Just like the title suggests. Any good ones you all recommend?
there are billions of those. the most liked thing on the site is about that
The character Lightning from my Sam and Will stories is like that. Sort of. Does it matter if the brown fluffy is also a cannibal?
Not really. I’m willing to read anything I can get ahold of.
Marble’s story by RQ is good
The Sam and Will stuff is mixed hugbox and abuse, the Abuser’s Web Guide is done in the style of vids uploaded to a youtube channel that I mostly use to flesh out headcanon and provide details and background, The Library series is a hugboxy fluffventure that is currently stalled, and the Miscellaneous stories are all over the lot.
Don’t read the Peter stories unless you’re very sure you want some fwuffed up shit.
I also agree with @Thatmotherfluffer on Marble’s story.
To shamelessly self promote. I just wrote a Halloween story with a brown baby being abused by his family while trying to escape an alien attack.
May be stretching for what you’re looking for. But again shameless self promotion.
I’ve got one.
Throw a stone into the abuse tag and it’ll bounce off of four stories like that.
You’ve just described like 99% of neutralbox.
I get it though stories are hard to find just with how many there are and the fact that you either sort by top or latest.
Plus the fact that for some reason commenting on a post changes it’s age makes reading multi-parts a nightmare
I doubt it, it’s a super niche trope that I’ve almost never seen in the history of this site
To be fair, it’s the perfect mix of just a fucking cute fluffy and a raging revenge boner.