The pack- Company email log. by: Shadowfox

Company Email @murderfluff .com

I really am sorry about the last litter. I didn’t mean to go that far. ut, to be fair, they were a little defective anyways. How’s Bill doing with the next batch of prototypes?

That’s what you and Kal have said about the last seven litters, George. These are fragile prototypes meant to hunt feral trash, not stress relief. THEY ARE NOT CHEAP TO MAKE. If we can get a breeding population, you can have one of the later generations. If it works, they’ll at least be sturdy enough once grown to last your lot a while. You spend so much time complaining how fragile the usual ones are.

*Dave- *
Again, I said I’m sorry. Kal’s sorry. We’ll do our best to keep each other in line for the next litter Bill sends over.

No fucking chance. You remember my cousin Shadow? I’m hiring her to run the off lab facility and putting her in sole charge of the Alphastock. You and Kal both answer to her now. She’s a hugboxer, so keep that in mind. No showing her video of your side projects. Good luck.

Are you insane? You’re putting a hugboxer in charge of the murderfluffs? We’re going to walk in and find her playing that “Fish are friends, not food” shit from Nemo while the prototypes run around, shit on the floor, and demand she make them more sketties.

At least then they will survive long enough to breed, dude. We can beat better behavior into the next gen and use those as demonstrations for the investors. But I absolutely need the next few batches to make it to adulthood to prove they are breeding viable. NEED. They can be hellgremlins, as long as they prove they can mature and reproduce. Once the next generation, the investors, and a breeding population is secured, she can have this lot if she spoiled them.

Fine. As hugboxers go, Shadow is at least tolerable. I kicked a feral foal once and she just sighed instead of screaming at me. Beats my sister. And she runs a mean Call of Cthulu game.

Davey davy davey. Are you sure Shadow is a hugboxer? One of the weanlings Bill dropped off just shit on the floor and she shoved it in a deluxe sorry box with the shit for an hour. It was sobbing its heart out and pleading desperately when she let it out, and she just got it cleaned up and settled back without a flinch. Repeated the punishment for the next weanling to pull that stunt. None of the hugboxers in my family would have gone that far, they’d have been all “oh, it’s the poor babies first day. They’re so little, I’ll just scold them and clean it up.” She went straight to the sorry box without even a warning.

Oof, I forgot to send this yesterday. Idiot shitmonster 2 did it again, and she broke out the sorry stick. No remorse, no further warning, just straight to punishment. I’m upgrading her well past tolerable.

And yet, the litter is still intact, alive, and thriving, are they not? I have access to the video feeds. I asked her. Shadow said, and I quote “I’m not an abuser, Dave.”
I vote we leave it at that.

On one hand, I just saw her sitting on the playroom rug, cat toy in hand, playing with two of the murderfluffs with another on her lap and the bat winged runt climbing her shoulders into her hair. On the other, these are the best behaved young fluffies I’ve seen in years. They do anything she tells them. All “pwease, Mummah Shado’?” and “Dank ‘ou.” I half expected her to start drilling them on saying may I instead of Can I. Or May Fwuffie instead of Can Fwuffie, whatever. That crow winged one is outright just calling her Mummah.
She mentioned something about breeding and show dogs getting retired into homes. I think she’ll take you up on taking at least that one in when he’s used up his stud potential. As far as he’s concerned, he’s already her fluffy.

And she lives at the facility now, so there’s someone on call constantly. I’m paying her more than the store, but when you factor in the on call hours, and the learning curve she’s always had with new information- Katy is showing her how to do most of the exams and basic procedures. Give her a year, she might be certified as a fluffvet herself. If she can’t quit without losing a fluffy she’s attached to, less chance I have to find a unicorn of a replacement.

Main story- The Pack- because what we need is more fluffies bred to eat other fluffies. (1) by :Shadowfox
More emails-The Pack- Company email logs part 2 by: Shadowfox