Fall of Foalcan Inc. (Artist:Carpdime) (FB id: 22477)

22477 - abandoned artist_carpdime explicit foal_in_a_can foaldeath neglected shit starvation.jpeg

A bit meta.


Gee, almost like Life-Form-In-A-Can is a bad idea or something…

I hate those cans so, so much.


Drawn not too long after keeping foals with Carpdime and before Avocado all grown up. It seems that Carpdime had the idea earlier of exploring the rise and fall of foalcan, though it will be a while before he got to a significant part of Avocado’s story.

It’ll be a while before I get to this part of the story, but uploading it for the sake of the upcoming Avocadoverse index.


Ah, no fecal compartment and waste tube like in the later depictions of the cans!

Foal-in-a-can is probably the best/worst idea this community had. Who exactly came up with it?


The idea of Foalcan was still in its infancy. If anything, Carpdime was the first person to introduce the idea of Foalcans, with the mat carrying the waste and urine.



TBF, the little idiots kinda deserve it. They have no one to blame but themselves, you know?


They didn’t ask to be put in a can, and they wouldn’t know better, being in a can and all that. While I get that foalcan is an exploration of fluffies being industrial animals/products, I feel that the point of the story overall is that practice itself is wrong.



When has what a fluffy wants or asks for ever been taken into consideration? Except to disregard it out of cruelty


Raising a bunch of Sudden Infant Death prone whelps inside the safe confines of a composite plastic tubes is a fantastic idea.

But the gimmick of raising shit hamsters that die whether they are inside the tube or not would wear out quick, yes.


Imagine a landfill of abandoned foals, trapped in cans barely bigger than themselves for the rest of their short, miserable lives.

It’s an abusers dream come true :slight_smile:


Light it on fire


They didn’t remove the foal from the can?

To clarify:

From a hugbox perspective, readily available canned foals are both adorable and horrifying.

From a abusebox perspective, purchasing foals from a vending machine makes things much easier and offers much potential.

From a sadbox perspective, it offers even more potential.

From a weirdbox perspective…well, you get the idea.

So what I’m saying is that although it’s a despicable idea to put newborns in cannisters, it offers sooo many ideas for art, stories, characters.


Well put. I had a similar thought not to long ago.

That said, to keep it consistent with industrial themes? While outsourcing the process to another country is impractical, having a company develop automation for it would be. Less personal for the fluffies, but management can show their disdain for the employees even more. I /personally/ feel that industrial needs to be degrading to the fluffies AND the human employees (ie, the two-legged fluffies).


Better for the world. Than they can’t reproduce themself.

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Carpdime’s foals were always corked, the mat was never meant for feces

oo i like that

Hm. Looking at the Foal in a can factory, Foalcan production guide and the original appearance of Avocado it is true that excess waste was squeezed out of the foal and a waste plug was inserted. However, I don’t know if this indicated that the foal was actually “corked” per se - it could be a means of further cleaning out excess fecal matter from the foal. Also, the can was described as smelly at the time Avocado came out, though that could be from the urine and not necessarily fecal matter.

I guess it would help if @Carpdime can confirm foalcans were supposed to be corked or not.

As alluded to in the picture’s footnote, this short comic was a meta reference to the foal in a can concept that I introduced at the time.

I guess through the years, this meta commentary about the rise and fall of interest in the “Foal in a can” craze has lost its impact, seeing how the Foal In a Can concept has managed to survive through the years.


In my headcanon, Foal-In-A-Can’s customer base is primarily abusers. I figure, anyone who wants a fluffy to live longer than five minutes probably wouldn’t get one from a vending machine. So Foal-In-A-Can is banned in pro-hugbox regions.

Plus, they deliberately put the most fragile foals in the cans. It’s probably also a way of making a few extra cents off foals that wouldn’t otherwise be sold. Like runts.

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I have no proof so you’d have to take my word for it, but I came up with the original idea and concept for “foal in a can”.

It was based on a toy I bought from those toy vending machines. It was a small clear tube like thing which has a real, living plant growing inside of it.

Something like this:

The nutrient soil part inspired the milk container section of the Foal in a Can capsule. The opening lid and rest of the body was inspired by those tennis ball cans:

images (1)

This picture is the first depiction of a “foal in a can”. It just also happens to feature our little green fluffy Avocado which is a fitting thing!

Avo in can