Had fun writing this one. Next time I may try my hand at a hugbox story just to shake things up. Lol. Hope you folks enjoy the fall of the gremlin.
October gives way to November. 1 month till winter remains.
It’s been a month since tangerine ran away from home. It’s taken him awhile to get used to life on the outside but thanks to his Speciaw fwen he’s learned how to live outside. To his shock sketti really didn’t grow on trees. The Nummies didn’t taste pwetty but gwassy and bewwy Nummies were better than no Nummies at all. His Speciaw fwen was very far along. She was bloated and had reached the stage where she’s now immobile.
“What mean nu can get own Nummies?”
Tangerine says in protest.
“Nu move. Tummeh babbehs soon. In owd hewd Speciaw fwens bwing nummies to soon mummahs.”
Tangerine hated the idea. Now not only does he have to find Nummies for himself but he has to share?
He wanders out to go and find Nummies. All he hears as he leaves is.
“Mummah wuv babbehs. Babbehs wuv mummah. Dwink wots ob miwkies. Gwow big an Stwong.”
~1 week later ~
Darkie time had settled. Tangerine and his Speciaw fwen were fast asleep in the hollow log they called a home. He had been working the hardest he’d ever worked in his life (which is none) to get extra food for his Speciaw fwen. While he let his own stomach get full on bewwy and pwetty weafy Nummies he only brought his Speciaw fwen gwassies from around the log.
That night it got cold. Colder than tangerine had ever been in his life. But before he could complain he heard it.
The babbehs were coming. Not knowing what else to do tangerine got behind his Speciaw fwen. He watched as she squealed and the first babbeh popped out of her Speciaw pwace. Then another. Then another. At the end 5 foals had been born into the cold autumn night.
“SPECIAW FWEN! We have babbehs!!!”
Tangerine said with glee.
The now deflated mare turned around and started giving the chirpy babbehs lickey cleanies.
“Heew babbehs. Cum get miwkies.”
One by one she led the foals to her miwky pwaces and let them take turns suckling until their little tummies were distended.
With that. Using her body as a heater to protect the new borns. His Speciaw fwen put the babbehs into a fluffpile and passed out.
The next morning tangerine walked outside.
The ground was crunchy.
“Gasp fwosties!”
He jumped around the log happily crunching the ground. He ran inside the log to tell his Speciaw fwen the good news.
“Speciaw fwen! Dew fwosties outside!”
He expected glee from the mare but was met with a worried expression.
“C-c-cowd times? Ow nu! Cowd is bad foh babbehs. We nee pwepawe! Nee covew nestie. Nee Nummie piwe.”
Nummie pile? What does she mean. There were Nummies everywhere. They didn’t need to make a pile.
The next few weeks consisted of tangerine bringing more food to his Speciaw fwen. To make good miwkies for his babbehs. They were finally old enough for their colors to really pop.
Tangerine looked at his brood.
" Dis wun bestest. Gib mostest miwkies"
The mare looked in dismay.
“Nu. Nu bestest. Mummahs owd hewd say gud mummahs wuv aw babbehs. Eben da bwown poopies.”
Tangerine glared at his Speciaw fwen.
“Nu! Dis wun wook wike tangyween. He bestest babbeh. Get moh miwkies!. Poopy babbeh get no miwkies.”
He grabbed the brown foal from the litter. Unable to talk it chirped loudly as it was ripped from it’s mummuhs miwkie pwace.
Ignoring dummeh Speciaw fwen tangerine sat the brown foal down before taking a steaming greasy pile of green shit atop the babbehs head. It squealed as it writhed around in the filth.
The mare jumped up to save her babbeh but tangerine stood in her way.
“If dummeh Speciaw fwen gib babbeh Huggies ow miwkies smawty gib wowstest OUCHIES!”
The mare was taken back. She’d never been threatened by her Speciaw fwen before.
Knowing she couldn’t fight against the much bigger tangerine she slumped back with her other babbehs. Constantly staring at her chirping brown foal.
Days came and days went. The Nummie pile remained nonexistent. No seal or insulator of any kind was put on the nest. As the mare tended the slowly growing foals tangerine did nothing. They were talky babbehs now.
“Gib bestest babbeh miwkies NAO!”
The mare looked down at the foal. He was by no means any sort of bestest babbeh and she knew it. He was fat and lazy. Not to mention spiteful. She’d caught him purposely giving sowwy poopies to her brown foal. Every time it cried while forced to num poopies she had the biggest heawt huwties. She grew to hate this horrible foal. As it got colder and colder and tangerine had not prepared at all She decided it was time to do something.
November gives way to December. Winter is here.
Tangerine awoke. He stretched and yawned before walking to the poopie spot and letting out his morning poopies. Knowing it would all be Nummied by poopeh babbeh. He’d considered giving poopie babbeh fowevew sweepies many times but decided against it as he did make the no pwetty poopie smeww go away.
“Speciaw fwen. Time to fin Nummies!.. Speciaw fwen?”
He looked around the log but the mare along with his babbehs were gone.
“Yawn bestest babbeh cowdies! weady foh miwkies mummah.” His bestest babbeh was still here. Mummah would never leave him behind. Something must have happened.
“Bestest babbeh. Mummah nu hew! Nee fin Speciaw fwen!”
Tangerine put his bestest babbeh on his back and trudged out into the cold forest to look for his Speciaw fwen. The once green and vibrant forest was now brown and dead. For the last 2 weeks the family had been living on what was left of the green gwassies. All that remained now were dead leaves and yucky bwown gwassies. The temperature was exactly 32 degrees now. Not that it meant anything to the Fluffies. All they know is it’s cold but not death cold.
“Fwuffy see bweafies!”
Bestest babbeh said as his warm breath created a mist in the cold.
“Daddeh. Mummah nu heew. Am cowd. Nee miwkies. Daddeh hab miwkies?”
He sighed.
“Nu babbeh. Onwy mummah hab miwkies. Ou jus nee ta num gwassies.”
He sat his babbeh on the ground and pulled up a clump of dead brown gwassies. The foal looked unimpressed.
“Buh… Wook wike poopies. Nu am poopy babbeh. Am bestest babbeh. Bestest babbeh nee miwkies NAO!”
Tangerine looked at bestest babbeh and without thinking stomped on his tail.
“BIG OUCHIES! Huuhuuhuu why Daddeh gib bestest babbeh sowwy hoofsies? Huuhuu!”
Unsuccessful in finding his Speciaw fwen tangerine and bestest babbeh went back to the log they called home. A week passed. The bestest babbeh eventually resorted to eating the yucky bwown gwassies. With each dark time it got colder and colder. Then one clear night the north wind howled. While the two fluffys shivered together for warmth a large gust of wind blew through the log.
Bestest babbeh cried out.
“Huuhuu miss Speciaw fwen. Wind gib cowdie buwnies huuhuuhuu. Pwease go away mistah cowdies. Tangyween am gud fwuffy.”
At that exact moment another gust came through. Bestest babbeh tried to hide behind Daddeh to block the wind but Daddeh forced him to stay in front and be the wind shield.
“Daddeh nu! Cowd bad foh babbeh!”
It was a long and miserable night. The cold was unrelenting. Bestest babbeh was shaking uncontrollably. Tangerine had a decision to make. Though he hated to admit it he missed his owd housie. He missed his bwankies and his Huggie toys. He missed fwuffy teebee and he especially missed skettis. He decided it’d be best to try and return. He could imagine it now.
“Tangerine I’m so sorry I let you go. I should have let you have babies. Your bestest is soooo adorable. Here you two can have all the skettis you could ever want. And here’s some blankets. I even bought you a mare for special Huggies hoping you would come back.”
Yeah. It would be perfect.
“Dummeh Daddeh take tangyween back.”
Tangerine wrapped his babbeh up in a newspaper he found a few weeks ago and had been using as a bed.
“F-f-fank o-ou fo-fo-foh bwankies Daddeh.”
The foal said as his teeth chattered. It was now 23 degrees. Deadly to a chirpy babbeh. But a talky babbeh should be alright if left covered. With his wrapped babbeh on his back tangerine started his journey back to his owd housie so dumbeh Daddeh could beg his forgiveness.
Strangely the trip back seemed shorter. It only took tangerine 20 minutes of walking before he was back around housies.
“Daddeh. Whew we go?”
“Hush bestest babbeh. Soon Daddeh and babbeh hab sketti an toysies an wawm housie.”
Bestest babbeh really didn’t know what sketti was but he definitely knew what toysies and wawm housie meant.
Another 15 minutes of walking and there they were. Tangerine walked towards the fence of his owd housie and started digging. The frozen dirt gave his hooves cowdie buwnies but he kept digging until it was big enough he could slip under.
As he entered the backyard he noticed something strange. His owd toysies were scattered about. But not where he had left them. Daddeh must have moved them he thought.
He went through the dog door and into the house. The warmth instantly making him and his babbeh feel better.
“Daddeh. Babbeh am suuuu wawm. We wib heew nao?”
He looked around without seeing dumbeh Daddeh anywhere.
“We wib heew nao bestest babbeh. Daddeh wib heew befoh. Dumbeh big Daddeh gun gib us skettis an toysies. Les go to daddies safe woom.”
Already familiar with the house tangerine walked into his old safe room but something was off. The Teebee was in a different space. And the once blue walls were now painted a bright pink. It was then he noticed a pink and blue fluffy sleeping on his old bed.
“Dumbeh fwuffy get off tangyweens sweepie pwace NA-ECH!!!”
It was at that moment a hand grabbed tangerine by the back of his neck. Another hand grabbed bestest babbeh.
“Well look who decided to come back.”
Tangerine recognized that voice.
Immediately tangerine and his babbeh are thrown outside onto the cold hard ground.
“Buh… Dumbeh Daddeh… DAT tangyweens stuff.”
The dad scoffs.
“Not anymore. Those toys and that bed are for good Fluffies that don’t run away and ruin their daddie’s good shirts. I made sure to have this one fixed before I got her. Leave. And take your little maggot with you.”
He shuts the door.
“… When we get skettis Daddeh?”
The foal asks.
Tangerine walks away. Dumbeh Daddeh had replaced him. He crawls back under the fence and starts to make his way back to the hollow log he called home.
Darkie time is approaching and the wind starts to pick up. It stings tangerines face as he walks.
“Daddeh wook! White stuff fwom da sky!”
Tangerine looked up and sure enough. Snowflakes were falling.
Tangerine trudged on. Each step more agonizing than the last.
“Daddeh… Daddeh babbeh cowd. Bwanky nu hewp nu moh.”
Bestest babbeh shivered relentlessly on tangerines back. The night cold had already set in. It was now 10 degrees. The wind making it feel like -5.
“Huuhuuhuu miss sweepie pwace. Miss wawm sketties miss… Miss dumbeh Daddeh huuhuu!”
As tangerine cried the tears froze before they could hit the ground. Bestest babbeh was silently crying too. Shaking almost violently now. The snow was now several inches deep. Tangerines feet would have wowstest owies if he could still feel them. He had about a half inch of the white powder accumulated on his back.
“Daddeh… White stuff make bwanky wet… Bwanky fwose to bestest babbeh… Hewp.”
The foal said weakly.
Finally from luck or sheer determination the two made it back to there log. Or where their log used to be. The snow was now deep enough it completely covered the hollow home.
“Huuhuu sowwy babbeh. Wooks wike we nu hab housie nu moh huuhuu.”
The baby was silent. Tangerine knew he had not taken fowevew sweepies yet because he still shook.
The truth was the baby couldn’t speak. His moist breath had caused his lips to freeze shut. All he could make was muffled grunts of pain. His little hoofsies were black and he couldn’t move them. The once bwanky was now a sheet of ice frozen to his back.
He missed his mummah. He wanted wawm Huggies and miwkies. Miwkies was all his little mind went to as his tummy had the wowstest owies from having to eat nothing but dead rotten gwassies.
Tears fell from his see pwaces. Until he could no longer open them. The tears froze them shut.
“Wan die”
The foal thought to himself.
Tangerine tried his best to dig out his home but as each second passed he grew weaker and weaker.
“How could dummeh mawe weab Speciaw fwen an bestest babbeh. Aww hew fauwt! Hatechu hatechu!”
He mumbled to himself. With once finally push of the snow he hit the top of his log. Everything went dark.
Tangerine can hear a muffled voice.
“Smawty! Dews a fwuffy an a babbeh ova heew!”
“Wooks wike we founded dem just in time. Dey nu take fowevew sweepies yet. We take back to cave nestie.”
What must have been hours passed. Strangely tangerine now feels warm
“Fwuffy an babbehs see pwaces aw fweezies.”
“Give dem wickeys.”
Tangerine feels something warm and wet thawing his see pwaces. Finally he’s able to open them.
Over him he sees a large (for a fluffy) brown stallion alicorn and a smaller wingey fluffy.
“Hey. Wooks wike you wakies.”
Tangerine looks around. He’s in what looks to be a small cave. The entrance of which is covered in packed together mud and stickeys. It was warm. Far warmer than the cold of the outside.
“Whew… Whew bestest babbeh?”
He softly mutters out.
The alicorn spoke up.
“Smawty take dummeh babbeh and put wif oddas.”
Smarty? This had to be a mistake. Tangerine was smarty. This was just some poopy munstah fwuffy.
“… Nee bestest babbeh.”
The alicorn groans then leaves. He comes back with a now pillowed bestest babbeh.
“Huuhuuhuu! Daddeh! Dey took babbehs weggies! Why take weggies? Huuhuuhuu!”
Even in his weakened state this caused tangerine to stand up.
HE attempts to run at the alicorn but is immediately stops as what must have been a tuffie knocks him over.
“Nu yeww at smawty dummeh!”
The smarty walks over.
“Nu wan take weggies but weggies was fweezies. Dey was aweady usewess. What dummeh hav babbehs wite befow cowd times anyways? Speciawy wif nu wawm nestie.”
The smarty looks at tangerine disapprovingly.
Suddenly tangerine hears a familiar voice.
“Mummah wuv babbehs. Babbehs wuv mummah. Dwink aw miwkies. Gwow big an Stwong.”
Could it be?
“S… Speciaw fwen?”
He says looking towards the noise.
Bestest babbeh answered desperately trying to turn his pillowed body around.
There she was. Feeding her other 4 talky babbehs. Tangerine saw the poopy babbeh suckling miwkies as fast as his little mouth would allow.
“Mummahs sowwy ou had to num poopies babbeh. Ou gud babbeh. Mummah wuv ou.”
She said gleefully.
The smarty looks where tangerine turns his head to.
“So dos is fwuffy babbehs?”
Tangerines his head.
“Uhuh! Dose is tangyweens babbehs! Dat tangyweens Speciaw fwen!.”
The smarty laughs.
“Smawty figuw gwape cum back wif babbehs. She a dummeh mawe but gud mummah… She towd us aw about ou.”
Tangerines face lights up.
“Weawy? Tangyween an babbeh stay in wawm nestie?”
The smarty smiles in a way that makes tangerine afraid. He’d make scaredy poopies if he had any food in his stomach.
“Ou can stay. Toughie. Dis tangyween. Gwapes owd Speciaw fwen. Go to Nummie piwe an Bwing him sum Nummies.”
The toughie laughed. Tangerine could almost cry as he was starving.
“Fank ou mistah. Bestest babbeh nee Nummies too.”
The toughie brought what looked to be an old plastic container. Tangerine recognized that smell anywhere. It was sketti. Old sketti but sketti nonetheless.
“OU gib tangyween an babbeh sketti? Fank ou!”
The toughie sat the sketti just out of tangerines reach. Bestest babbeh got excited and started trying to shuffle his now legless body towards the pwetty smeww. This was the sketti his Daddeh talked so highly about. Then the smarty dug in. Hurriedly devouring every last noodle. Licking the sauce off the bowl.
“OU no get sketti. Sketti foh gud fwuffies. Not fwuffies who make babbehs num dey poopies.”
The alicorn squated down and released a healthy dark nutty brown pile of wet poopies containing bits of what looked like undigested old sketti sticking out.
Once again the toughies grabbed him. Forcing him face first in the pile of bad poopies.
“Ou wan stay in wawm nestie. Ou and dummeh babbeh num hewds poopies and gib us wickie cweanies. Ow ou weave back in cowd.”
Tangerine couldn’t say much with his head shoved into the pile of fresh feces.
The alicorn looks down at the legless foal. While tangerine is busy with his new dinner the smarty picks up the baby and walked over to grape.
“Gwape. What do wif babbeh?”
The foal looks up at his mummah.
“Mummah sav babbeh! Meanie poopie munstah make Daddeh num poopies!”
At the mention of numming poopies the brown foal stopped suckling miwkies and ran behind his mummah.
“Mummah why munstah bwudda hewe? He gon make babbeh num yucky poopies again?”
The foals asks as it tears up.
“Dummeh poopie babbeh! Ou an bwuddas an sissies take aww mummahs miwkies an weav bestest babbeh! Miwkies is MINE!”
Grape stares down then looks at the smarty.
“Nu cawe. He bad babbeh. Wowstest babbeh evah. He as big a meanie as owd Speciaw fwen.”
The foal tilted his head up.
As the foal screamed the smarty quickly put one hoof on it’s head and pushed down. Forcing the foal to bite off its own tongue.
“Huuhuuhuuhuu! OU a eaea!”
“Das bettew. Nao. Ou hab nu weggies. Ou nu be nummie findew. Ou nu mawe. Ou no make moh babbehs. Ou a twashie babbeh. Ou onwy gud foh cweanin poopies and gibing oddah babbehs good feews.”
With his teeth he bites off the toungless babbehs tail.
He picks up the boohooing babbeh and drops it in the foals play area. In the poopie corner. Bestest babbeh is doomed to spend the rest of his life numming poopies and taking it up the poopie pwace whenever a colt so desires. Oh look here comes one now.
“FWENS WOOK!” The colt bites down on the foals tiny Speciaw wumps ripping them off. Bestest babbeh tries to yell out in pain but can only let out a loud indistinguishable moan without a tongue.
The foals pile around him
“Enf enf enf good feews!”
“Me next!”
“Nu me next!”
“Babbeh nee wickey cweanies. Feww in poopie cownah.”
All that can be heard from the former bestest babbeh is a muffled huuhuu.
Meanwhile tangerine is still being forced to num poopies. Finally he licks up the last of it and pukes.
The toughie steps back.
“Eeewwe sicky wawah!”
The smarty walks back over.
“Smawty used to be a poopie babbeh. Used to haf to num poopies. Ou nebah git used to da taste.”
The smarty walked off.
Tangerine lay there in his own sickey wawahs.
He now wonders why he ever left home.
Suddenly a toughie comes back.
“Smawty say dumbeh fwuffy nu awowed to hab nu moh speciaw fwens.”
Without a moments hesitation the stallion walks behind the still weak tangerine and bites down on his ballsack.
With one quick yank the skin and tubes tore. The toughie walked back in front of tangerine and sat his now ripped off Speciaw wumpd down in front of him.
They were covered in booboo juice.
“Smawty say eat dem too ow we take weggies.”
The toughie walked off.
A year passes.
Bestest babbeh was now an adult Enfie toy. His teeth broke out as revenge by his brown brother. He doesn’t even scream anymore. Especially considering with no teeth he gets Enfied from both ends.
Tangerine is now a fat poop eating machine.
He’d tried to escape once but the smarty cought him. With his horn the smarty took away tangerines see pwaces.
Bestest babbeh died a month later. His now grown brown brother Enfied bestest babbehs throat untill he smothered to death on his own brothers noenoe stick.
The herd just rolled his limp body to the river and pushed him in.
Tangerine was eventually pillowed to prevent him from giving himself fowevew sweepies. He lived a long unhappy life being nothing but a sewer for the herd.
He spent the last few years of his life in the wan die loop. But was never allowed. Finally his heart gave out and he passed. Still surrounded not by friends or family. But piles and piles of waste.
And nothing of value was lost.
The moral of this story is do your part.
Kill any stray Fluffies you find in your traps. You may be doing them a favor.