So from a conversation in chat, an idea came about and I wanted to see if any were interested in an ongoing community project.
This is Dexter, a unicorn with a Pokédex and a dream, to find and meet every single Pokémon that exists and fill out his Pokédex. But he will need help to do this. That’s where you, the artists of the community come in.
The idea is a simple one. To create art of Dexter interacting in fun, interesting, or hilarious ways with Pokémon. If interested, all you need to include in said art is.
Dexter. He is a green unicorn with blue mane, hooves, and horn. He can be drawn in any style but he is the same character throughout, so his colors should match. In addition, while there is no hard rule against any boxes for this project, Dexter cannot be killed, maimed, or permanently disfigured in his adventure, as his appearance should remain intact between art. This does not mean that bad things cannot happen to him, such as him being shocked ashen black from a Pikachu’s hug or being sickly due to being too close to a Koffing’s smoke, but cartoonish violence would be best and nothing lasting or lingering. He should always be able to look fine and normal in the next art.
The Pokédex. Dexter is trying to fill out his Pokédex and as such it should be in the picture. It doesn’t have to be the original version as depicted, as that is simply my/P3’s favorite version, but a Pokédex needs to be in the picture.
The Pokémon. There need to be a Pokémon in the picture and preferably having some sort of interaction with Dexter that has to do with the Pokémon itself, such as Dexter seeing Alcremie and being excited to see what looks like a giant sundae. It does not have to simply be hugbox, and any box is fine as long as Dexter makes it out alive and not permanently harmed, as well as the Pokémon due to site rules of course. Weirdbox could have Dexter having a hallucination due to nibbling the mushroom of a Paras, or Sadbox could have Dexter hugging Cubone somberly over the grave of it’s mother. Don’t feel overly limited and use your imagination. There should also only be one kind of Pokémon in said art, so that each Pokémon has the chance to have art made of it with Dexter.
The Pokédex Entry. Somewhere in the art should be the Pokédex entry for the Pokémon in the art. It doesn’t have to be the old gameboy styled box like in above but should still contain the Pokémon Number, it’s Species, and the text entry about the Pokémon.
After that, just post as normal and either let me know or @ me in the post so I can link it below.
This is not a contest but more of an ongoing idea/project designed to get more art of fluffies on the site, so there is no rush. If you are interested, then DM me or post here and let me know what Pokémon you would want to draw.
Pokémon #13 Weedle by Labcoat
Pokémon #25 Pikachu by Eded-Ted
Pokémon #39 Jigglypuff by Princess Purrpaws
Pokémon #50 Diglett by Labcoat
Pokémon #70 Weepinbell by Mostlysane
Pokémon #76 Golem by Princess Purrpaws
Pokémon #98 Krabby by Princess Purrpaws
Pokémon #100 Voltorb by Princess Purrpaws
Pokémon #113 Chansey by Princess Purrpaws
Pokémon #114 Tangela by Mexi
Pokémon #129 Magikarp by Labcoat
Pokémon#197 Umbreon by WildeFaun
Pokémon #201 Unown by SqueakyFriend
Pokémon #221 Piloswine by Labcoat
Pokémon #225 Delibird by SqueakyFriend
Pokémon #235 Smeargle by Mouse _Brained
Pokémon # 255 Torchic by WingieFluff
Pokémon #283 Surskit by SqueakyFriend
Pokémon #302 Sableye by Federalchemical1728
Pokémon #302 Sableye by WildeFaun
Pokémon #306 Aggron by Mexi
Pokémon #378 Regice by Mexi
Pokémon #415 Combee by Labcoat
Pokémon #425 Drifloon by Labcoat
Pokémon #447 Dusknoir by TG_89
Pokémon #487 Giratina by Eded-Ted
Pokémon #533 Gurdurr by Labcoat
Pokémon #663 Talonflame by zBrugnauts
Pokémon #698 Amaura by SqueakyFriend
Pokémon #778 Mimiku by ArisenLeaf
Pokémon #869 Alcremie by Princess Purrpaws
Pokémon #900 Kleavore by Julie
Pokémon #0000 ERROR Depresso by Fluffsplosion