I always saw Hasbio lore as having a ton of potential for expanding upon in terms of how their business is run, what products they produce for Fluffies, how they treat Fluffies etc. so here are my ideas and general thoughts on what kinds of businesses Hasbio has under their belt and other thoughts retaining to how they operate.
Note that my “headcanon” version of Hasbio is that of a terrifyingly powerful, anarcho-capitalist corporation that wouldn’t look too out of place in a dystopian novel written by a marxist with a burning hatred for capitalism, having not only survived the initial crisis of feral overpopulation caused by PETA that still persists to this day but has became one of the riches and most powerful corporations in the world due to the immense success of the world’s first bioengineered pet, the Fluffy!
Also note that, just like with any of my other ideas presented in my content, everything you read here is open for use in stories, art, lore dumps like this one and whatever else you like!
Also, I would highly appreciate those who could bring fluffy-centered companies and brands that currently exist already in “established” fluffy lore to my attention since I know of a few like FluffMart and FluffTV (who will both be mentioned in this) but I’m really curious if there are others that I’m not aware of.
And if you have any ideas, feel free to share them and I’ll be sure to credit you.
Anywho, onto the extensive catalogue of Hasbio’s corporate empire!
Hasbio Corp International - Considered to be the “core” of the Hasbio company. Hasbio Corp is a holding company responsible for operating and managing Hasbio’s many businesses and operations on a global scale, a mighty conglomerate operated by a board of directors, each representing a subsidiary of the company and the CEO of the entire Hasbio empire at the very top.
Hasbio Labs - The heart and soul of the company, Hasbio Labs started off as a collaboration between Hasbro and Geneworx Inc. before expanding into the multimedia, corporate empire they are today thanks to the immense commercial success of Fluffies as the world’s first line of biotoys. Hasbio Lab is responsible for developing, what else, Fluffies and their many subspecies and variants and thus, they are considered to be the world’s largest Fluffy Mill in a sense, as they do breed mass produced, pre-existing species as well as new ones for experimental purposes. Many other, Fluffy-centric science goes on here such as efforts to improve the Fluffy behavioral model, efforts to cure Fluffy disease and the development of solutions to the feral overpopulation problem. Hasbio has also sense opening other scientific research facilities specializing in biotechnology in relation to Fluffies such as Geneworx Inc., Predator Labs and the Bureau of Fluffy Neurological Studies.
HasTech - Hasbio’s technology devision that is dedicated to developing new, cutting-edge technologies, products and appliances in relation to Fluffies and their many divisions. HasTech has developed everything from Fluffy prosthetics to Sketty Dispensers, inventing technology that is both in service to Fluffies and Fluffy owners to being actively hazardous to their creations, mostly in relation to ferals and most of these are available for commercial use. HasTech also makes devices and products related to biomechanical engineering such as Foal in a Can, Foal in an Egg and Foal Dispensers. HasTech is currently working on highly durable, robotic alternatives to Fluffies called Robo-Fluffs, piloted by real Fluffy brains.
Fluffy Friend Farms - The actual biggest, legally operated and Hasbio owned Fluffy Mill in the world. Fluffy Friend Farms breeds commercial Fluffies to be sold in stores all over the world in which a particular Fluffy Friend Farms are stationed at. Despite the squeaky clean, humane image they like to present to the world, Fluffy Friend Farms is responsible for some of the worst industrial abuse towards Fluffies, even more so than illegally operated ones ran in your shady uncle’s basement. Fluffy breeding is a free market and anyone can legally become a Fluffy breeder or even open their own Hasbio funded and operated breeding mill relatively easy however, all it takes is applying for one at any of Hasbio’s customer service centers and a few hours of paperwork.
Happy Mare Farms - The Fluffy equivalent of a dairy farm where thousands of mares that have been made into milkbags are milked so that their milkies can be sold commercially in FluffMarts all over the world, as well as many products made from mare milk such as “powdered milkies”, cheese and Fwuff Cream (ice cream made for Fluffies), allowing Fluffies to enjoy products they normally wouldn’t due to being violently lactose intolerant towards milk not of their own species. Mares are as you could probably guess, treated horribly at these locations but nobody cares because Fluffies aren’t legally considered animals and have no rights whatsoever
FluffCare - Hasbio’s biopet insurance company that covers Fluffy insurance, allowing owners to maintain a Fluffies health at cut rate prices and even receive compensation if something bad happened to them, such as entitlement to a free replacement Fluffy. FluffCare covers everything from disease to injuries to even damages to a fluffy owner’s property caused by fluffy-related incidents such as ferals but the extent of what they can cover depends on the service package and some of these services can be incredibly expensive and are notorious for gouging Fluffy owners with premium, monthly expenses.
Hasbio Vet Co. - Hasbio’s brand of veterinary clinics that have cornered the market on Fluffy care, especially when the biopets were first released as no one but Hasbio employees fully understood a Fluffy’s biology back then and even now, Hasbio Vet Co. is still the leading provider of Fluffy healthcare, providing service to all varieties of Fluffies and even providing schooling for non-Hasbio vets to treat Fluffies at their veterinary clinics for a pricy application fee in return. Hasbio Vet Co. is also one of many locations where Fluffy owners can sign up for FluffCare to better provide for their Fluffies at a fraction of the price for bringing them to their local Hasbio vet. Special thanks to @BrotherOni for giving me the idea for this.
Feral Busters LLC - Hasbio’s official extermination service for killing, containing, relocating and/or humanely euthanizing feral Fluffies that infest public and private property alike. Employees of Feral Busters are highly trained to hunt down shit rats wherever they may hide, whether it’s in the walls of someone’s home or underground in feral colonies and they are armed to the teeth with anti-feral tools and equipment provided to them by HasTech. Due to the immense pandemic of feral fluffies overpopulating the streets, Feral Busters is one of Hasbio’s most profitable ventures to date.
FluffMart - The chain of Wal-Mart-esque, Fluffy-centric pet stores that are the #1 distributors of both Fluffies and Fluffy products. FluffMart sells Fluffies of all varieties as well as everything you could possibly imagine related to Fluffies. Food, toys, clothing, accessories, play sets, foal supplies, supplies for safe rooms, we’ve got it all here at FluffMart! FluffMarts come in a variety of sizes depending on location, needs and demand, there are small FluffMarts dedicated solely to selling Fluffies with the bare minimum of supplies such as kibble and small toys to the absolutely immense FluffMart Mega Centers that sell a wide variety of Fluffy subspecies and some of the largest and most expensive of toys and other products that a Fluffy could ever hope to have. There are also a number of spin-off brands such as Foals R’ Us, a chain that sells foal supplies like diapers, which are also applicable to Fluffies with Sensitive Baby Syndrome.
FluffTV - Being one of Hasbio’s Big Five, FluffTV is one of the most profitable brands in the entire Hasbio empire. FluffTV is an entire television network founded by one Bob Stag that acts as a premium service to Fluffy owners for a modest, monthly fee. FluffTV provides a wide and diverse catalogue of infantile programming capable of entertaining Fluffies for endless hours, mostly educational in nature and to act as propaganda to make Fluffy act the way Hasbio intended them to. FluffTV is also the leading tool in Hasbio’s arsenal to advertise their new products to Fluffies so that they can beg their owners for until they cry. Programming on FluffTV can range from something as simple as “Dancie Babehs!” where it’s just foals spastically dancing to terrible music for ten minutes to something with a little more edge like “Splorin’ Babehs” where foals are set out in a random environment and followed with cameras. FluffTV is currently experimenting with making the jump to streaming with Fluff+.
Fluffy Records - Another company founded by Bob Stag and a sister company to FluffTV. Fluffy Records is a music company that produces music for the listening pleasure of tone deaf Fluffies, either by playing said music on FluffTV, FluffyNet or even by selling physical media such as CDs and vinyl records at FluffMarts all over the country. Music produced by Fluffy Records are some of the most barebones melodies and juvenile lyrics imaginable, being aimed at Fluffies to dance and sing to and many songs also act as educational material (propaganda). Fluffy Records even has a catalogue of “artists” including actual Fluffies such as “Babeh Lullaby” and their platinum seller, “Melody The Musical Mummah”.
Fluffywood Pictures - The third and final entertainment company founded by Bob Stag. Fluffywood Pictures is Hasbio’s own film studio that produces cheap, feature length films to entertain their easily impressed audience of biopets. These films are typically shown on FluffTV, daycares and sold at FluffMarts as physical media for Fluffies to endlessly watch over and over. There are even some notable “actors” among Fluffywood that appear in multiple films, such as Sparkles, a primmadonna alicorn Fluffy. Much like FluffTV and Fluffy Records, Fluffywood Pictures is always looking for fresh “talent”. Films produced by Fluffywood Pictures take a wide range of genres but are always made to be Fluffy and child friendly whether they be pirate adventure films in the case of the “Jolly Roger’s Pirate Adventures” series or the supernatural comedy “Spooky the Ghost Fluffy”.
FluffyNet - Hasbio’s social media website that caters to Fluffies and their owners in a wide variety of ways. Acting as some kind of frankensteinian hybrid of YouTube, Facebook and Instagram, FluffyNet has everything that Fluffies could ever hope for whether it be games, music, endless hours of content from trusted Fluffy content creators and the ability for Fluffy owners to upload their own photos and videos showcasing their fluffies (abusers may not apply). FluffyNet is filled with so much Fluffy fun that it resulted in many Fluffies becoming terminally online. FluffyNet is also home to the wildly popular online game FluffyWorld (sort’ve like a Club Penguin kind of deal).
Fluffy Daycares LLC - Fluffy Daycares LLC is a real estate organization that establishes Hasbio approved and sanctioned daycare centers for Fluffy owners to dump their Fluffies into when they can’t look after them for extended periods of time. Fluffy Daycares LLC. even has an assortment of daycare brands under their belt that provide unique experiences depending on the daycare in question, whether they be simply themed daycares like an outer space themed one or ones that are more complex in design such as in the case of Fluff E. Cheesy’s, a Chuck E. Cheese’s type of restaurant/arcade hybrid and the miniature amusement park, SkettiLand. This organization is another contender for Hasbio’s Big Five. Aside from people’s homes, daycare centers are one of the most sought after shelters for ferals.
Fluffy Safari Inc. - This organization builds and operates Hasbio approved Fluffy Zoos for people and Fluffies to gawk at other Fluffies of all varieties and subspecies, including some exotic fair rarely seen anywhere else such as Bat Fluffies and Fluffalos. Fluffy Zoos also act as giant Fluffy adoption centers as all Fluffies on display at these zoos are available for adoption/purchase, the more exotic fair costing actual money while the likes of Aqua Fluffies and Microfluffs are up for free adoption with just a little paperwork. Fluffies are even allowed into all enclosures to interact with Fluffies staying at the zoos in person. There are also Fluffy Aquariums that keep a wide variety of aquatic and amphibious Fluffies species such as the previously Aqua Fluffies.
Fluffy Smiles Inc. - This company produces and distributes products utilized for Fluffy dental care such as toothpaste and toothbrushes that also acts as a dental insurance company that provides dental care to Fluffy owners, Fluffy Smiles even having physical locations where owners can bring their Fluffies in for check-ups and (extremely painful) dental procedures. Fluffy Smiles dentistry offices are one of the most feared places for all Fluffies due to how painful the procedures can be, even ferals tend to steer clear due to word of mouth, using the giant tooth on their entrances as a warning sign of impending doom but at least they get a nummy lollipop afterwards!
Nummy Nums Services - Hasbio’s own fast food service corporation that operates many Fluffy-centered restaurant chains, cafes and other food serving locations taking a wide range of forms due to Nummy Nums Services having over a dozen different brands under their belt, these brands function as catering to Fluffy owners and Fluffies simultaneously. Some of their locations include The Fancy Fluffy, a cat cafe type of location but with Fluffies instead of cats, Frosty Fluffy’s Ice Creamland, Fluffy Burger, Cookie Corner, Lotsa Sketties, The Healthy Fluffy (salads, smoothies and other vegetarian fair) and La’ Fluffy Gordita.
Happy Fluffy Living Inc. - A Fluffy security company that provides services to ensure a Fluffy’s safety and wellbeing within the confines of their home, this includes providing products and services such as security cameras, smart door locks, Fluffy tracking chips, anti-feral security systems, safe room renovation and supplies and much more. Certain FluffCare packages can provide certain Happy Fluffy Living services for free and other perks.
Hasbio Botany - Hasbio’s botanical science division that conducts experiments with plant life to develop products for a wide assortment of cliental in relation to Fluffies whether it be to produce for Fluffy consumption, creating anti-feral products from plants, providing plant-based feed for fluffy mills to even being the organization that created and commercially distributes the Plant Fluffies!
Hasbio Pharmaceuticals - Hasbio Pharmaceuticals produces and distributes medicine to maintain the health of their customer’s beloved Fluffies. Hasbio Pharmaceuticals produces everything from Fluffy-approved over the counter medicine like cough syrup to hard narcotics made for specific illnesses and conditions such as pain killers, birth control and spermicide (Babeh B-Gone), medications for conditions unique to Fluffies, typically stuff that can only be available at veterinaries and through FluffCare prescriptions. Hasbio Pharmaceuticals also conducts research to find cures to the many diseases that inflict Fluffies.
Helping Hooves Foundation - Although there exist many charity organizations that seek to help Fluffies, the Helping Hooves Foundation is one of a handful of charity organizations that Hasbio themselves owns and operates and is by far one of the biggest as well. Helping Hooves Foundation receives millions of dollars a year to support disenfranchised Fluffies ranging from the sick, the handicapped, abandoned Fluffies needing a home etc. but they are often the topic of discussion in allegedly embezzling funds for Hasbio’s benefit. Helping Hooves and those who work for it act more like the cartel than a charity that aims to provide help to Fluffies, exploiting both people and Fluffies in order to raise funds (you know that one episode of the Boondocks involving a school fundraiser? They’re like that).
Hasbio Adoption Co. - This organization specializes in opening and running Hasbio-approved adoption centers so that underprivileged Fluffies can get adopted and find their forever homes, mostly consisting of disabled Fluffies such as pillowfluffs, abandoned foals, poopie Fluffies, smarties and other Fluffies generally seen as undesirable. Adoption centers such as Adopt-A-Fluff and Fluffy Home of Second Chances are safe havens for abusers looking for fresh victims as adopting a Fluffy is incredibly easy and cheap, even in comparison to adopting regular animals. Any Fluffies that aren’t adopted are usually euthanized but less than humane locations will often just throw unwanted Fluffies onto the street or kill them in gruesome ways, such as making use of conveniently located Fluffy Recyclers or Sketty Dispensers.
Fluffy Recycling International - This organization aims to “recycle” unwanted Fluffies such as ferals or those that owners just don’t want anymore, having many locations as well as Fluffy Recycling Machines built in many cities and towns all over the world. Fluffy Recycling International will either destroy Fluffies that have been recycled outright such as throwing them into an incinerator or will actually recycle them and use their material for other purposes, such as grinding Fluffies up in hydraulic shredders to use them as fillers in the meatballs in canned Sketties, use recycled foal meat in dog food such as with the popular canned Foal Ham product as well as shave Fluffies of their precious fluff to use their in clothing, authentic Fluff Carpets and other products all sold by Hasbio themselves, making a fortune off of them until the bitter end!
Hasbio Foods - One of their biggest subsidiaries. Hasbio Foods is responsible for developing food products and other sources of nourishment for Fluffies to consume such as kibble, wet food, canned sketties, milkie substitute, food kits, vitamins and supplements, treats and a wide assortment of other nummies targeted at Fluffies such as the soft drink brand Fluff Chug and Fluffy safe versions of food human beings would eat such as the toaster pastry brand Fluff Tarts. Hasbio Foods were even responsible for accidentally creating living, breathing Fluffies made out of food when bioengineering food experiments went completely array, a blessing in disguise however as “Nummie Fluffies” ended up becoming an odd success that subsidiaries of Hasbio Food now breeds for commercial use, such as with Hasbio Bakery Buddies and it’s production of “Bread Fluffies” and other sentient, fluffy-shaped pastries.
Hasbio Toys - Another one of the biggest moneymakers in Hasbio’s corporate empire. Hasbio Toys produces a wide variety of toys and playthings for the enjoyment of Fluffies, ranging from Stuffie Friends (stuffed animals), balls, blockies, baby toys, toy vehicles, play sets, entire playground equipment and much, much more and you better believe that it’s all very expensive Douglas. Hasbio Toys is even responsible for producing certain Fluffy variants, being living toys themselves which can range from selling unique breeds with different toy-esque functions such as Mama Surprise or selling regular Fluffies that were made into toys and novelty items such as with Party Foals.
Fluff Fashion - Another contender for the Big Five as Fluffy fashion is surprisingly a hot market. Founded by Felicia Liddell, Fluff Fashion manufactures novelty clothing for Fluffy owners to dress up their tiny, talking mutant horses in and said clothing comes in every piece of apparel and style you can think of and there are even entire sets of themed clothing sold together such as with the Pwetty, Pwetty Princess and My Little Goth Fluffy sets. Most clothing produced by Fluffy Fashion is made of Fluffy fur as an ingenious, cost effective alternative to faux fur and due to most Fluffies are allergic to most fake furs anyways.
Pretty Fluffy Cosmetics - A sister company of Fluffy Fashion also founded by Felicia Liddell that produces a wide assortment of “fluffy approved” make up and beauty products, hygiene products such as fluff shampoo and conditioner and even fluffy-themed perfume targeted towards Fluffies so that kids can make their little Fluffies pretty for playtime, make Fluffies presentable for Fluffy beauty pageants and so that abusers can humiliate them. Another Hasbio company notorious for industrial abuse due to using Fluffies as animal testing for their products.
Fine Fluffy Arts Company - This company produces “authentic” Fluffy artwork made by Fluffies at FluffMart and other locations, this “art” usually consists of shoddily made, infantile arts and craft projects such as macaroni painting and popsicle stick sculptures, all mass produced to fit a specific model and designed to appeal to a Fluffies simplistic love for colorful, sparkly and shiny things. Fine Fluffy Arts Company is also notorious for industrial abuse, forcing thousands of Fluffies to work their soft, sensitive hooves to the bone making mass produced arts and crafts in terrible conditions, force feeding them Fluff Chug and Fluffy Brew to give them the energy to make hoof paintings and paper hats at all hours of the day.
Sleepy Fluffy Co. Bedding & Apparel - Sleepy Fluffy Co. produces a wide assortment of products used to ensure nice, warm sleepy times for Fluffies such as pet beds, pillows and blankets, as well as novelty items and accessories such as sleeping caps and masks, nightlights, lullaby CDs, Sleepy Milkies bed time formula and Moon Drops, which are essentially the Fluffy equivalent to melatonin. Blankets, sheets, pillow cases, pet beds and other accessories are often made with real Fluff sourced from recycled Fluffies, helping fluffies sleep better as it simulates either cuddling up with their mummah or sleeping in fluffpiles.
Hasbio Depot Co. - Hasbio’s very own delivery service in a similar vain to Amazon, Hasbio Depot Co. specializes in delivering all varieties of Fluffy products to customers in a speedy and trusted fashion via drones and delivery robots provided by HasTech. By utilizing any of Depot Co.’s many apps catering to specific needs or the apps or online stores of Hasbio brands such as FluffMart, customers can order anything from Fluffy toys and accessories from FluffMart+ to hot, freshly prepared food from Hasbio founded restaurants via the Nummies 2 Go! delivery app and Depot Co.’s state of the art delivery drones will bring it to them faster than most other companies could in relation to Fluffy products. Many delivery robots even have their own little Fluffy partners that happily greet customers upon arriving at their location, these Fluffy “employees” are the Delivery Fluffs and they genuinely believe they are the ones who do the deliveries rather than their automated steeds. Special thanks to @clamdog for giving me the idea for this.
Bestest Baby Brands - This company specializes in producing and disturbing products and supplies for foals, such as diapers, baby bottles, baby clothing, enrichment toys such as mobiles and security blankets, equipment such as Foal Monitors and some unique products such as False Mama feeding station/plush beds. Foal products developed by Bestest Baby Brands are typically sold at Foals R’ Us locations. Foals R’ Us being a license owned and operated by Bestest Baby Brands, which in turn, is a subsidiary brand of Hasbio Toys. Foal supplies are often sold at FluffMart as well but Foals R’ Us has, predictably a much wider and extensive catalogue of products.
Hasbio Press - Hasbio’s very own press company that publishes and distributes books, comics, magazines and other reading materials pertaining to Fluffies and targeted to both Fluffies and fluffy owners alike. Of course, since Fluffies don’t know how to read, books and reading materials targeted to Fluffies are meant to be read to them by their owners, whether it to be during story time or as bedtime stories and the content of said books can be anything from educational books meant to teach foals their ABCs or mummahs how to properly take care of all their babies to fantasy books telling tales of Fluffies in an outer space adventure traveling to Sketty Planet or the tale of a beautiful Aquafluffy princess and her underwater kingdom. Hasbio Press also produces many Fluffy-centered magazines and other forms of reading materials meant for Fluffy enthusiasts such as Fluff Fancy magazine or Hasbio’s extensive catalogues advertising their many wonderful products.
Hasbio Games - That’s right, Hasbio has even made the jump into the video game industry. Hasbio Games produces Fluffy-centric video games that actually uses Fluffies as a component in the gameplay in some way depending on the title and instead of producing cheap, borderline unplayable shovelware, video games produced by Hasbio Games have actual budgets behind them and are produced to be legitimate titles that can be profitable long term. Many games developed by Hasbio Games essentially use Fluffies as physical DLC to enhance gameplay and access certain features (sort’ve like Skylanders in a sense) and some are completely centered around using Fluffy interaction as it’s core gameplay feature such as with their most popular title, Battle Fluffies, a Pokémon clone that transforms a fluffy that was scanned with the game’s tie-in physical accessory and/or app into a mystical battle monster in-game that players can train, battle and collect. Hasbio Games also produces scummy, freemium mobile brainrot games targeted solely to Fluffies and act as entertainment to them, being ridiculously simple in design and made to appeal to their simple desires. Special thanks to @FosterFluffy89 for giving me inspiration.