Cherry and Brian, Chapter 9: Morefluffies Disease (Star-The-Alicorn)

A few days later, they were completely moved in. Cherry had gotten used to his surroundings, and was very excited about the actual playroom they had. It was a whole bedroom just for fluffies! But Cherry and Switchy preferred to sleep in their owner’s rooms, so their beds were moved into the human bedroom.

Brian had just gotten off of work when he saw two fluffies in someone’s front yard. They were in a very small cage together. A purple earthie and a light green alicorn. They seemed to be having a one-sided squabble, with the alicorn attempting to get away from the earthie. Brian pulled over, concerned.

“Stoopie munstah fwuffy get out of Gwape’s cage! Dis am smawty’s pwace!” The purple earthie growled. The alicorn wailed, crying from the pain of the other fluffy’s hooves. Brian noticed with a double take that the alicorn was emaciated. It’s ribs protruded from its fur, and it seemed physically weak. It was hiding from the earthie, covering its face with its cream colored hooves. And the owner was sitting right beside them, just letting them fight!

A small paper sign sat on the outside of the cage; “Earthie = $5, Alicorn = $10”. Brian seethed. He knew fluffy abuse was commonplace, but that didn’t mean it was right. He stormed up to the owner, who was smoking a cigarette.

“Sir, are you aware that your fluffies are fighting, and one is skinny as a damned rake?” Brian crossed his arms, narrowing his eyes. “Were they strays or something? Is that why the alicorn is all beat up and starving?”

“Nah bro, they’re mine. I bought em for entertainment and taught the earthie to hate the alicorn. A little psychological experiment, if you may.” The owner answered. Brian’s blood boiled. So this stranger was actively starving the alicorn and lying to the earthie. Fucked up. “I got bored of em, since they were too high maintenance. Don’t think I’ll be getting any more. Want em? 15 dollars for the both of them.” The owner held out his hand expectantly.

Brian looked down at the cage. The earthie pounded on the alicorn’s nose with his red hooves, making it bleed. The alicorn sobbed and scratched at the cage’s wire, trying to get out. It looked into Brian’s eyes as if asking for help. Brian couldn’t take it anymore.

“Fine, here.” Brian stuck his hand into his pocket, grabbing his wallet and shoving 15 dollars into the owner’s hand. He was gonna get those two out of that hellhole. He picked up the cage and carried it into the car, letting the alicorn out of the cage and free from the earthie’s blows. The alicorn sat down on the car seat, confused.

Hmph! Munstah fwuffy am wucky dummeh hooman sabe yoo!” The earthie snarled.

“Hey. You in the cage. Be nice.” Brian turned the key in the ignition and started to drive home.

“Shaddup dummeh! Smawty nu haf to wisten to yoo.”

Brian sighed. “First order of business; You need names. Purple earthie; You’re Dusk. Cause your fur looks like the sky when it’s almost night. Green alicorn; You’re Apple.”

Apple gasped and lit up, dancing wordlessly on the seat. It earned him a chuckle from Brian and a “Whoa, sit down when the car is moving!” Dusk rolled his eyes and griped under his breath.

As he drove, he got a better look at the fluffies in the rear-view mirror. Dusk had purple fluff, a bright orange mane and red hooves. Apple, who cowered away from Dusk, had granny-smith green fur, a light red mane/tail, and cream hooves and horn. Soon, they arrived at home.

“Hey Brian, what-”

“Sorry, injured fluffy comin’ through.” Brian sped by Gavin, carrying a still bleeding Apple. He let Dusk on the ground and said “Don’t let this one near the other fluffies. He’s a smarty.”

Gavin sighed. “Shit man, you could have at least warned me that you were rescuing fluffies.”

“Sorry, they were in a really bad situation and they needed out before someone more fucked up than the owner came along and took em.” Brian grouched, taking Apple into the bathroom where the first aid stuff was.

“What was the owner doing?” Gavin asked, following Brian and immediately forgetting about Dusk.

“Starving the alicorn and teaching the earthie to hate him.” Brian growled. He took a piece of wet toilet paper and gently swabbed Apple’s nose to clean it of blood. The poor alicorn yelped.

Meanwhile, Cherry and Switchy were trying to get by Dusk to see what was wrong with Apple.

“Sowwy nyu fwiend, othah nyu fwiend hab boo boo juice! Switchy nee make sure fwuffy am otay!” Switchy explained, after being shoved back by Dusk a fifth time.

“Nu! Yoo dummeh fwuffies fowwow smawty’s owdews! An’ smawty say yoo stay hewe!” Dusk snarled and bopped Cherry upside the head when he tried to get by.

“OWWIES! Nu gif sowwy hoofsies to Chewwy! Nu do nuffin’ wong!” Cherry hissed. Switchy stepped in front of him, protecting him.

“Wha’ you twyin to do to Chewwy? Yoo twy to gif owwies? Switchy nu gon’ wet dat happen.” Switchy quietly spoke, seeing red despite his calm appearance.

“SHADDUP!” Dusk pounced on Switchy, trying to drag him to the floor and pin him down. Luckily, Switchy was much bigger. Switchy threw him off, pinned him down, and started smacking Dusk’s rear with a hoof.

“Bad fwuffy! Nu gif huwties to spechia- CHEWWY!” Switchy corrected himself, and felt his ears get warm. Cherry could not know about his crush on him. “Fwuffies nu gib huwties hewe. Ow gib meanie wowdsies, ow be smawty!” Switchy snarled.

“OW! OWWIES! DAT HUWTS! STAHP!” Dusk yelled.

ALL OF YOU, KNOCK IT OFF!” Brian bellowed, freezing everyone in their tracks. It even made Dusk jump. “Now, what the hell is going on here?!” Brian snarled, hands on his hips as a bandaged Apple hid behind him.

“Yeah, why are you fighting? Shame on you!” Gavin scolded.

“But-But nyu fwuffy nu wet Switchy an’ Chewwy see huwt fwuffy! We wan’ make suwe fwuffy am otay!” Switchy sniffled and let Dusk up.

“An’ den, nyu fwuffy cawwed himsewf smawty an’ gib Chewwy sowwy hoofsies!” Cherry whimpered. Brian sighed and shook his head. Not even five minutes in the house and Dusk was already causing trouble. It was going to take a while to teach him to behave. What had he gotten himself into?

(The title is a reference to a word I use; “Morehens disease”. A play on words, pronounced “More-hens”. It’s where you have chickens and since you’re a sucker for the little brats, you want to adopt more. I don’t know of anyone else who uses this word, however.)

First chapter: Cherry And Brian, Chapter 0: Cherry's Backstory (Star-The-Alicorn)

Previous chapter: Cherry and Brian, Chapter 8: Daycare Disaster (Star-The-Alicorn)

Next chapter: Cherry and Brian, Chapter 10: Confessions (Star-The-Alicorn)


efygdsc i will die for switchy and cherry


lemme just hold apple like hamburger


Big mood, I love these two too.

I just imagined Apple dangling his lil gangly legs like a stuffed animal when held, so that’s what he does when picked up now, goes limp like a cat.


fuck yes

10/10 would die for

may also hold dusk like hotdog… maybe… he doesnt seem to actually hate alicorns just apple? that is interesting


Dusk hates everybody right now, as he was taught to do. He’s a lil asshole rn but he’ll come around.


i will hold him gently


Chicken maths is a thing! 1 hen = 2 hens… 2 hens = 6 hens… 6 hens = 15 hens sort of thing… same could be with fluffies!


My parents started out with 3 chickens. 21 years later, we’ve got like 50. (Good thing we have a big yard!)


I am sorry gavin your fluffy is more intimidating but self defence is needed with bullies

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