Commission and original story by : @no_sketti_on_tuesdays
A follow up of his commission from @infraredturbine
You can read the original story : HERE
Commission and original story by : @no_sketti_on_tuesdays
A follow up of his commission from @infraredturbine
You can read the original story : HERE
ohhhh the poor baby, he could have changes… sadly its far too late for tangerine… And it seems the snow will be both their fate
Man, of course this worthless fuck would blame his loving and caring special friend. Fucking bully.
I will say, I ways always shocked that he bothered to give his child a blanket to warm them up. Oddly selfless of him.
Oooooh no turdgerine, don’t go blaming your mare for this, you’re going to get your bestest killed and in your final moments on this realm, someone will jam a stick on your poopie place and call you a popsicle!
Finally we reached the moment where tangerine gets punished for being a terrible fluffy
This is gonna be so good
I can only imagine how this’ll go.
Turdy boy, you get that baby warm, or I will slap you so hard you think poopies are sketti. He has a chance. You? Never.
"Man, who could’ve believed that being emotionally abusive to my lifelong partner of six minutes, whilst also physically assaulting my own child in favour of their sibling in front of said partner would lead to her leaving me?
Women, am I right?"
Now he has a tasty bestest babbeh popsicle to keep his energy up
And we fucking hate you too Tangerine, so fuck you and your shitty brat.
So great to see the second part so soon, you can also tell how entitled the little brat is by how quick he went “Wan Die” by some cold.
Ah here we go, the countdown to Tangerine and his little shitbag getting Biblical levels of retribution . Can’t wait to see karma agonizingly come crashing down on them, especially bestest. I don’t know why watching smarties and bestest fluffies endure excruciating pain is so satisfying but it never gets old for me.
Why would anyone leave you Tanjernese? You’re such a catch, with your horrid personality, prejudiced attitude, and short-sightedness. who would want to leave you? /s
finally new updates
This is delish. So grindy and hostile and cold.
Most fictional characters at least would be sufficiently humbled by this level of suffering for someone to take them back. Not a smarty, alas.
Soon the snow will be your tomb
or so you wish it was
If only Tangerine could have said “please” or “help” to his former Daddy instead of the snow…