What is Enfie baby syndrome?

Like what is it? Why do other fluffies not want to do anything with them?


Uh, idk what the syndrome part is but an enfie babbeh is a baby fluffy who is deemed a rape object. Like, full grown fluffies will rape babies.


Fluffies dont like rape victims me thinks.

From how Iā€™ve seen it explained, itā€™s a sort of ā€œstenchā€ that gets permanently marked on victims of foal rape that makes other fluffies react negatively. Itā€™s also sometimes shown to be a psychological scar that traumatizes them for life and makes them feel inferior or like they ā€œdeserveā€ to be used or something awful like that. Itā€™s kind of akin to the runt smell, but I donā€™t see this syndrome very often so itā€™s probably only in some headcanons. Fluffies seem to be very scent based with how they react to each other, aside from the obvious fur color racism, so to have any fluffy that gives the impression of being damaged or lesser by their weird fucked up worldview prompts them to react strongly and sometimes violently.


When Iā€™ve encountered the syndrome it it has been that the enfie-babbeh victims start emitting this kind of pheromone or smell due to the trauma that forever marks them as enfie-babbehs and for some reason other fluffies donā€™t like it.


Itā€™s one of their many flaws that never got worked out, it was supposed to illicit a pity or mercy response from wounded foals but it backfired and had the opposite effect.


Invented by RandomAirPeople, who viewed fluffies as having a faulty pheromone sensory system. Some early fluffy art and stories depicted foal rape, and often times the fluffy victims were shown to be treated like lesser creatures by their herds afterwards, so the idea was essentially to explain that phenomenon.

It hinges on the idea that fluffies are an unfinished product, and were released way too early in their developmental cycle to account for potential errors. They designed the Pheromone system to help fluffies (particularly younger fluffies) communicate their needs easier, to help the rather intellectually impaired creatures be able to instinctively know what to do. The Original intent behind this pheromone was essentially a cry for help, ā€˜Help me, a strange stallion is hurting me, save me!ā€™.

Unfortunately, this pheromone is particularly unpleasant for fluffies and does the opposite (causing other fluffies to be disgusted and reviled by them). Additionally since fluffies under the weanling age are still developing and canā€™t quite control their pheromones, so when this happens the trauma sort of auto locks so they never stop producing it.

Consider how often rape victims irl carry that trauma forever with them, and how sometimes, people treat them so poorly. That was the intend behind RAPā€™s idea.

There are a few comics depicting the concept, mostly done by Turbine.


My friend itā€™s time to introduce you to a couple of legends


I Wish RandomAirPeople was her to give us a detailed explaination of it and his motivation to create this interesting bit of lore. I miss that Giga chad

is everything going to be a syndrome now