- The “Touhou Boom” Leads to abnormally high numbers of Yukkuri in Japan. While they were known beforehand, they were relatively rare. This leads to the name “Yukkuri” becoming standard for the easygoing meatbuns.
- “Touhou boom” leads to explosion in Yukkuri populations across the globe.
- My Retarded Horsie: Feces is Magic first airs.
- Unknown parties provide Hasblo with advanced biotechnologies. “Hasbio” division creates the first fluffies over a period of six months. As the benefactors promised, My Retarded Horsie Yukkuri never appear.
- Hasbio patents Fluffies as “Biotoys.” Clergy and Occultists alike insist these beings have no souls. see: Mr. Foalfucher goes to Washington by Fluff Yu
- PETA hires professional criminals to break into HasBio labs and unleash the fluffies. They succeed, but one is captured and spills the beans, implicating PETA in the process. See: NNN 14 - Empathy by Fluff Yu
- Hasbio struggles and ultimately fails to contain the released fluffies. They resort to selling Hasbio-brand fluffy products and high-end designer fluffies to try and recoup their losses.
- Several industries grow up around the use of this fecund new species and it’s seemingly limitless applications. Legally regarded as biotoys, fluffies are seen as a miracle.
- PETA is sued into nonexistence.
- Hillary Clinton is caught on live TV fisting a fluffy made up as her rival as a form of debate prep, ruining her chances of ever becoming president. Considered the ultimate October surprise by many politics watchers. See:
- Fall of Cleveland. Hasblo immediately divests from their biotoy division, which many see as the new Al-Quaida. The rest of the Fluffy industry happily throws Hasbio under the bus, as it’s patent enforcement attempts have started to annoy everyone else.
- PETA, even though they no longer exist, are branded as a terrorist organization.
- In response, Trump, who once excoriated Hillary for her fluffy-fisting antics, begins peeing on fluffies as a part of his rallies.
- My Retarded Horsie is cancelled, Hasblo refocuses on Dungheaps & Douchebags.
- Governments promise “something will be done” about the fluffy problem.
- Nothing happens.
- Skettiland Massacre, Anti-fluffy extremists shoot up a San Diego fluffy amusement park.
- “Jellenheimers” first sited.
- Billions in Covid Relief funneled to Hasbio, who have recently announced PuffyGriffons. Re-engineered as an anti-fluffy countermeasure that will, unlike most natural animals, actually recognize fluffies as prey.
- Biden elected for not being Donald Trump and having at least a tenuous grasp of reality, no matter his outlandish claims about fluffies.
- Millions of fluffies participate in “the sack of washington” on January 6th. As much of a failure as the OTL insurrection, but now the capitol smells just like it should.
- Anti-Fluffy measures are repeatedly obstructed by cranks in the pocket of Big Fluffy.
- Japanese government forms “Y-Com project”
- Cleveland Containment Wall finished.
- Hasbio bankrupted, Bill Foalfucher makes out like a bandit with both the Puffygriffon patent and more Hasbio tech than any NGO on the planet. See: A Puffygriffon Fledges by Fluff Yu
- Fluffies declared public domain.
- Cities start paying Bill Foalfucher’s licensing fees for Puffygriffon packs to be introduced. Germany develops a superior version with their liscence.
- “Gritty Action Commitee” formed vowing to keep Philadelphia Fluffy-free. see:A message from the Gritty Action Commitee by Fluff Yu
- Fluffies are now everywhere, first “sea-fluffies” reported. See: Invention begets Invention by Fluff Yu
- Fluffypunk era begins. See: Fluffypunk by Fluff Yu
- “The Battle of Detroit” exposes the continued existence of Hasbio in the form of the Factory, an underground network of fluffy afficianados of various stripes. Fluffyshy 2.0 is ultimately driven off by a Yukkuri Eric Draven.
- Fluffy populations eclipse cat and dog populations
- “Hunting Friends” introduced as a private option in fluffy control
- Interest in space travel grows, with serious scientists pointing out that colonizing Venus would take thousands of years, to say nothing of Mars.
- Reports of “Superfluffies” the size of actual ponies confirmed, dubbed “Jotan” or “Checkers” by fluffy enthusiasts.
- UN-OWEN formed in response to the growing Fluffy problem.
- First sightings of Fwubbah reported.
- “Moonbase 1” gives a dozen astronauts a fairly brief vacation from humanity’s growing problems. It is a massive money toilet.
- Independent Yukkuri enter the Stone Age, founding “Easytown” in Western Pennsylvania. See : "Fluff Yu!" concept sketch by Fluff_Yu
- First ChuuGo’s opened. See: ChuuGo's by Fluff_Yu
- “Goonies” offered for sale on the Factory black market.
- Fluffies come to outnumber humans
- Fwubbah becomes the Global HerdMind
- Cleveland containment fails, Fluffy Wars era begins
- Strict anti-fluffy laws passed by global provisional government. “Hugboxer Rebellion” begins, leading to terror acts across the globe in retaliation for Fluffy Culls.
- “Hunting Friends” affected by the Global Herdmind and revolt en masse
- Hugboxer extremists punish the worst abusers with “ponification” - removing the victim’s arms and legs, and then attempting (and failing) to encourage fluffies to give them “bad special huggies.” Fwubbah says, “Dis fwuffed up” and the practice abruptly ends. They are instead hit over the head with shovels and left in the bottom of a “poopie pit” with misbehaving fluffies.
- Fwubbah pillowed by Bill Foalfucher and Magic Dick, gains the ability to project astrally because of course he does See: Fwubbah by Fluff Yu
- Humanity retreats to islands and well-defended megacities. Hugboxers forced to either recant or defect.
- Bill Foalfucher dies, having managed to fund the reverse engineering and open sourcing of many lifesaving medical technologies, achieving his lifelong dream of finally crushing the American Insurance Cartels. The discovery of his fluffy abuse dungeon adds controversy to his legacy.
- Puffygriffon patent expires
- Yukkuri enter the Iron age.
- Average “wild” fluffy about 25% Hunting Friend, with sturdy hooves and sharp front teeth. See: Flufflines by Fluff Yu
- Fluffies now dominant form of life on earth. “Planet of the Shitrats” era begins. See : Pwanet of da Shitrats by Fluff Yu
- Kiri-same, future King of Ray-Moo, Quests to the Boswash NEC to discover their future fate from the now-elderly magus, Magic Dick.
- Fluffy Wars end with the slaying of Fwubbah by Kiri-same as the global herdmind collapses.
- Global Provisional Government grants Yukkuri human rights.
- Though fluffies are now beatable, many areas are pemanently “fluffed up” and dependent on fluffy presence to maintain the new ecosystems. Many are the products of super garden fluffies that settle on a ley line and become a new ecosystem. In addition to the consequences of climate change and the general decline in human population, reclaimation is a low priority. (Credit to Lothmar for the idea)
- Efforts to prevent another Fwubbah, however, are higher priority. Seen as the single worst example of King For a Day syndrome, Fluffy Farms cull any individuals demonstrating the slightest symptoms of mental unwellness.
- Between Humans, Yukkuri, Fluffies, and Puffygriffons, there is no longer a dominant lifeform on the planet.
- Fluffed-up ecosystems prove excellent at carbon sequestration, reinforcing the “both blessing and curse” nature of fluffiies.
- Hasbio’s mysterious backers are finally revealed, the late Joseph Biden’s ramblings are proven right, and everything is never the same - but isn’t that how it always is?
Phew, typing all that out and formatting it was exhausting. I’m probably never going to be able to flesh all this out and what comes after in however much time this fandom continues on for, so feel free to run with my ideas if you want, if I like them enough I’ll consider them canon. If not, they’ll still be apocrypha.