The Master B83R-verse (Booperino/H83r)

A breakdown of the Booperino/H83r convergent and divergent universe! Yes, that exists! Will update this as the threads of fate continue to entwine and unravel between our works.

Inciting Events:

  • President Poptart’s administration paves the foundation of a fluffy space exploration and logistics initiative.

DoritoLitterboxersOld JeremiahLitterboxers - Old Jeremiah

Inciting Events:

  • A foal is orphaned and left to suffer a cruel existence.
  • Divergence: The foal is rescued by Fixer and Snakefood.

A Punished BabyA Rescued BabyLil Fable Retribution

Inciting Events:

  • A shitpost happened.
  • Divergence: We didn’t flush!

Neon Genesis ShitpostgelionThe Fluffy Impact

Inciting Events

  • Experimentation with micro fluffies becomes a popular method of testing sociological theory
  • A fluffy-hating scientist attempts to create robots to eradicate them. He is incompetent.
  • Divergence: Feral fluffies threaten to overtake the United States. A shady organization creates robots to combat them and ultimately drive them to extinction. They are highly competent.

By ThreadsProject GoldingThe Robot LoreMisplaced KindnessHand Envy PreludeConnor and Arnold

Inciting Events

  • A foal happened upon a man who had recently experienced loss.
  • Convergence: The foal remains the man’s pet fluffy.

BitesizedOne Day At A Time


Lmao love the descriptions XD those are very fun to make and i hope to add more to this crazy combined universe lol


Master Bater-verse, huh? I see what you’ve done there xD


Boop came up with B83R. This is just the master list of the entries. Dunno what you’re talking about. :confused:

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God damn it.


Ok, so the joke I thought was there is that it sounds like “masturbater”. This feels very awkward.


I’m fucking with you.

That was absolutely the intention.

@Virgil can tell you this is par the course for me.


Damn, he’s a pro.