Here’s part 6. I’m serious, next one will be the last one.
To those wondering, Bean’s problem comes from that he drank expired milk.
Here’s part 6. I’m serious, next one will be the last one.
To those wondering, Bean’s problem comes from that he drank expired milk.
Sky daddeh pwease, eben if it’s just one… Gib Bean stwengff to make gud poopies in dah wittah bawks.
I have a sneaking suspicion bean is gonna launch himself into the box via liquid shit propellant.
parkour parkouuuuuur
and like i said you can run this story for as you feel is needed, so no need in promising that it is the last one
Soon he will fall. And die in his own feces.
The fate of many a fluffy.
Kind of figured it was from the expired milk. Give a fluffy the means of their destruction and they will take it.
I’d be okay with that as the weirdbox ending.
The poop accelerates
I gotta question why the owner left rotten milk out for his fluffy, and why the ramp had such flimsy supports that it broke when a foal the size of a hamster tried to walk up it. He’s either incredibly incompetent, or deliberately setting Bean up for failure.
there is also a third answer to the “why” question, but i guess it can be combined with the second one
Could be both. Milk’s expiration is a little dubious. Sometimes its good a little after, sometimes bad before. Or could also be tremendously cheap. Or on the broke side.
Thats the damn owners fault unless he just want to abuse bean for the heck of it.
Bean you’re not a good fluffy, you shit everywhere and broke the ramp I gave you. That’s irresponsible, disrespectful, and it makes me love you less than I used to.
Here comes the people’s elbow you useless fuck
Stop blaming the milk!! This lactophobia, or as I like to call it lactose intolerance , needs to STOP.
This post is legendairy.