to use. And he completely knows what they mean.

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I thought it was quite good.

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