Recommend text stories or even comics that mixes hugbox and abuse effectively.

Stories like:
Daddies special surprise by MadMartigan
Tiny Lives by emo_trash
Making a monster by Draytini
Millie by Wolfram Sparks
Louisa by Jim Profit
Fwuffy wubs yu by MadMartigan
All mummahs need homes by Daxterisafluffy

All of which mix elements of both hugbox and abuse. Woven together very effectively. They all share psychological abuse, manipulation, gaslighting and manic type of torture/violence. There is a build up to the violence and abuse in terms of storytelling which makes it more satisfying.

Daddies Special Surprise

  • Adopts three foal siblings all of which were used only as complementary devices to the torture of the MC’s mare
  • starts off hugboxing the foals then gradually turns to abuse

Tiny Lives

  • Adopts two foals. One foal was subjected only to abuse the other one was subjected to hugbox only.

Making a Monster

  • This particular story has elements of everything I listed in this thread and everything I love about the concept of fluffies. Too bad it’s unfinished.


  • Adopts family and subjects them to the tags I listed above.
  • turning fluffies against one another

Fwuffy wub ou

  • trope of overly attached, clingy, good hearted, loving fluff causes a light accident which angers owner and punishes it severely for it but it still loves the owner


  • Adopts a feral mummah and babbeh/s hugbox at the start then reveals real intentions later (abuse, false hope)

All Mummahs need homes

  • Similar plot to Louisa (False hopes, Broken promises)

Sounds like you want things that start as hugbox then turn to abuse? The title implies that stuff starting as abuse but becoming hugbox would also be viable, but none of the examples have that. Can you clarify if you want both types or just the first?


litteraly the top post on the site

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The stories I mentioned starts off hugbox then turns to abuse. However there are elements of abuse even from the start its just that the fluffies are oblivious to it


Well, yes… What I’m asking is if you would be interested in the stuff that starts with abuse but ends with hugbox, or if you only want the things that start hugbox-ish and end with abuse.

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Don't Grow Up Too Fast (Ace) This is one of mine that does. I’m not sure it fits your criteria perfectly but it’s not too long and maybe worth a look


I prefer hugbox turning to abuse but I wouldn’t mind the reverse like RQ’s Marble

I’ve read this one and most of your stories

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Abandoned Angel by Spaghetti Dave might fit what youre looking for


Poopie justice trope and unfinished but it’s a classic


I recommend @Fractalfluff_Archive

You are a gentleman of taste.

Doesn’t fit OP’s request at all, but that is an S tier fluffy writer.

I always recommend You’re a Bad Mummah!

Second that. Mostlyneutralbox is my favorite author

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God I hate “justified abuse” and poopy redemptions.
Poopy babies deserve to suffer like all fluffies do!

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Large wodges of their stuff is in contro for a reason, but I can’t speak highly enough of TurboEncabulator’s writing. Try the Abuser’s Web Guide series. Despite the name, it has the mixture you’re looking for.

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