Pheromones theory (Cmss for RandomAiPeople) (InfraredTurbine)

This is another art for @anon68543914 I did other day. According to his theory, every fluffy exhales a pheromone scent, that indicates the kind of behavior other fluffies will have towards that fluffy.
For example: enfed -babbhs will always exhale a bad pheromone, as you can read in his previous saga, written by RandomAP, and illustrated by me here:

There will be other stories in the future for sure, explaining the other scents for sure (randomAP is a huge well of writting ideas). The other pheromones exhaled, are about the bestest babbeh, and how a smarty exhales an angry and offensive scent as well.
:slight_smile: hope you guys like it

For commissions, illustrations or so on, feel free to contact me!


So in your headcanon fluffies choose favorite children by the pheromones they release rather than their colors?


Not mine, but in @anon68543914 's one
the colors work too, but he can explain it better


A Smarty will have it’s pheromones change when confronted by a human and fluffies. Whenever a human declares that a Smarty is actually a dummy and has been bad for leading the herd to a place that can harm the herd, a tinge of sourness is added to the pheromone mix. This often leads to a Tuffy challenging the Smarty. When this happens, the sourness is more expressed, causing more hostility.

Whenever a feral Tuffy picks a fight with the Smarty, a new scent is released, a sickly sweet smell akin to diabetic ketosis. This scent mixed with the other pheromones cause no others to come to the aid of the Smarty.

These are my head cannon additions to the pheromone theory.


it’s a much more instinctive take on fluffys for sure, which makes abandonment issues sadder because its out of anyones control :frowning:


Essentially yeah, Its a little more complicated though. Basically the pheromone system is an incomplete concept that was supposed to help fluffies (who are not particularly intelligent) be able to do the bare basic things for survival. I.e. How Fluffy mom’s know when their chirpies are scared, hungry, or need to shit etc.

In early design, it was very difficult to produce foals of marketable colors and it was about a 50/50 shot the mare would be intelligent enough to keep them alive. The ‘Best Baby’ Pheromone was basically just a means that the most marketable foals would have priority to make it to an age of being sold.

I.e. The Pheromone is supposed to work like this, "Take care of all babies, but this one baby really take care of!’

However, because of their early release from PETA, they could never finish the design flaws. Fluffies become absolutely enamored with their best baby, and prioritize them over their other babies. Not only that, but because some ‘lesser foals’ produce less or even any at all, this is where you see situations of extreme neglect (poopie baby, worst baby).

It was just my way to explain why animals who are so obsessed with having babies, could literally stomp some to death or regulate them to subsisting off of shit.


That’s what I try to do with writing in this community. I like to see fluffies as a literal Frankenstein’s monster, of which we arrogantly tried to play god and then rejected it refusing responsibility. They’re artificially made entities (in the sense they are made by man), that are often the victims of their own design flaws. This is why my stories tend to fall on the Sadbox side of things, usually.


meanwhile i take a more “human created/nature improved” approach, with the more extreme and counterproductive traits for survival being kicked out by natural selection, thanks to fluffys fast breeding rate.
I guess thats what is so interestnig about this community, how crazy different things can be between canons :slight_smile:


Indeed, it all just depends on the route you wish to go.


Febreeze that yellow one.


I laughed when I read it but then I thought about it for a second…
In a universe like that, pheromone sprays would be a godsend


I’ve seen that trope used a lot, but mostly to make them sex crazy for unethical breeding purposes.


Considering they are incredible emotional, “smelling emotions or character” kinda makes sense.

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